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AP Physics Daily Problem #21

Consider a 10kg block sitting at rest on a frictionless plane inclined at an angle of 30° to the horizontal.

Draw a free body diagram of the block. Show all forces. Show the components of the gravitational force parallel and normal to the plane as dashed vectors.

Calculate the magnitude of the parallel and normal components of the gravity force.

What is the acceleration of the block? (hint: consider only the forces in the direction that the block can move!)

AP Physics Daily Problem #22

Consider a 10kg block sitting at rest on a rough plane inclined at an angle of 25° to the horizontal. The coefficient of friction is 0.20.

Draw a free body diagram of the block. Show all forces. Show the components of the gravitational force parallel and normal to the plane as dashed vectors.

What is the magnitude of the friction force acting on the block?

What is the acceleration of the block?

What is the minimum coefficient of static friction needed to prevent the block from moving at all?

AP Physics Daily Problem #23

Consider a 10kg block sitting at rest on a frictionless plane inclined at an angle of 20° to the horizontal. This block is connected via a massless cord and pulley to a freely hanging 5kg block.

Draw a free body diagram of both blocks. Show all forces. Show the components of the gravitational force parallel and normal to the plane as dashed vectors.

What is the acceleration of the block? (hint: consider only the forces in the direction that the block can move!)

AP Physics Daily Problem #24

Consider a 10kg block on a rough plane inclined at an angle of 45° to the horizontal. This block is connected via a massless cord and pulley to a freely hanging 5kg block. The 10kg block has a mk of 0.2 and an initial velocity of 5m/s up the ramp

Draw a free body diagram of both blocks. Show all forces. Show the components of the gravitational force parallel and normal to the plane as dashed vectors.

What is the acceleration of the block?

Assuming that ms is the same as mk, will the block change directions or simply stop??

AP Physics Daily Problem #25

A 4wd all terrain vehicle of mass 500kg approaches a 45 degree hill at 10m/s. The tires of the vehicle have a mk of 0.70. The vehicle’s powerful engine spins its wheels in a forward direction at all times.

Determine the acceleration of the vehicle after it starts up the slope

Determine the distance the vehicle travels up the hill before stopping?

Determine the amount of time required for the vehicle to slip back to the bottom of the hill, measured from the time the vehicle started up the hill. (hint: Unlike most problems of this type, the direction of the friction force doesn’t change when the vehicle changes direction! The tires are still slipping in the same direction!)

AP Physics Daily Problem #26

A tank fires a 100m/s projectile at an angle of 20 degrees above the horizon from the top of an 80m cliff. The tank is attempting to destroy a 15m high and 200m long building located 700m from the foot of the cliff. .

Determine where the shell will hit.

Determine the speed of the shell when it hits.

AP Physics Daily Problem #27

A 10kg block (mk=0.3) moves to the right on a rough plane. It is pulled via a string at an angle 30 degrees above the horizon. The tension in the string is 50N

Determine the horizontal and vertical components of the tension force.

Determine the normal force between the block and the plane (hint: does the block accelerate vertically?)

Determine the friction force acting on the block

Determine the acceleration of the block.

AP Physics Daily Problem #28

An all-wheel-drive vehicle of mass m is climbing a hill of angle θ with an acceleration a. Find the minimum ms required to sustain this acceleration in terms of m, θ, a, and g.

AP Physics Daily Problem #29

A 5kg mass and a 15kg mass are connected by a massless cord. mk of the first mass is 0.1, and that of the second mass is 0.2. they have an initial velocity up the 30°ramp of 3m/s

Determine the tension in the cord.

Determine the tension in the after the block change direction

AP Physics Daily Problem #30

A 10kg mass on a 30°ramp is acted upon by a horizontal force of 90N. mk of the mass is 0.2. The mass starts at rest and the static friction is overcome by the force.

Determine the normal force.

Determine the acceleration of the block

How fast is the block moving after it moves 3m?