9th District Tournament History
Much appreciation to Jeff Cooper for scores and Jeff Bridgeman (“Kentucky High School Basketball Encyclopedia”) for coaches’ names & season records that filled in some gaps in my own research...especially from “way back when.” An update on the Bridgeman book is available at
2018 (at Owensboro H.S.)
Apollo 61, Owensboro 58(19 - 8)Coach: Rod Drake--10
Owensboro Catholic 58, DaviessCounty 55(19-11)Coach: Neil Hayden--3
Owensboro Catholic 58, Apollo 56 (OT)(16-16)Coach: Steve Barker--4
(23-10)Coach: Tim Riley--3
2017 (at DaviessCounty)
DaviessCounty 63 Apollo 60 (OT)(22 - 7)Coach: Steve Barker--3
Owensboro Catholic 63, Owensboro 59(13-15)Coach: Rod Drake--9
Owensboro Catholic 40, DaviessCounty 37(21-13)Coach: Neil Hayden--2
(22-11)Coach: Tim Riley--2
2016 (at Sportscenter)
Apollo 58, DaviessCounty 51(21 - 7)Coach: Neil Hayden--1
Owensboro Catholic 73, Owensboro 54(9 - 14)Coach: Rod Drake--8
Owensboro Catholic 54, Apollo 49(9 - 18)Coach: Steve Barker--2
(22-10)Coach: Tim Riley--1
2015 (at Sportscenter)
Owensboro, Sr. 90, Owensboro Catholic 54(12-15)Coach: Neil Hayden--1
Apollo 42, DaviessCounty 39(18 - 8)Coach: Past Hume--3
Apollo 61, Owensboro, Sr. 55(31 - 4)Coach: Rod Drake--7
(18-13)Coach: Steve Barker--1
2014 (at Apollo)
DaviessCounty 57, Apollo 52(20 - 6)Coach: Steve Sergeant--4
Owensboro, Sr. 77, Owensboro Catholic 49(16 - 9)Coach: Ben Murphy--5
Owensboro, Sr. 56, DaviessCounty 54(16-11)Coach: Pat Hume--2
(21-11)Coach: Rod Drake--6
2013 (at Owensboro, Sr.)
Owensboro Catholic 59, DaviessCounty 50(17-13)Coach: Pat Hume--1
Owensboro, Sr. 57, Apollo 44(17-12)Coach: Steve Sergeant--3
Owensboro, Sr. 57, Owensboro Catholic 35(15-19)Coach: Ben Murphy--4
(19-11)Coach: Rod Drake--5
2012 (at DaviessCounty)
DaviessCounty 52, Owensboro Catholic 28(6 - 22)Coach: Ben Murphy--3
Apollo 60, Owensboro, Sr. 56(8 - 20)Coach: Rod Drake--4
DaviessCounty 68, Apollo 54(17-15)Coach: Steve Sergeant--2
(17-14)Coach: Caleb Smith--4
2011 (at Sportscenter)
DaviessCounty 67, Apollo 43(11-17)Coach: Steve Sergeant--1
Owensboro 40, Owensboro Catholic 39(11-17)Coach: Ben Murphy--2
DaviessCounty 72, Owensboro, Sr. 69(15-14)Coach: Rod Drake--3
(26 - 5)Coach: Caleb Smith--3
2010 (at Apollo)
Apollo 44, DaviessCounty 41(13-13)Coach: Caleb Smith--2
Owensboro Catholic 59, Owensboro, Sr. 49(13-12)Coach: Rod Drake--2
Owensboro Catholic 55, Apollo 45(18-13)Coach: Tony Hopper--5
(21 - 9)Coach: Ben Murphy--1
2009 (at the Sportscenter)
Owensboro 62, Owensboro Catholic 39(12-12)Coach: Perry Bailey--3
Apollo 52, DaviessCounty 48(7 - 18)Coach: Caleb Smith--1
Owensboro, Sr. 58, Apollo 47(17-12)Coach: Tony Hopper--5
(20 - 7)Coach: Rod Drake--1
2008 (at DaviessCounty)
Apollo 59, Owensboro Catholic 45(12-15)Coach: Perry Bailey--2
Owensboro 64, DaviessCounty 41(18-10)Coach: Charley Broughton--4
Apollo 59, Owensboro, Sr. 58(23-10)Coach: Wayne Breeden--2
(22 - 9)Coach: Tony Hopper--4
2007 (at Owensboro Sportscenter)
Apollo 52, Owensboro Catholic 39(7 - 19)Coach: Perry Bailey--1
Owensboro 57, DaviessCounty 32(15-14)Coach: Charley Broughton--3
Owensboro, Sr. 58, Apollo 56 (OT)(22-10)Coach: Tony Hopper--3
(24 - 9)Coach: Wayne Breeden--1
2006 (at Apollo)
Owensboro Catholic 58, DaviessCounty 30(8 - 20)Coach: Charley Broughton--2
Apollo 54, Owensboro, Sr. 52 (OT)(17-10)Coach: Jimmy Voight--1
Owensboro Catholic 48, Apollo 40 (25-11)Coach: Tony Hopper--2
(25 - 4)Coach: Mike Orr--9
(The entire state was re-districted for the 2006 season. Three of the 3rd
region’sfour districts were changed; this was the only one that remained intact.)
2005 (at Owensboro Sportscenter)
Owensboro Catholic 51, Owensboro, Sr. 43(10-16)Coach: Mike Stinnett--6
DaviessCounty 48, Apollo 40(12-13)Coach: Tony Hopper--1
Owensboro Catholic 51, DaviessCounty 49(17-13)Coach: Charley Broughton--1
(24 - 8)Coach: Mike Orr--8
2004 (at DaviessCounty)
Apollo 73, Owensboro, Sr. 61(8 - 19)Coach: Mike Stinnett--5
Owensboro Catholic 67, DaviessCounty 48(23 - 6)Coach: Curtis Turley--5
Owensboro Catholic 42, Apollo 40(22-10)Coach: Greg Baughn--5
(23 - 6)Coach: Mike Orr--7
2003 (at Owensboro Catholic)
Apollo 50, Owensboro Catholic 47(16-11)Coach: Mike Orr--6
DaviessCounty 62, Owensboro, Sr. 56(OT)(13-13)Coach: Mike Stinnett--4
DaviessCounty 57, Apollo 44(27 - 4)Coach: Greg Baughn--4
(27 - 7)Coach: Curtis Turley--4
2002 (at Apollo)
Owensboro 60, Owensboro Catholic 52(9 - 16)Coach: Mike Orr--5
DaviessCounty 69, Apollo 58(18 - 9)Coach: Greg Baughn--3
Owensboro, Sr. 53, DaviessCounty 46(25 - 6)Coach: Curtis Turley--3
(22-11)Coach: Mike Stinnett--3
2001 (at Owensboro Sportscenter)
DaviessCounty 61, Owensboro, Sr. 57(22 - 4)Coach: Mike Stinnett--2
Apollo 48, Owensboro Catholic 45(19 - 8)Coach: Mike Orr--4
DaviessCounty 59, Apollo 57(10-17)Coach: Greg Baughn--2
(16-14)Coach: Curtis Turley--2
2000 (at DaviessCounty)
Owensboro 65, Apollo 43(5 - 21)Coach: Greg Baughn--1
Owensboro Catholic 63, DaviessCounty 42(17 - 8)Coach: Curtis Turley--1
Owensboro Catholic 40, Owensboro, Sr. 37(16-13)Coach: Mike Stinnett--1
(23 - 6)Coach: Mike Orr--3
1999 (at Owensboro Sportscenter)
Apollo 66, DaviessCounty 61(8-17)Coach: Mike West--5/13
Owensboro Catholic 51, Owensboro, Sr. 38(9-13)Coach: Randy Embry--19
Owensboro Catholic 44, Apollo 43(15-14)Coach: Chuck Broughton--9
(17-10)Coach: Mike Orr--2
1998 (at Apollo)
Apollo 59, DaviessCounty 52(10-15)Coach: Mike West--4/12
Owensboro Catholic 61, Owensboro, Sr. 59(15 - 9)Coach: Randy Embry--18
Apollo 69, Owensboro Catholic 50(5 - 22)Coach: Mike Orr--1
(16-12)Coach: Chuck Broughton--8
1997 (at Owensboro Sportscenter)
Owensboro 71, DaviessCounty 45(10-17)Coach: Mike West--3/11
Apollo 42, Owensboro Catholic 20(9 - 16)Coach: Bruce Embry--6/10
Owensboro, Sr. 55, Apollo 49(27 - 4)Coach: Chuck Broughton--7
(25 - 7)Coach: Randy Embry--17
1996 (at DaviessCounty)
Owensboro, Sr. 64, Apollo 61 (OT)(21 - 6)Coach: Chuck Broughton--6
DaviessCounty 68, Owensboro Catholic 54(16 - 8)Coach: Bruce Embry--5/9
DaviessCounty 59, Owensboro 51(23 - 7)Coach: Randy Embry--16
(20-11)Coach: Mike West--2/10
1995 at Owensboro Sportscenter)
DaviessCounty 51, Owensboro, Sr. 46(20 - 5)Coach: Randy Embry--15
Apollo 75, Owensboro Catholic 60(14-12)Coach: Bruce Embry--4/8
Apollo 61, DaviessCounty 49(16-13)Coach: Mike West--1/9
(23 - 8)Coach: Chuck Broughton--5
1994 (at Apollo)
Owensboro 49, Apollo 35(15-11)Coach: Chuck Broughton--4
Owensboro Catholic 70, DaviessCounty 63(11-16)Coach: Alan Walter--2
Owensboro, Sr. 55, Owensboro Catholic 50(14-16)Coach: Bruce Embry--3/7
(28 - 6)Coach: Randy Embry--14
1993 (at DaviessCounty)
Owensboro 56, Apollo 40(16-13)Coach: Chuck Broughton--3
DaviessCounty 59, Owensboro Catholic 50(12-15)Coach: Bruce Embry--2/6
Owensboro, Sr. 74, DaviessCounty 59(11-20)Coach: Alan Walter--1
(20-10)Coach: Randy Embry--13
1992 (at Owensboro Sportscenter)
Owensboro 78, Apollo 74(17-10)Coach: Chuck Broughton--2
Owensboro Catholic 60, DaviessCounty 57(9 - 15)Coach: Ray Maggard--7
Owensboro, Sr. 60, Owensboro Catholic 53(6 - 22)Coach: Bruce Embry--1/5
(29 - 6)Coach: Randy Embry--12
1991 (at Owensboro Sportscenter)
Apollo 81, Owensboro Catholic 61(10-15)Coach: Danny Mattingly--4
Owensboro 69, DaviessCounty 65(10-16)Coach: Ray Maggard--6
Apollo 70, Owensboro, Sr. 57(19-10)Coach: Randy Embry--11
(17-13)Coach: Chuck Broughton--1
1990 (at Apollo)
Apollo 64, DaviessCounty 62(11-14)Coach: Ray Maggard--5
Owensboro Catholic 66, Owensboro, Sr. 53(13-14)Coach: Randy Embry--10
Apollo 74, Owensboro Catholic 53(15-14)Coach: Danny Mattingly--3
(30 - 5)Coach: Will Wyman--3
1989 (at Owensboro Sportscenter)
Owensboro 94, DaviessCounty 62(6 - 18)Coach: Ray Maggard--4
Apollo 54, Owensboro Catholic 51(7 - 19)Coach: Danny Mattingly--2
Owensboro, Sr. 72, Apollo 60(17-12)Coach: Will Wyman--2
(26 - 7)Coach: Randy Embry--9
1988 (at Owensboro Sportscenter)
Owensboro 71, Owensboro Catholic 60(11-15)Coach: Danny Mattingly--1
Apollo 67, DaviessCounty 23(8 - 18)Coach: Ray Maggard--3
Apollo 68, Owensboro, Sr. 59(23 - 9)Coach: Randy Embry--8
(28 - 7)Coach: Will Wyman--1
1987 (at Owensboro Sportscenter)
Owensboro 58, DaviessCounty 29(8 - 17)Coach: Ray Maggard--2
Apollo 66, Owensboro Catholic 58(18-10)Coach: Bill Roberson--2
Owensboro, Sr. 74, Apollo 58(20-10)Coach: John Whitmer--9
(30 - 4)Coach: Randy Embry--7
1986 (at Owensboro Sportscenter)
DaviessCounty 55, Owensboro Catholic 54(13-12)Coach: Bill Roberson--1
Owensboro 52, Apollo 50(25 - 5)Coach: John Whitmer--8
Owensboro, Sr. 71, DaviessCounty 63(13-14)Coach: Ray Maggard--1
(32 - 5)Coach: Randy Embry--6
1985 (at Owensboro Sportscenter)
Owensboro 69, Owensboro Catholic 55(5 - 17)Coach: Jim Mueller--5
Apollo 55, DaviessCounty 45(3 - 21)Coach: Mike West--8
Owensboro, Sr. 65, Apollo 63(27 - 7)Coach: John Whitmer--7
(25 - 5)Coach: Randy Embry--5
1984 (at Owensboro Sportscenter)
Owensboro 50, Owensboro Catholic 49(14-13)Coach: Jim Mueller--4
Apollo 60, DaviessCounty 48(16-11)Coach: Mike West--7
Apollo 49, Owensboro, Sr. 48 (OT)(22 - 7)Coach: Randy Embry--4
(14-16)Coach: John Whitmer--6
1983 (at Owensboro Sportscenter)
Owensboro Catholic 50, Apollo 41(8 - 17)Coach: John Whitmer--5
Owensboro 59, DaviessCounty 45(15-12)Coach: Mike West--6
Owensboro, Sr. 52, Owensboro Catholic 41(22 - 7)Coach: Jim Mueller--3
(31 - 7)Coach: Randy Embry--3
1982 (at Owensboro Sportscenter)
Owensboro Catholic 59, McLeanCounty 56(20 - 6)Coach: Rickie Johnson--3
DaviessCounty 8, Apollo 6(12-15)Coach: John Whitmer--4
Owensboro 51, Owensboro Catholic 43(13-14)Coach: Jim Mueller--2
Owensboro, Sr. 66, DaviessCounty 51(16-17)Coach: Mike West--5
(28 - 5)Coach: Randy Embry--2
1981 (at Owensboro Sportscenter)
DaviessCounty 68, McLeanCounty 51(10-16)Coach: Rickie Johnson--2
Owensboro 67, Owensboro Catholic 45(2 - 22)Coach: Jim Mueller--1
Apollo 65, DaviessCounty 64(12-15)Coach: Mike West--4
Owensboro, Sr. 73, Apollo 55(23 - 6)Coach: John Whitmer--3
(21-10)Coach: Randy Embry--1
1980 (at Owensboro Sportscenter)
McLeanCounty 65, DaviessCounty 58(8 - 17)Coach: Mike West--3
Apollo 76, Owensboro Catholic 52(5 - 18)Coach: Gary Russo--2
Owensboro 89, McLeanCounty 63(13-13)Coach: Rickie Johnson--1
Owensboro, Sr. 70, Apollo 66(24 - 6)Coach: John Whitmer--2
(34 - 2)Coach: Bobby Watson--23
1979 (at Owensboro Sportscenter)
Apollo 45, McLeanCounty 40(14-13)Coach: David Holland--3
Owensboro 55, Owensboro Catholic 36(11-13)Coach: Gary Russo--1
DaviessCounty 51, Apollo 44(22 - 8)Coach: John Whitmer--1
Owensboro, Sr. 80, DaviessCounty 64(15-14)Coach: Mike West--2
(23 - 9)Coach: Bobby Watson--22
1978 (at Owensboro Sportscenter)
Apollo 29, McLeanCounty 16(15-12)Coach: David Holland--2
DaviessCounty 70, Owensboro Catholic 67(4 - 18)Coach: Bobby Jackson--2
Apollo 41, Owensboro, Sr. 39 (OT)(15 - 9)Coach: Bobby Watson--21
Apollo 64, DaviessCounty 54(18-16)Coach: Mike West--1
(35 - 1)Coach: Wayne Chapman--5
1977 (at Owensboro Sportscenter)
Apollo 84, McLeanCounty 54(13-12)Coach: David Holland--1
Owensboro 41, DaviessCounty 37(12-14)Coach: Danny Barker--2
Apollo 79, Owensboro Catholic 49(5 - 19)Coach: Bruce Embry/Bobby Jackson
Apollo 61, Owensboro, Sr. 53(25 - 5)Coach: Bobby Watson--20
(23 - 8)Coach: Wayne Chapman--4
(Jackson replaced Embry at O.C. after a 2-8 start to the season)
1976 (at Owensboro Sportscenter)
Apollo 71, Owensboro, Sr. 70 (OT)(18 - 7)Coach: Bobby Watson--19
McLeanCounty 71, Owensboro Catholic 64(9 - 17)Coach: Bruce Embry--4
Apollo 84, DaviessCounty 65(7 - 18)Coach: Danny Barker--1
Apollo 82, McLeanCounty 74(12-15)Coach: Ed Watson--3
(27 - 5)Coach: Wayne Chapman--3
1975 (at Owensboro Sportscenter)
Apollo 57, Owensboro Catholic 52(13-13)Coach: Bruce Embry--3
Owensboro 70, DaviessCounty 59(6 - 20)Coach: Randy Embry--8
Apollo 60, McLeanCounty 49(14-12)Coach: Ed Watson--2
Owensboro, Sr. 60, Apollo 55(18-11)Coach: Wayne Chapman--2
(24 - 8)Coach: Bobby Watson--18
This was the 11th straight district title for the Red Devils.
1974 (at OwensboroSportscenter)
DaviessCounty 64, McLeanCounty 61(11-14)Coach: Ed Watson--1
Apollo 78, Whitesville Trinity 67(16-17)Coach: Bryce Roberts--9
Owensboro Catholic 67, DaviessCounty 39(21 - 5)Coach: Randy Embry--7
Owensboro 101, Apollo 51(15-12)Coach: Wayne Chapman--1
Owensboro, Sr. 94, Owensboro Catholic 62(14-16)Coach: Bruce Embry--2
(26 - 6)Coach: Bobby Watson--17
1973 (at Owensboro Sportscenter)
Owensboro 110, McLeanCounty 43(9 - 22)Coach: Tris Kington--1
Apollo 73, Whitesville Trinity 65(7 - 15)Coach: Bryce Roberts--8
Owensboro69, DaviessCounty 57(21 - 6)Coach: Randy Embry--6
Owensboro Catholic 69, Apollo 33(5 - 20)Coach: Jim Lambert--2
Owensboro, Sr. 74, Owensboro Catholic 59(20 - 9)Coach: Bruce Embry--1
(25 - 8)Coach: Bobby Watson--16
(Apollo’s 2nd year to play--1st year with a varsity schedule. The school is located within the city limits of Owensboro.
No high schools in the county were closed, so students apparently came from various schools in DaviessCounty.)
1972 (at Owensboro Sportscenter)
Whitesville Trinity 76, Sacramento 74(10-19)Coach: Earl Devine--1
Calhoun 58, DaviessCounty 57(10-15)Coach: Randy Embry--5
Owensboro 100, Livermore 34(2 - 27)Coach: Jim Neatherly--2
Owensboro Catholic 80, Whitesville Trinity 70(4 - 25)Coach: Bryce Roberts--7
Owensboro 85, Calhoun 48(14-11)Coach: Tris Kington--2
Owensboro, Sr.80,Owensboro Catholic 58(11-16)Coach: Mike Grebe--4
(30 - 4)Coach: Bobby Watson--15state champs!
(Calhoun, LivermoreSacramento consolidated the next year to form McLeanCounty.)
1971 (at Owensboro Sportscenter)
Owensboro 91, Owensboro Catholic 46(5 - 19)Coach: Mike Grebe--3
Livermore 77, Whitesville Trinity 60(8 - 21)Coach: Bryce Roberts--6
DaviessCounty 84, Calhoun 67(16-10)Coach: Tris Kington--1
Owensboro 70, Sacramento 54(15-10)Coach: Steve Hayes--4
DaviessCounty 91, Livermore 76(7 - 16)Coach: Jim Neatherly--1
Owensboro, Sr. 77, DaviessCounty 58(17-12)Coach: Randy Embry--4
(28 - 4)Coach: Bobby Watson--14
1970 (at DaviessCounty)
Sacramento 83, Calhoun 56(5 - 23)Coach: Bill Warren--2
Owensboro Catholic 69, DaviessCounty 59(15 - 9)Coach: Randy Embry--3
Owensboro 72, Livermore 47(17 - 9)Coach: Tommy Hobgood--1
Sacramento 95, Whitesville Trinity 70(2 - 24)Coach: Bryce Roberts--5
Owensboro 67, Owensboro Catholic 55(20 - 6)Coach: Mike Grebe--2
Owensboro, Sr. 69, Sacramento 62(5 - 27)Coach: Steve Hayes--3
(21 - 7)Coach: Bobby Watson--13
1969 (at DaviessCounty)
Owensboro 69, DaviessCounty 66(11-13)Coach: Randy Embry--2
Sacramento 64, Whitesville Trinity 61(14-12)Coach: Bryce Roberts--4
Owensboro Catholic 60, Livermore 56(22 - 7)Coach: Jesse Flynn--2
Owensboro 76, Calhoun 44(8 - 19)Coach: Bill Warren--1
Owensboro Catholic 73, Sacramento 67 (OT)(5 - 24)Coach: Steve Hayes--2
Owensboro, Sr. 77, Owensboro Catholic 67(11-14)Coach: Mike Grebe--1
(16-10)Coach: Bobby Watson--12
1968 (at DaviessCounty)
DaviessCounty 86, Owensboro Catholic 58(9 - 19)Coach: Butch Abernathy--2
Livermore 88, Sacramento 58(15-11)Coach: Steve Hayes--1
Owensboro 85, Calhoun 57(14-12)Coach: Roger Cordell--1
DaviessCounty 66, Whitesville “Trinity” 36(12-16)Coach: Bryce Roberts--3
Owensboro 66, Livermore 49(16-10)Coach: Jesse Flynn--1
Owensboro, Sr. 50, DaviessCounty 46(19-12)Coach: Randy Embry--1
(26 - 3)Coach: Bobby Watson--11
1967 (at OwensboroSportscenter)
Sacramento 56, DaviessCounty 48(13-12)Coach: Charles Combs--3
Calhoun 62, Livermore 56(10-19)Coach: Carl Ashby--4
Owensboro 93, Whitesville “St. Mary’s” 43(11-11)Coach: Bryce Roberts--2
Owensboro Catholic 66, Sacramento 58(10-15)Coach: Doug Walsh--2
Owensboro 69, Calhoun 40(20 - 9)Coach: Don Parson--7
Owensboro, Sr. 80, Owensboro Catholic 44(7 - 18)Coach: Butch Abernathy--1
(26 - 5)Coach: Bobby Watson--10
1966 (at Owensboro Sportscenter)
Owensboro 79, Sacramento 57(6 - 16)Coach: Doug Walsh--1
Livermore 61, Owensboro Catholic 45(8 - 15)Coach: Homer Bleckers--2
Calhoun 91, Whitesville St. Mary’s 84(12-13)Coach: Bryce Roberts--1
Owensboro 71, DaviessCounty 54(13-12)Coach: Charles Combs--2
Livermore 68, Calhoun 61(16-11)Coach: Don Parson--6
Owensboro, Sr. 88, Livermore 44(22-12)Coach: Carl Ashby--3
(24 - 6)Coach: Bobby Watson--9
(In 1966, the KHSAA gave JeffersonCounty two regions instead of one...causing state-wide realignment.
The schools above came from Districts 11 & 12. Those below moved to Region Two, District Six.)
1965 (at Morganfield)
UnionCounty 66, WebsterCounty 62(16-13)Coach: Jude Talbott--2
Morganfield St. Vincent 69, Providence 34(1 - 24)Coach: Morris Coffman--3
Morganfield St. Vincent 59, UnionCounty 38(8 - 16)Coach: Earl Adkins--1
(22 - 6)Coach: Ben Finley--1
(St. Vincent made the region this year--and again the next--for the only timesin the school's
basketball history 1950-1967. Until this year, the Arrows had won only three district tourney games ever.)
1964 (at WebsterCounty)
Morganfield St. Vincent 44, Morganfield 42(7 - 19)Coach: Yancy Wadkins--2
WebsterCounty 55, Morganfield Dunbar 54 -Coach: John Howard--3
Providence 98, Morganfield St. Vincent 57(13-15)Coach: Robert Velten--3
WebsterCounty 105, Sturgis 62(2 - 19)Coach: Henry “Hooker” Holt--11
Providence 83, WebsterCounty 54(21-14)Coach: Jude Talbott--1
(27 - 5)Coach: Morris Coffman--2
(Morganfield St. Agnes became part of St. Vincent this year.)
(Morganfield, Sturgis & Morganfield Dunbar consolidated to form UnionCounty the next year.)
1963 (at Providence)
Providence 53, Clay 27(6 - 21)Coach: David Omer--1
Sebree 49, Dixon 43(17 - 8)Coach: Marion Morris--1
Providence 68, Slaughters 33(0 - 21)Coach: Bob Chaney--2
Providence 70, Sebree 53(15-14)Coach: Eldon (Bob) Bradley--2
(23 - 8)Coach: Morris Coffman--1
(Last year for Clay, Sebree, Dixon and Slaughterswhich consolidated to formWebsterCounty.)
1962 (at Providence)
Providence Rosenwald 45, Clay 34(5 -22)Coach: Wayne Wilson--2
Slaughters 43, Providence 36(8 - 18)Coach: L.G. Tubbs--6
Providence Rosenwald 59, Sebree 56(18 - 7)Coach: Eldon (Bob) Bradley--1
Slaughters 49, Dixon 46(8 - 14)Coach: Estel Manasco--3
Providence Rosenwald 68, Slaughters 42(10-21)Coach: Bobby Chaney--1
-Coach: Herbert Jones--1
(Rosenwald became part of Providence the next year in integration consolidation.)
1961 (at Providence)
Sebree 69, Dixon 26(1 - 24)Coach: Estel Manasco--2
Providence 39, Providence Rosenwald 31 -Coach: Herschel Martin--3
Slaughters 48, Sebree45(11-22)Coach: Byron Watkins--3
Providence 74, Clay 50(2 - 22)Coach: Wayne Wilson--1
Providence 64, Slaughters 44(9 - 23)Coach: Eldon (Bob) Bradley--2/4
(21 - 7)Coach: L.G. Tubbs--5
1960 (at Providence)
Sebree 46, Providence Rosenwald 25 -Coach: Herschel Martin--2
Dixon 55, Clay 53(2 - 21)Coach: Frank Davis--2
Sebree 29, Providence 28 (13-12)Coach: L.G. Tubbs--4
Slaughters 69, Dixon45(1 - 23)Coach: Estel Manasco--1
Sebree 69, Slaughters 53(14-13)Coach: Eldon (Bob) Bradley--1/3
(32 - 4)Coach: Byron Watkins--2
1959 (at Providence)
Dixon 57, Providence Rosenwald 44 -Coach: Herschel Martin--1
Providence 58, Slaughters 41(10-17)Coach: Jerry Gamble--1
Dixon 68, Clay 46(3 -24)Coach: Frank Davis--1
Providence 61, Sebree 57(18-10)Coach: Byron Watkins--1
Dixon 79, Providence 50(11 - 8)Coach: L.G. Tubbs--3
(20-11)Coach: Morris Coffman--2
1958 (at Providence)
(Claywas not in tourney this year)(4 - 18)Coach: Jim Holland--2
Dixon 70, Providence 40(0 - 21)Coach: L.G. Tubbs--2
Providence Rosenwald 44, Slaughters 42(2 - 23)Coach: Eldon (Bob) Bradley--2
Dixon 58, Sebree 50(11-12)Coach: Jim Lynch--2
Dixon 62, Providence Rosenwald 43 -Coach: W.O. Nuckolls--
(23 - 1)Coach: Morris Coffman--1
(With racial integration, this was the first year for many black schools to
be included in the KHSAA tournament…among them Providence Rosenwald.)
1957 (at Providence)
Dixon 47, Slaughters 36(15-11)Coach: Eldon (Bob) Bradley--1
Providence 62, Clay 47(7 - 20)Coach: Jim Holland--1
Sebree 68, Dixon 54(10-14)Coach: Billy Birdwell--2
Sebree 70, Providence 55(10-15)Coach: L.G. Tubbs--1
(22 - 9)Coach: Jim Lynch--1
1956 (at Providence)
Providence 62, Slaughters 49(6 - 21)Coach: Fred McDowell--1
Providence 66, Sebree 62(16-14)Coach: Hugh Sellers--5
Clay 28, Dixon 20(9 - 14)Coach: Billy Birdwell--1
Clay 85, Providence 48(15-15)Coach: C.G. Sherrill--2
(20 - 7)Coach: Ken Middleton--3
(Consolation game: Sebree 72, Dixon 57)
1955 (at Providence)
Clay 69, Providence 44(4 - 21)Coach: C.G. Sherrill--1
Dixon 65, Sebree 49(14-15)Coach: Hugh Sellers--4
Clay 77, Slaughters 45(8 - 16)Coach: Dorman Dunville--2
Clay 53, Dixon 49(27 - 7)Coach: Dudley Brandenburg--1
(19-14)Coach: Ken Middleton--2
1954 (at Providence)
Dixon 56, Clay 49(20-10)Coach: Ken Middleton--1
Providence 64, Slaughters 45(4 - 21)Coach: Dorman Dunville--1
Poole 49, Providence 47(12-14)Coach: Wendell Johnson--2
Dixon 61, Sebree 49(9 - 20)Coach: Hugh Sellers--3
Dixon 77, Poole 38(10-18)Coach: John Crowe--1
(34 - 3)Coach: C. G. Sherrill--4
(last year for Poole whose students went toSebree the next year)
1953 (at Providence)
Dixon 63, Poole 52(13-16)Coach: Fred McDowell--1
Clay 97, Slaughters 47(0 - 25)Coach: B.B. Brown--2
Sebree 59, Dixon 53(25 - 6)Coach: C.G. Sherrill--3
Providence 64, Clay 52(9 - 15)Coach: Harold Smith--4
Providence53, Sebree 47(15-15)Coach: Hugh Sellers--2
(16-11)Coach: Wendell Johnson--1
1952 (at Providence)
Poole 48, Slaughters 32(0 - 25)Coach: B.B. Brown--1
Providence 74, Clay 41(0 - 24)Coach: Harold Smith--3
Dixon 60, Wheatcroft 59(6 - 19)Coach: Ken Middleton--1
Sebree 64, Poole 43(7 - 22)Coach: H.R. Marks--1
Providence 51, Dixon 35(15-15)Coach: C.G. Sherrill--2
Providence 87, Sebree 59(17-13)Coach: Hugh Sellers--1
(27 - 3)Coach: Barrett Green--3
(last season for Wheatcroft whose students went toClay the next year)
1951 (at Sebree)
Slaughters 39, Wheatcroft 38(12-17)Coach: Delmer Pickles--1
Poole 49, Clay 45(0 - 23)Coach: Harold Smith--2
Providence 66, Dixon 47(14-15)Coach: C.G. Sherrill--1
Slaughters 49, Sebree 44(4 - 25)Coach: Bill Gilbreath--1
Providence 67, Poole 42(8 - 16)Coach: Don Minster--1
Providence52, Slaughters 38(8 - 20)Coach: John Branson--2
(22 - 9)Coach: Barrett Green--2
1950 (at Poole)
Sebree 61, Poole 31(0 - 25)Coach: Wilbur Collins--8
Dixon 58, Clay 36(0 - 24)Coach: Harold Smith--1
Slaughters 48, Wheatcroft 39(9 - 19)Coach: Fred McDowell--1
Sebree 50, Providence 37(12-13)Coach: Barrett Green--1
Dixon 38, Slaughters 29(10-19)Coach: John Branson--1
Sebree 46, Dixon 39(8 - 20)Coach: Philip (P.D.) Fancher--1
(25 - 2)Coach: Herman McClain--1
1949 (at Poole)
Sebree 67, Slaughters 38(0 - 25)Coach: L.J. Byrum--4
Onton 57, Wheatcroft 39(9 - 16)Coach: D.L. Evans--1
Dixon 55, Poole 38(16 - 9)Coach: Wilbur Collins--7
Providence 49, Clay 33(12-16)Coach: Jimmie Holland--1
Sebree 43, Onton 38(20 - 7)Coach: Fred McDowell--2
Dixon36,Providence 24(17-13)Coach: J.D. Rayburn--3
Sebree43, Dixon 34(22 - 9)Coach: James (J.D.) Taylor--2
(15-17)Coach: James Catron--1
(Last year for Onton whose students went to Slaughtersthe next year.)
1948 (at
Morganfield 31,Providence 29(10-16)Coach: J.D. Rayburn--2
Uniontown 27, Slaughters 23(3 - 25)Coach: L.J. Byrum--3
Onton 51, Clay 39(11-18)Coach: W.E. Blackburn---1
Sebree 32, Poole 30(8 - 19)Coach: Wilbur Collins--6
Sturgis 32, Uniontown 31(7 - 21)Coach: Dudley Brandenburg--3
Dixon 41, Wheatcroft 40(6 - 20)Coach: Wilbur Horning--5
Onton 32, Morganfield 31(19-10)Coach: John Crow--1
Sebree 26, Sturgis 20(12-15)Coach: Ralph Horning--2/7
Onton 55,Dixon 51(7 - 19)Coach: James Taylor--1
Sebree 44, Onton 29(21-11)Coach: Fred McDowell--1
(12-19)Coach: J.B. McCollum--2
The KHSAA resumed the current-day set-up: 16 regions & 64 districts...with both champions & runners-up advancing.
1947 (at Sebree)
Dixon49, Slaughters 46(4 - 21)Coach: L.J. Byrum--2
Sebree 36, Poole 23(0 - 25)Coach: Wilbur Collins--5
Providence 31, Onton 25(16 - 9)Coach: Gertrude Gutteridge--1 (yep; a lady coach)
Clay 35, Dixon 27(13-13)Coach: Bill Hale--1
Wheatcroft 54, Uniontown 14(0 - 25)Coach: Dudley Brandenburg--2
Providence 38, Sebree 22(24 - 7)Coach: J.B. McCollum--1
Wheatcroft 46, Clay 34(9 - 14)Coach: Kelly Hearon--1
Wheatcroft 24, Providence 23(19-10)Coach: J.D. Rayburn--1
(15-15)Coach: Wilbur Horning--4
(Morganfield and Sturgis did not have teams this year)
(The KHSAA reduced the number of districts back to 64 this year, but
continued to allow only champions to advance to the region tournament.)
1946 (at
Onton 32, Poole 19(10-15)Coach: Wilbur Collins--4
Dixon 23, Sebree 21(16 - 9)Coach: Fred Poore--3
Wheatcroft 44, Uniontown 17(12-13)Coach: Dudley Brandenburg--1
Slaughters 36, Onton 26(20 - 4)Coach: Henry Price--3