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A Journal of the Mystery of Uri Geller


From 1974



In 1971 Andrija Puharich met a talented young Israeli named Uri Geller, whose psychic abilities had already made him well known in his homeland. The next year Uri came to America, where millions of people have since watched him bend keys, stop watches, and break metal rings, with no apparent physical pressure. So far no one has been able to explain successfully how he does these things.
But these remarkable talents are only the beginning of the story told in this book. Out of the friendship between Dr. Puharich and Uri Geller grew one of the most extraordinary adventures of a lifetime. Not long after their first meeting, according to Puharich, they were contacted by "Spectra," a voice they believed to represent an extraterrestrial intelligence called "Hoova." This is Dr. Puharich's account of how he and Uri thus became the first individuals in modern history believed to have made extended contact with non-earthly beings; how "Hoova" explained the source of Uri's psychic powers; and what they learned about the relationship between this intelligence and the inhabitants of earth.
Andrija Puharich is a medical doctor. After completing his studies at Northwestem University Medical School, he set up his own laboratory in Maine for the study of extrasensory perception. He has studied some of the most noteworthy examples of paranormal activity that have occurred in modern times, many of which are detailed in his earlier books, Beyond Telepathy and The Sacred Mushroom.


In late 1970 I read a report written by an Israeli army officer about a young man in Israel named Uri Geller. The letter described Geller's telepathic powers and his ability to make clock hands move without touching the clock. These alleged powers were so extraordinary that I could not believe the report. However, when this officer subsequently sent samples of metal broken by Geller's mental powers, and when the laboratory reports stated that this kind of metal fracture had not been seen before, my interest grew. I went to Tel Aviv, Israel, on August 17, 1971, to meet Uri Geller. My research with him convinced me that he was one of the most unusual men in the world. Why I think he is so unusual is the subject of this book.
I had suspected for a long time from my researches that man has been in communication with beings not of this earth for thousands of years. This personal opinion comes from a close reading of the record of ancient religions and from my own observations and data. What is not clear is why such communication has been kept secret for so long.
With the publication of this book, however, many of the cosmic secrets are now declassified. But the release of this knowledge in fact raises more questions than it answers.
One of the first of these new questions is an important one: Why was Uri Geller selected to be the ambassador for an advanced civilisation? why did I become the principal witness to this ambassadorship and the chief scribe of its gradually unfolding revelations? These interrelated questions will be developed throughout this book.

My story involves three principal agents. The primary agent is not a single being, but a collegium of voices reaching man on earth. We have, in the beginning, the words of the Nine, who are directly related to man's concept of God. I shall develop the concept of the Nine in the Introduction. The controllers of the universe operate under the direction of the Nine. Between the controllers and the untold numbers of planetary civilizations in the universe are the messengers. It is the messengers who help to fulfill the destiny of creation by gentle accentuation where and when they are needed. Some of these messengers take the form of spacecraft, which in modem parlance are called unidentified flying objects, or UFOs. Uri and I have been reached mostly by the latter type of messenger, whose names and functions are varied. The intermediary between these messengers and earth people is Uri Geller. The function of chief witness to these interactions has fallen upon me.
If I am to get an attentive hearing, the reader should know that I have had many years of professional preparation and research experience in medicine, parapsychology, and laboratory and field investigations. I have only one interest in writing this book. That is to bring to people all over the world the facts about the existence of superior beings and what they want to say to man today. What follows is true, but it is not the whole truth. There are many things that my "editor in the sky" will not yet permit me to reveal. My editor on earth has advised me to delete material that could be considered too controversial or libelous. Events have been omitted for political reasons where governments have been involved. There are delicate questions concerning the relations between religions which have been avoided. In order to get the basic message in print, and out to the people, many diplomatic gestures have had to be made. Perhaps someday, depending on the response of the public, my editors will allow the whole truth to be revealed.
Many people are mentioned in this book for the roles they played in the reported events. I have been in touch with these principals in order to compare my text with their recollections. The text that follows represents the agreement reached between each principal (whom I could reach) and myself. However, I want to make it clear that this does not mean that these individuals have necessarily endorsed the content or conclusions of this book. I stand alone with respect to the reporting of all events, interpretations, and conclusions.


Once I realized I was involved in an event of immense importance, I began to retrace those incidents in my life which brought Uri and me together.
The first of these concerns Dr. D. G. Vinod, a Hindu scholar and sage from Poona, India, whom I briefly met by chance in New York City in December 1951. Two months later, on February 16, 1952, I had my first serious meeting with him. At that time he surprised me by asking permission to hold my right ring finger at the middle joint with his right thumb and index finger. He said that he used this form of contact with a person to read his past and his future. I agreed. He did this for about a minute, whistling between his teeth as though he were trying to find a pitch. Then he leaned back in his chair, and for an hour told me my life story with utter precision, as though he were reading out of a book. His accuracy about the past was extraordinary. He then predicted such a rosy future for me as an Arjuna figure that I was embarrassed. Nevertheless, I realized that here was intelligence on a scale I had not imagined to exist. I promised Dr. Vinod that I would call him to the laboratory in Maine as soon as my next experiment was ready.
As it turned out, this promised meeting was not to be held for nearly another year. On December 31, 1952, Dr. Vinod and I took a plane from New York to Maine. We landed in Augusta at 7:30 P.M., and Hank Jackson, the administrator of the laboratory, the Round Table Foundation, was there to meet us. We drove over the country roads in the snow, chatting all the way. We entered the great hall of the laboratory, and without saying a word or even taking off his overcoat, Dr. Vinod found his way to the library and sat down on a sofa. Hank and I followed him. We realized that he had gone into a trance. We sat opposite him, waiting expectantly. Curiously enough, the house was always bustling with activity, but on this New Year's Eve there was not a sound in the house from child, man, woman, or animal. There was the hushed silence of expectancy as Hank and I watched our entranced sage.
Then, at exactly 9 P.M., a deep sonorous voice came out of Dr. Vinod's mouth, totally unlike his own high-pitched, soft voice, saying in perfect English without an accent:
M calling: We are Nine Principles and Forces, personalities if working in complete mutual implication. We are forces, and the nature of our work is to accentuate the positive, the evolutional, and the teleological aspects of existence. By teleology I do not mean the teleology of human derivation in a multidimensional concept of existence. Teleology will be understood in terms of a different ontology. To be simple, we accentuate certain directions as will fulfill the destiny of creation.
We propose to work with you in some essential respects with the relation of contradiction and contrariety. We shall negate and revise part of your work, by which I mean the work as presented by you. The point is that we want to begin altogether at a different dimension, though it is true that your work has itself led up to this.
I deeply appreciate your dedicatedness (sic) to the great cause of peace which is a fulfillment of finitesimal existences. Peace is not warlessness. Peace is the integral fruitage of personality. We have designed to utilize you and thus to fulfill you. Peace is a process and will be revealed only progressively. You have it in plenty, I mean the patience which is so deeply needed in this magnificent adventure. But today, at the moment of our
advent, the most eventful and spectacular phase of your work begins.
Andrija Puharich (AP ): "It is helpful to have your guidance."
We don't guide, nor do we seek guidance, although we appreciate the sense in which you mean it. All of us, including yourselves, can claim no better than being the expressive instruments and avenues of this purpose.
Einstein has privately felt the need of correcting himself, Infinitization of any mass, M1, according to him,(1) can be achieved by equating it with:
An implication of this theorem, as yet unrevealed, will solve the problem of the superconscious.
The whole group of concepts has to be revised. The problem of psychokinesis, clairvoyance, etc., at the present stage is all right, but profoundly misleading - permit us to say the truth. Soon we will come to basic universal categories of explicating the superconscious. Just as Jesus said, "It is not work, but grace." A fruitful, creative approach to the superconscious is indeed a progressive reception of grace.
We cannot really go on with experimentation in this direction, but if we get seven times the electrical equivalent of the human body - if we get it seven times - do you know what would result? It would result in sevenon of the mass of electricity. That's a very strange term, but it's true. If it gains sevenfold, corresponding approximation to light velocity will be ninety-nine per cent. That is the point where human personality has to be stretched in order to achieve infinitization. This is one of the most secret insights.
See Appendix One for the philosophy of the Nine.
(1) This is a form of the well-known Lorentz-Einstein Transformation equation where c^2 is velocity of light squared, and v is velocity. Here, M1=E, energy.
When Dr. Vinod awoke from his trance after some ninety minutes of speech by the Nine, he had no recollection or knowledge of what had been said. Hank and I worked for a month with Dr. Vinod, listening to the profound wisdom of the Nine. It was a deeply moving experience, and we really believed every word that we heard based purely on the internal evidence. This work was interrupted in February 1953 when I had to serve as a captain in the U. S. Army during the Korean War.
What was lacking in our study of Dr. Vinod and the Nine was some kind of external evidence for the reality of what was being said. Such evidence was forthcoming and occurred when I returned to the laboratory in Maine on a military leave.
On June 27, 1953, nine people met with Dr. Vinod at the Round Table Foundation in Maine. They were Henry Jackson, Georgia Jackson, Alice Bouverie, Marcella Du Pont, Carl Betz, Vonnie Beck, Arthur Young, Ruth Young, and I.
Dr. Vinod sat on the floor in the lotus posture holding in his hands a string of sacred beads, called rakshas. On his lap was a simple copper plate nine inches in diameter. On the floor to his side was a small statue of the Hindu god, Hanoum. Thus, Dr. Vinod was in the center of a circle made up of the nine people listed above. He entered a trance state at 12:15 A.M. He spoke for about fifteen minutes and then one of the Nine, R. spoke through him, saying:
Tonight we want to create Brahmins in this world. Brahmin means a person dedicated to Brahman.
At this instant all nine observers in the fully lighted room saw the appearance, in an instant, of what appeared to be a pile of cotton threads about three feet from Dr. Vinod. It seemed to this observer that the pile of thread had just popped right out of the wood floor. Dr. Vinod, still in a trance state, leaned over to pick up the threads. When he untangled them, he brought forth loops of finely woven cotton cord. He handed one to each person and there was exactly one loop for each. He asked each person to slip the loop over the right shoulder and under the left arm.
What we had witnessed was the appearance of a material sub
stance from nowhere! All present were quite sure that the large ball of cotton material had come from the floor and no place other than the floor.

R spoke:
Has everyone received one? This is called the Yadnyobavita. These are the sacred threads which Brahmins wear on their necks, as soon as they are through with the ceremony. We have to be born twice; unless we are threaded, we don't become Brahmins.