AP Biology Bacteria Notes review game

1. What do bacteria that are gram positive have more of than gram negative bacteria?

2. What type of symbiotic relationship involves one organism suffering?

3. What is the form bacteria are sometimes found in that involves protective coverings?

4. Find pathogen, isolate pathogen, grow in culture, induce disease in healthy organism, isolate again?

5. What is the word associated with organisms that must either live in only aerobic or only anaerobic environments?

6. What domain doesn’t include any prokaryotes?


7. If an E.Coli can divide every thirty seconds, how many would be present in a colony assuming no mortality and maximum cell division after 8 minutes?

8. What is the group of chemicals that used to kill bacteria by disrupting either the cell wall or cell division in the bacterium?

9. Organisms that generate ATP directly from sunlight, but must obtain carbon by “eating”

10. Sticky outer protective layer outside the cell of some bacteria that sometimes adds protection

11. Domain that includes the hot springs bacteria

12. The DNA region in a bacterium named as they don’t have a nucleus


Round 3

13. Chemicals released by some bacteria that cause sickness without the actual bacteria

14. The cytoplasmic extensions that allow conjugation to occur

15. Small extrachromosomal DNA exchanged during conjugation

16. What percentage of bacteria are motile?

17. Term for salt loving bacteria

18. Alteration of bacterial chromosome via a virus inserting new DNA


Round 4

19. The product of nitrogen fixation

20. Cell division where chromosome hangs onto cell membrane when dividing in bacteria

21. The bacteria living in the ocean that do the nitrogen fixation and also were the first photosynthesizers on Earth providing the early oxygen found in the atmosphere around 2 billion years ago.

22. Parasitism, mutualism, and commensalism are all examples of?

23. The response by some bacteria where they move toward light

24. The taking up of DNA from the environment that bacteria sometimes does without the aid of a virus or another bacterium


1. Peptidoglycan

2. Parasitism

3. Endospore

4. Koch’s postulate

5. Obligate

6. Eukarya

Round 2

7. 65536 or 216

8. Antibiotic

9. Photoheterotrophs

10. Capsule

11. Archaea

12. Nucleoid region

Round 3

13. Exotoxins

14. Pili

15. Plasmid

16. 50%

17. Halophile

18. Transduction

Round 4

19. Ammonia

20. Binary fission

21. Cyanobacteria

22. Symbiosis

23. Phototaxis

24. transformation