AJC seeks a secure Jewish future in a more just world, believing that each pursuit depends upon the other. Through AJC’s 26 U.S. regional offices, 8 offices overseas, and 28 official partnerships with communities around the world, AJC works to build bridges, advance security, promote human rights, support Israel and strengthen Jewish life.

AJC Westchester has traditionally been one of the most vibrant and exciting regions with over 1,000 members throughout the county. AJC Westchester works to fulfill this mission through programs and activities including an active energy independence agenda, which includes both advocacy and educational activities. The Region welcomes members who support its endeavors and participate in its programs. For more information on these programs or to sign up for our weekly e-blast listing all programs, visit us on the web at www.AJC.org/westchester.

Upcoming Programs Include:

· October 18th – Interfaith Forum: “The Chosen and the Saved.” This program is part of our acclaimed Shared Roots, Divergent Paths series carried out in partnership with Iona College. Iona College at 7:30 p.m.

· November 6th – Special performance of “Wallenberg,” a musical drama based on the life of Swedish Righteous Christian Raoul Wallenberg. Pre-performance remarks by Swedish Consul General David Dangoor. White Plains Performing Arts Center at 7 p.m.

· November 18th – Annual Thanksgiving Diversity Breakfast, celebrating our diverse roots and shared values. Keynote speaker: Gary Stern, former Religion Editor of the Journal News. Manhattanville College at 8 a.m..


Larchmont Temple is a thriving Reform congregation of over 800 families. It was founded in 1948 to serve the Jewish community of Larchmont, Mamaroneck and surrounding areas. It seeks to provide a place where individuals of all ages and backgrounds can learn and grow through their participation in the activities of the community.


Energy Independence

Town Hall Meeting

Featuring a panel discussion

moderated by R. James Woolsey

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Larchmont Temple

75 Larchmont Avenue

Larchmont, New York


Howard J. Bruschi – Nuclear Energy

Howard Bruschi is an Executive Consultant on matters of advanced nuclear plant strategy, design, business development, and project implementation. He has been active in the nuclear energy industry for more than 45 years, with expertise in the management of advanced nuclear plant design, as well as the commercialization and management of major projects.

Howard retired from Westinghouse Electric Company from the position of Senior Vice President and Chief Technology Officer in 2002. His responsibilities included the technology, development, commercialization, and project execution of major nuclear projects for Westinghouse. In particular, he led the development of advanced nuclear plant designs that achieved breakthroughs in safety systems designs through the introduction of passive features which rely on natural forces such as gravity, evaporation, and condensation to safeguard the plant.

Michael Cooper – Biofuel Energy

Michael Cooper is the Vice President and Director of Sales and Trading for Ultra Green Energy Services, LLC. Mr. Cooper holds a B.S. in Land Use Analysis from Eastern Michigan University specializing in Agricultural Land Preservation. He is currently the Vice Chair of the National Biodiesel Board, Marketing Committee.

Michael began his biofuels career in 1989 developing site plans for a proposed ethanol plant at the Chrysler Proving Grounds in Chelsea, Michigan. He continued to promote fuel ethanol to Detroit based automobile manufacturers leading to OEM acceptance of ethanol blended fuels. In 2000, Michael began independently brokering ethanol and biodiesel to regional fuel suppliers. Michael incorporated Biofuel Brokers, LLC and Biofuel Brokers International, LLC to implement a focused campaign to direct the sale of clean burning biofuels to petroleum refineries and wholesale fuel terminals in the Northeast U.S and Europe.

Michael regularly consults about biofuels and bioenergy with major public and private companies, financial institutions, and governmental agencies. Michael has chaired, moderated and presented at regional, national, and international conferences on biofuels.

Special Thanks to Lime Energy, a company committed to reducing clients’ energy costs with a major emphasis on efficiency. Visit them on the web at www.lime-energy.com or contact Sales Manager Stephen J. Schwartz at 732.791.5380 x 404

Lime Energy is working with Con Edison on its Small Business Direct Installation program.

Lime Energy will conduct FREE energy surveys and Con Edison will pay up to 70% of the qualifying energy efficiency modifications.

R. James Woolsey – Moderator

R. James Woolsey is Chairman of Woolsey Partners LLC. He is also a Venture Partner and Senior Advisor to VantagePoint Venture Partners of San Bruno, California.

Mr. Woolsey currently chairs the Strategic Advisory Group of the Washington, D.C. private equity fund, Paladin Capital Group, and he is Of Counsel to the Washington, D.C. office of the Boston-based law firm, Goodwin Procter. In the above capacities he specializes in a range of alternative energy and security issues.

Mr. Woolsey previously served in the U.S. Government on five different occasions, most recently (1993-95) as Director of Central Intelligence.

Mr. Woolsey serves on a range of government, corporate, and non-profit advisory boards and chairs several, including that of the Washington firm, ExecutiveAction LLC. He serves on the National Commission on Energy Policy. He is currently Co-Chairman (with former Secretary of State George Shultz) of the Committee on the Present Danger. He is Chairman of the Advisory Boards of the Clean Fuels Foundation and the New Uses Council, and a Trustee of the Center for Strategic & Budgetary Assessments.

Mr. Woolsey has served in the past as a member of boards of directors of a number of publicly and privately held companies, generally in fields related to technology and security, including Martin Marietta; British Aerospace, Inc.; Fairchild Industries; and Yurie Systems, Inc. In 2009, he was the Annenberg Distinguished Visiting Fellow at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University.


AJC Westchester Energy Committee: Mona Abramson, Marc Auslander, Laurel Borowick (Chair), Robert Jonap, Joel Negrin, Alan Pollack, Mark Reisman (Chair), Jennifer Rosen, Dan Singer (Chair), and Barry Yellen.

AJC Westchester: Candy Gould, President; Scott Richman, Director; Jill Friedman, Associate Director; Vicki Kline, Leadership Development Associate; and Valencia Latty Wynter, Office Administrator.

Larchmont Temple: Rabbi Jeffrey Sirkman; Meg Fienberg, President; and Ze’ev Aviezer, Executive Director.


I. Opening Remarks

A. Mark Reisman, Co-Chair, AJC Westchester Energy Committee

B. Rabbi Jeffrey Sirkman, Larchmont Temple

II. Energy Independence Award Presentation to Westchester Reform Temple

Laurel Borowick, Co-Chair, AJC Westchester Energy Committee

III. Panel Discussion

A. Introduction of Speakers – Laurel Borowick, Co-Chair, AJC Westchester Energy Committee

a. R. James Woolsey - Moderator

b. Howard Bruschi – Nuclear Energy

c. Michael Cooper – Biofuel Energy

d. Dr. Dariusz Czarkowski – Solar Energy

e. Jon Hand – Natural Gas Energy

f. Jacob Susman – Wind Energy

B. Panel Presentations and Discussion

C. Question and Answer Session – Conducted by Dan Singer, Co-Chair, AJC Westchester Energy Committee

IV. Concluding Remarks – Dan Singer, Co-Chair, AJC Westchester Energy Committee

Please join us for refreshments following the program, and please be sure to visit the event sponsors table.


Corporate: Lime Energy, Mercury Solar Systems, and Robison and Comfort Care Solutions.

Individual: Laurel & Howard Borowick, Candy & Leon Gould, Evan & Lesley Heller, Bob & Joyce Jonap, Geri & Daniel Krauss, Frank & Amy Linde, Joel & Linda Negrin, Mark & Rika Reisman, and Dan & Jill Singer.

Dr. Dariusz Czarkowski – Solar Energy

Dr. Dariusz Czarkowski is an Associate Professor at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Polytechnic Institute of New York University. He has more than 15 year of research experience in the areas of power electronics and systems.

He is currently investigating the topic of maximum photovoltaic source penetration in urban networks (for Consolidated Edison of NY). He has been awarded a grant from the Binational Science Foundation to develop a high step-up ratio dc-dc converter for solar panel applications. Prof. Adrian Ioinovici from the Holon Institute of Technology in Israel is a co-investigator on this grant. Dr. Czarkowski co-authored (with M. K. Kazimierczuk) a book entitled "Resonant Power Converters" published by Wiley in 1995.

Jon Hand – Natural Gas Energy

Jon Hand is a sophomore at Pace University, majoring in marketing and minoring in environmental studies. During his first year at Pace, Jon resided on the True Green floor, where he and his floor-mates learned about environmental sustainability and energy conservation, and participated in several projects to improve the environment of their community. This summer, Jon began working with Efficient Power Corp, a New York-based company that is focused on providing businesses and homeowners with money-saving energy efficiency and green energy generating technology. Jon is here today as a volunteer district leader for the Pickens Plan, a grass roots organization whose goal is to wean America of foreign oil by using American resources to generate energy.

Jacob Susman – Wind Energy

Jacob Susman is the Founder and CEO of OwnEnergy, the only venture capital-backed community wind developer. He has ten years of investing and business development experience in the field of renewable energy.

Before founding OwnEnergy, he was a founding member of Goldman Sachs' Alternative Energy Investing group, where he was involved in Goldman's investment in Horizon Wind Energy and co-led a portfolio financing that was named Project Finance’s N.A. Renewable Energy Deal of the Year. Prior to that, he served as Project Manager for the AES Corporation, working on a team that developed one of the largest power plants in Spain. Jacob also led AES’s efforts to develop a Spanish renewable energy business, which included negotiation of more than 1,000 MW of wind energy investment opportunities.