AWS Foundation Board of Trustee Meeting

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Mary Hooks, Chair Patricia Bergen Judy Keel Dixie Mills Susan Stuart

Margaret Dunn, Treasurer Susan Kaiser Marilyn Marx Hilary Sanfey Beth Sutton

Not able to attend

Call to order The meeting was called to order at 10:05 a.m. in Chicago.

Attendance Noted above

Resignation Marilyn Marx indicated that she will not be able to serve on the AWS Foundation Board. Her resignation was noted.

Minutes Minutes from the August 2012 meeting were approved as submitted.

Auditor Daniel Barnes from the accounting firm of Barnes Givens and Barnes was present at the meeting to review the AWS Foundation audit and answer any questions from Board members. With the exception of one small adjustment the financial records of the Foundation are in excellent order.

A motion was made, seconded and approved to accept the Audit and to place it on file.


Financials M. Dunn reviewed the 8/31/2012 financial statements which currently reflect a cash positive position of approximately $19,500.

Awards Award Criteria: The Board reviewed the number of times the Braunwald and Jonasson Awards were presented to AWS Leaders in order to determine if a limit or restriction should be placed on how often AWS Leaders receive the award.

After review it was decided the number of times either award has been presented to a former AWS Leader is reasonable compared to the total number of times it has been presented to a non-AWS Leader, therefore, no further direction is required.

Braunwald – 5 out 0f 19 times or 26%

Jonasson – 10 out of 32 times or 31%

Award Publicity: The Board discussed the current practice of announcing award winners via a press release prior to the award presentation. All agreed that listing the nominator and her/his institution for the Medical Student and Resident Awards was appropriate and positive for all concerned – seeing this as an “institutional nomination” rather than an individual nomination.

Listing the individuals nominating the winners of the top three awards is not appropriate at this time. When more nominations come from non-AWS leaders this recommendation should be revisited. To encourage outside nominations the Board

suggested language to try to increase the publicity of the “Call for Nominations” for the awards and to encourage more women to apply and/or to nominate another individual.


Professor The Board discussed the current Visiting Professor Program and the incorporation of a way to name at least one annual Visiting Professor in honor of past president, Kim Ephgrave.

A motion was made, seconded and approved to award a Kim Ephgrave Visiting Professorship in 2013.

Hooks and/or Bergen will follow up and contact Kim’s husband, Tom Rocklin.

During additional discussion it was decided that as long as the Foundation had the funds (approximately $1,500 - $2,000 per year per Visiting Professor) one Kim Ephgrave Visiting Professorship would continue to be awarded each year. Currently the Foundation has the financial commitment of two current AWS members committing $3,000/year of temporarily restricted money for this specific purpose.

Fundraising M. Hooks reviewed the status of sending request letters to former award winners. Jonasson letters are in process.


Campaign M. Hooks suggested that the Foundation kick off a year-long fundraising campaign.

A graphic will be placed on the AWS website tracking progress. It was decided an

appropriate goal would be $35,000 by 12/31/2013.

Next Steps: A message/article needs to be written by a Board member to be published to promote the 2013 campaign.

A Board member needs to draft a short letter that can be emailed to the membership with a link to the online contribution app.

Quarterly follow-up communications need to be drafted by Board members to the membership to stimulate contributions.

Staff will develop a graphic to be placed on the AWS website to track progress.

Next Meeting The next conference call meeting of the AWS Foundation Board of Trustees will be

Held on Tuesday, January 22, 2013 at 6:00 p.m. CENTRAL TIME.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:15 a.m.

Judith Keel

Executive Vice President

October 10, 2012