
ADASS Yorkshire & Humberside Work Programme & Improvement Plan

This plan sets out the Yorkshire & Humberside regional priorities, issues, outcomes and supporting actions for 2016/17. It has been informed using a number of sources including:

·  Regional priorities established by the ADASS Branch in Summer 2016

·  Results of the regional overview of the TEASC risk awareness assessment across all 15 councils in the region and the regional Risk Summit held in February 2016.

·  Priorities and work programmes determined by current regional networks.

·  Ongoing work being undertaken by existing regional groups

·  Outcomes from regional master classes and events in Autumn/Winter 2016/17.

Plan Objectives

This plan sets out how we the region will collectively work, through real Sector Led Improvement, to tackle a range of identified issues and achieve a number of outcomes. The plan’s objectives are as follows:

1.  To ensure that councils in the region are supported to have the right resources in the right places and at the right time

2.  To assist councils to effectively deliver and transform services in the light of local and national agendas

3.  Through Sector Led Improvement, support councils to assess and deal with risks, improve performance and outcomes for citizens and share and learn from best practice

regional workstreams

The work programme and improvement plan will be delivered through three regional work streams who will focus on a number of issues for the region:

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·  Budget

·  Workforce Capacity

·  Living Wage

·  Commissioning

·  Comprehensive Spending Review


·  Integration and BCF

·  Safeguarding


·  Personalisation

·  3rd Sector Development

·  Community Capacity Building

·  Self Service

·  Information and Advice

·  Cultural Challenge

·  Carers

·  Learning Disability

sector led improvement

·  Peer Review and Peer Support

·  Performance and Risk

·  Mystery Shopping and Experts by Experience

·  Local and Regional Accounts

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top three regional priority areas

The top three regional risks identified for priority action at the regional risk summit were:

·  The Budget

·  Integration and the Better Care Fund

·  Workforce Capacity

Project Plan

regional support Resources

Resource / Role / Estimated Work Hours /


[Compile a list of pertinent items that you will use to create your budget line items (for example, booth rental, amenities, travel). Use the Marketing Budget Plan template to build your final budget.]

·  [List all pertinent items.]

[Define all pertinent items.]

measuring success

The delivery of this plan will be overseen by the Yorkshire & Humberside DASS branch meeting and programme managed through the Delivery workstream. Each of the actions will ultimately contribute to the desired outcomes set out in this plan. Throughout the year a number of assessments will be used to measure the impact and success of the actions taken, these are set out in the triggers section of the Sector Led Improvement Memorandum of Understanding.

Objective 1 - To ensure that councils in the region are supported to have the right resources in the right places and at the right time

Issue / Outcome / Action / Date / Lead /
(REGIONAL PRIORITY ONE) / Councils fully understand the implications of the Comprehensive Spending Review and have put in place robust financial and transformational plans / ·  Improving connections to the regional finance officers group and improving support arrangements for councils across the region through the regional DASS branch group
·  Ensuring councils have robust transformation plans which will respond sufficiently to the CSR
·  Provide myth-busting and narrative to support councils to deal with welfare changes and council tax precepts / Dec 16
Workforce Capacity
(REGIONAL PRIORITY THREE) / Councils effectively address the current internal and external workforce challenges / ·  Improve recruitment difficulties through marketing and regional recruitment
·  Development of effective training for enablement
·  To develop good practice/issues portal and peer to peer learning / Dec 16
Living Wage / Councils are supported to manage the impacts of the Living Wage / ·  Evaluate the impact of the living wage to assist councils to respond effectively / Aug 16
Commissioning / Councils develop and deliver effective approaches to Commissioning for Better Outcomes / ·  Self-assessment against C4BO toolkit, action plan and help councils prepare for peer challenge / June 16
Councils have improved approaches to commissioning in domiciliary care and residential care / ·  Learning from CQC area profiling model in North Lincolnshire
·  Benchmarking the cost of care across the region / Sept 16
Improved relationships and information sharing with Care Quality Commission which improves quality of care / ·  Involving CQC in the development of regional events
·  Identifying and developing regional lines of communication and information sharing to improve quality of care / Dec 16
The regional market is geared up for dealing with market failure / ·  Support IPC Brookes market shaping activity in the region and working with and developing providers / March 17

Objective 2 - To assist councils to effectively deliver and transform services in the light of local and national agendas

Issue / Outcome / Action / Date / Lead /
Integration and Better Care Fund (REGIONAL PRIORITY TWO) / Councils are supported to be prepared for the 2017 and 2020 BCF and Transformation and Sustainability Plans milestones / ·  Bespoke regional support to quality assure the 15 LA BCF plans
·  Delivery of thematic regional events to support effective delivery of plans
·  Supporting councils to engage with CCG’s, acute sector, NHS England on transformation / July 16
The region is prepared to deal with Winter Pressures and Delayed Transfers of Care / ·  Embedding the High Impact Change Model assessment
·  Establishing a regional IT and Data sharing system around DTOC
·  Developing a shared model for ‘Discharge to Access’ and common region definition for DTOC / Dec 16
Safeguarding / Safeguarding Adults Boards are fully developed and performing their statutory roles / ·  Establish a network of mentors to offer individual support and to promote shared learning
·  Deliver training and support for SAB managers, SAR report authors and SAB chairs
·  Deliver Peer to Peer networks and bespoke training in areas such as court skills and decision making / Mar 17
MCA/DOL’s / Councils are supported to respond effectively to DOL’s demands and pressures / ·  Regional approach to ensure consistency in quality assurance and QA panels.
·  Central resource of good practice, information, strategies and plans, risk registers and performance reports
·  Regional joint integrated training programme which includes BIA training, record keeping, practitioner training. / Mar 17
Personalisation / The region is aware of what good personalized social care services looks like / ·  Increasing the awareness of the social work model of disability in mental health, working with TLAP
·  Delivering thematic regional events
·  Delivering a regional masterclass on personalization across the lifespan for people with LD
·  Supporting the 2/3 ISF pilot sites in the region to deliver projects and share learning / Mar 17
3rd Sector Development / Third Sector capacity is developed to support statutory functions / ·  Focused workshops with Council 3rd sector partners to develop them to be more active in demand management / Sept 16
Community Capacity Building / Councils are supported to map their community assets and resources relevant to preventative approaches / ·  Supporting the development and delivery of 2 regional projects and sharing learning so that all councils can benefit / Dec 16
Self Service / Improving access arrangements to respond to citizens needs and creating efficiencies. / ·  Delivering a series of webinars to share learning
·  PCG Care Solutions support councils effectively
·  Reviewing the effectiveness of the CTS development programme through the CTS Board / Dec 16
Information and Advice / Improved council provision of information and advice and accordance with the Accessible Information Standard / ·  Supporting peer to peer learning network
·  Developing CTS to improve information and advice
·  Supporting councils to meet the requirements of the Accessible Information Standard / Sept 16
Cultural Change / Councils can deliver on their transformation plans through supporting culture change and an asset based social care model / ·  Peer to peer learning network to address cultural change and embed new approaches
·  Developing the Principal SW Group in action planning for improvement / Dec 16
Carers / Improved support and communications to carers / ·  Developing the regional carers officer network
·  Developing a regional business case for carers
·  Improving the use of social media and marketing and regional products / Dec 16
Learning Disability / Councils are supported in the development and implementation of the local Transforming Care Partnerships and Plans / ·  Bespoke support is put in place to ensure Transforming Care Partnership Plans are in place by April 2016 / April 16

Objective 3 - Through Sector Led Improvement, support councils to assess and deal with risks, improve performance and outcomes for citizens and share and learn from best practice

Issue / Outcome / Action / Date / Lead /
Peer Review and Support / All councils in the region have subjected themselves to a peer review or peer support / ·  Deliver the 2016/17 peer review programme
·  Provide co-ordinated bespoke peer support to identified councils as and when required through the delivery of the SLI MOU.
·  Share good practice and learning from peer reviews across the region. / Mar 17
Performance and Risk / Councils and the region have identified their local risks and performance issues and have put in place improvement plans to address / ·  Further embedding the TEASC risk awareness tool across all 15 councils through the creation of a live risk dashboard incorporating a variety of data
·  Support councils to address key performance areas such as DTOC, admissions in residential care and re-ablement
·  Deliver a programme of master classes to support performance improvement and to mitigate key regional risk areas / Dec 16
Mystery Shopping and Experts By Experience / Councils are supported by a regional pool of ‘Experts by Experience’ through mystery shopping and peer challenge to improve services for customers / ·  Extend and increase the regional pool of experts by experience
·  Experts by experience are part of the regional peer challenge programme / Mar 17
Local and Regional Accounts / All Councils produce a local account and contribute to the development of an annual regional account / ·  Assist councils to improve their approaches to the development of their local account to ensure they are accessible to a wide range of audiences
·  Further develop the regional account approach / Mar 17
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