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Parish Council Meeting
Wednesday 24th February 2016
Thorpe Arnold Village Hall at 7.00 pm
Unadopted Minutes
Present : Cllr.Lovegrove. Cllr Mills. Cllr Lusty. Cllr Garrigan :
and 10 members of the public.
Cllr Lovegrove opened the meeting by welcoming all to the meeting
116/15-16 : To ratify the nomination of Cllr Mills as Chairman of the Parish Council:
Proposed by Cllr Garrigan and Seconded by Cllr Lovegrove.
The motion was carried unanimously.
117/15-16 : To receive apologies for absence or non-attendance :
Apologies received for non-attendance: None
Apologies received for absence : County Councillor Rhodes due to attendance at Full Council meeting at M B C.
118/15-16 : to receive declarations of interest both personal and prejudicial on matters arising on the agenda:
None received:
119/15-16 : To approve and sign the minutes of the 14th January 2016
The minutes of the 14th January were duly agreed and signed with minor alterations.
120/15-16 : Public Participation :
The meeting was adjourned for 15 minutes to enable members of the public to express views on any topic that they would like.
Cllr Mills welcomed Parishioners to the meeting.
Two parishioners from Waltham Schools board of Governors requested formally that the Parish Council revisit the issue of a school crossing for Waltham. There was discussion around this and some points were raised regarding the absence of a school crossing warden and the 20mph warning lights not being illuminated during the relevant times at the school.
It was agreed that the Council would look again at this issue, meet with the school to find ways to support and assist were possible. Also they would look to see what other agencies could provide to assist on this matter. The Governors were thanked for their time and for bringing this important matter to the Councils attention.
Two residents representing the Charter Fair committee informed the council that this year’s Charter Fair would be held on the 19th September 2016. They requested the use of the Playfield area to assist in this venture.
The Council agreed that the Charter Fair committee would have their support and use of the field. The Council congratulated the committee for last year’s very successful Charter Fair and all the committees hard work in providing an excellent event and wished them all the best for this year’s Fair.
Borough Councillor Holmes arrived after MBC meeting
121/15-16 : To receive reports from the following :
Archaeological & History Group: A history trail is being developed by the group for the parish and they will give updates on how they are progressing at subsequent meetings.
Allotments: The allotments are currently being mapped out. there will be three different prices £15 for a small plot £20 for a medium size plot and £25 for a larger size. any person that has a plot that lives outside the Parish will have their agreement terminated at the end of the financial year so as to ensure that all holders are residents of the Parish. Details of all allotment hirers is to be updated and those who have not informed the Parish Council of their details may forfeit their allotment.
Affordable Housing : 1 name on list . This needs to be kept up to date.
Churchyard: Church wall is an ongoing problem and will soon need repair. This matter is to be reviewed separately at the next meeting.( Agenda item for the next Parish Council Meeting )
Footpaths: Julie Spencer advised the Council that she is standing down from the role of footpath warden. Cllr Lusty has kindly volunteered to take it over. The Council wish to thank Julie for all her support and hard work over the years whilst undertaking this role.
Playfield : Pavilion requires a new coat of preservative. P Rear is appointed to do the job.
Waltham School: Cllr Mills stated that he had a very helpful meeting with the school head teacher and many aspects of how the school fits into our community was discussed including the previous matter of the school crossing. It was agreed that closer working relations would be maintained with the school and the Council would ensure that the schools views and possible needs were addressed at each meeting going forward.
Newsletter : No report. This will be raised as an agenda item for review at the next meeting.
Village Hall : They are working with the charity commission to update their constitution and improve operation procedures. They are also looking into the problem with regards to tent pegs being left in the ground after a marque has been erected so that no more damage will be done to our mowers.
Youth Club: No report. All agreed that this could be removed from the agenda until such time as a new group opens in the Parish.
Neighbourhood Watch : No report. Clerk to check with scheme coordinator for a report.
Neighbourhood Parish Plan: A village open meeting was held in Waltham on 19th February attended by approximately 100 people. The Neighbourhood Plan and Local Plan were discussed, as well as current and imminent planning applications. frustration was expressed, which we share, because these Plans may well be overtaken by developments within the village, 26 houses off High Street plus 45 off Melton Road plus 50 off Bescaby Lane gives a total of 151 houses and that’s just the start ! At the next meeting of the NP Group, we will discuss accelerating our work.
The NP Group has distributed leaflets to all dwellings in the Parish. This communication described the purpose of the Neighbourhood Plan and asked the preferred means of contact. From a total 391 leaflets, returns were received from only 56 households ( 14% return rate ) listing 69 people. If this is indicative of the support for the Plan, then we don’t believe it will be adopted. Only 2 households made the return from Thorpe Arnold and lack of support from that village is a particular worry.
We are in the process of assessing the majority of potential development sites against agreed and defensible critrea.
Police : No report. Clerk will enquire about suppling a report before the meeting.
County Councillor : Cllr Rhodes was not present and no report was supplied.
Borough Councillor: Cllr Holmes stated that she was horrified at the decision of the planning department to give permission for the High Street development. Cllr Holmes wanted it deferred and has asked for certain works be supported by documentation.
Parish Clerk: 4 Parishioners have put their names forward for the vacant positions on the Council.
Web site is up to date. I am going to LRALC meeting in March.
Parish Chairman: Cllr Mills thanked all present but he will give a full report at the next meeting in March as he has only just taken on the post.
122/15-16 : The Queen’s Birthday Celebrations 2016 : No action defer until March meeting.
123/15-16 : Remembrance Day 2016 : No action defer until March meeting.
124/15-16 : Clerks Payroll : We have received 2 quotes from payroll companies.
Clerk to check with LRALC to see if they have a preferred option and to see if the companies we have quotes from meet with LRALC requirements.
125/15-16 : School Crossing : See Public Participation .
126/15-16: Planning Matters:
A ) Planning applications for consideration :
16/00093/REM : Approval of reserved matters development comprising of 8 bungalows with associated garaging. Hall Farm, 1 Melton Road, Waltham on the Wolds.
Council resolved to object on the grounds of the materials being used not in keeping with the village aspect
B ) Pending decisions from MBC – Information only .
15/00777/FULHH : 26 Houses off High Street. The decision on this application was made on the 18th February 2016 to permit
15/00816/GDRARG : Manor Farm , Farmhouse , Stonesby Rd , Waltham on the Wolds.
15/00862/FULLHH : 4 High Street , Waltham on the Wolds.
15/1011/OUT : Field 1357, Melton Rd , Waltham on the Wolds. ( 45 houses off Melton Road )
C ) To Note the following Planning approvals decision notices:
15/00945/FUL : The cottage , Burgins Lane, Waltham on the Wolds.
16/00021/TCA : 10 Goadby Rd, Waltham on the Wolds.
15/00918/FULLHH : 2 The Bank Cottages , Waltham Rd , Thorpe Arnold.
D ) Refusals for information:
.None to report.
E ) Withdrawals for information:
None to report
F ) Enforcement for information:
14/00065/COU : Goadby Road . Enforcement notice has been served.
113/15-16: Finance:
The bank reconciliation was approved and signed for the period ending 31-01-16
A ) Payments for approval :
Payments were signed and approved to the Value of £ 137.20
127/15-16 : Correspondence for information and discussion without resolution.
- Letter from Alec Lord confirmation of lawn mowers being serviced
- Local Government Boundary Commission.
- Letter from MBC reference Parish Council Vacancies
- Notice Local Government Act 1972 ref Council Vacancies. Placed on Notice Board.
- Bank statements from HSBC.
128/15-16: The next meeting of the Parish Council will take place on Wednesday the 23rd March 2016 at Thorpe Arnold Village Hall 7pm .
Parish Clerk. Alan R Noble 3 Benskins Close, Church Walk, Little Dalby, LE14 2UF
E-Mail – Tel: 01664 452139