Anthropological explanation of astrology phenomenon in this book is short reveal on this scheme:


Man and Peoples Between Zodiac Signs, Genes and Free Will

by Milos Bogdanovic


Are we completely programmed or not? Is our destiny written in the stars? Or is it perhaps determined by the genetic structure we posses? Or the cultural patterns we were born in? Do we have free will, or is it just an illusion? Or can we influence our destiny ourselves?

These are the basic questions Miloš Bogdanović answers in his latest book Astrology and Anthropology. And his reply is not simple, but is rather quite complex, utterly interesting, and convincingly explained. Every individual may remain determined by external factors, but they don’t have to if they choose to elevate themselves to the level we are generally predisposed to, by being human.

As for astrology and anthropology, the author’s tendency was to demonstrate that the psychophysical types astrology operates with (Aries, Leo, Virgo…) are closely correlated to various types anthropologists refer to, and thus shed some light on the secret of astrology. The analysis of this correlation represents one of the strongest points in the book, and it is not in favor of astrology.

Also, one of the striking points of this book is the consideration of a certain degree of persuasiveness astrology provides, i.e. the question as to how come certain astrological analyses sometimes amazingly coincide with actual events (for example, how come a significant number of people who show psychophysical characteristics of a Zodiac sign are actually born under the sign). Naturally, there is also a series of other relevant and significant philosophical, theological, sociological, anthropological, and even parapsychological problems debated in the text. Finally, it should be noted that the book was written in an already recognizable style of Miloš Bogdanović, the style which possesses distinct clarity, even though void of any simplifications.

Dr Svetozar Sinđelić, Professor of Philosophy

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In his new and extremely interesting book, Miloš Bogdanović poses crucial anthropological questions which are to unveil the very essence of astrology- this not only ancient, but a present-day phenomenon. Who governs the human spirit and behavior- celestial bodies, inheritance from ancestors, or an individual’s will; why does horoscope sometimes “guess correctly”, despite the unscientific nature of astrology; and finally- why many people possess attributes of some other Zodiac sign, and not the one they were born under? These very subtitles help us guess the line of author’s thinking in this book.

In the first part titled “Brief History of Astrology”, there is a historical illustration of the astrological phenomenon which shows that the level of people’s interest in astrology throughout centuries has been in reverse proportion to the enlightenment of society and its individuals. The chapter ends with the conclusion that astrology is very popular nowadays, which is exactly what has made the author write this book. Are we not living in the age of quasi-enlightenment and “neopaganism” – this is the question which is per se imposed upon an objective reader of this book, who is confronted with an “explosion” of astrological and magical phenomena, even at the beginning of the 21st century, in all the meridians of the globe.

The second part is titled “The Scientific Analysis of the Astrological Phenomenon” and it reveals the unscientific nature of the explanation of the same by astrologers themselves, who to this very day interpret the influence of stars as they did in ancient times, when it was believed they were- divine beings. However, the unscientific nature of the explanation of the astrological phenomenon does not deny the astrological phenomenon itself, which, according to the author, often works astoundingly. The explanation as to why the astrological phenomenon seemingly works will actually be the subject of the rest of the book.

The third part- “The Psychological Analysis of the Astrological Phenomenon" states to us that the astrological types really exist. They represent patterns of human weaknesses, which govern a person only if the person gives up the responsibility for their actions. A responsible person behaves reasonably, corresponding with the needs of life, and not by some typology.

The fourth part of the book, i.e. “The Anthropological Analysis of the Astrological Phenomenon is particularly interesting, and this analysis deals with the origin of the deviant part of human behavior, which actually explains the differences between people embodied in different Zodiac signs. Every astrological type has a corresponding anthropological type or their combination. This comparative analysis, supported with a multitude of astrological-anthropological parallels, reveals that the source of character characteristics of different astrological types is not in the stars, but genetics. There is always a possibility that a person will be born in the very sign or ascendant which corresponds to their anthropological type. It can be said that this is the most original part of the author’s thoughts in the book.

“The Philosophical Analysis of the Astrological Phenomenon" is the fifth part of the book, and in there we find an analysis of the meaning of the fundamental theories the astrological model of thinking provides. The author concluded that the dependence of our destiny on stars more than our own will does not make sense.

The sixth part is dedicated to “The Religious Analysis of Astrology” and deals with the attitude of religion towards the supernatural element of the astrological experience which goes beyond the domain of science and anthropology.

As a whole, I believe that the book Astrology and Anthropology by Miloš Bogdanović is an interesting experiment, inspiring for new deliberations and pursuit of answers to the eternal question of man’s freedom and inexorable nature of destiny. The author does not negate the “biological" roots of weakness in human nature, but still firmly holds the viewpoint that the freedom of personality triumphs in the eternal struggle between the given, as a material-psychological dimension of existence, and the assigned, as a spiritual principle of the existence of an individual in general. Finally, I highly recommend the book Astrology and Anthropology by Miloš Bogdanović to be published, and I wish the readers to find in it further inspiration for their pursuit of answers to some difficult questions of life and, at the same time- to work on themselves, because one is impossible without the other.

Dr Goran Z. Golubović, Professor in the Department of Psychology, Faculty of Philosophy, Niš

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The book Astrology and Anthropology by Miloš Bogdanović is a work significant for both anthropology and astrology. It is significant for anthropology because in the astrological experience, which is void of racial prejudice and presumptions, it finds the proof that the anthropological types exist virtually exactly as described by early anthropologists of the 19th and 20th centuries, whereas this work is of significance for astrology because it purges the astrological experience of the superstitious conviction that the human character and appearance are determined by the position of celestial bodies. Through the thorough psychoanalysis of different anthropological and their corresponding psychological types, it is obvious that the author of this research venture is not satisfied with a human being as a victim of both external and biological factors, but he encourages the reader, as a reasonable and conscious human being, to take responsibility for their life in their own hands. As a proof that the triumph over oneself is possible, but also that the fall is inevitable if the one does not conquer their temptations, the author presents the character analysis of various people, the temptations of their anthropological constitutions and their ups and downs throughout history. The author’s message is that our destiny is in our own hands, but that we, due to fear of confronting our own responsibility, frequently give up our freedom and willingly let someone else think and decide for ourselves. I therefore recommend this book to anyone who is free and brave to think without prejudice and taboos about a human being, its place under the sun, and paths towards its self-realization.

Dr Dušan Obradović, anthropologist

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Man and Peoples Between Zodiac Signs, Genes and Free Will

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