2016 DATES
Thursday20Year 3/4 Crazy SockDay
9am Green Hub Parent Coffee Catch Up at Little Birdie cafe
Friday 21Crazy Sock Day forTeamJasperAssembly PrepAH
Sunday23Walk for TeamJasper
Monday24Year 4 Bike Education TourdeGroveWednesday266.30-7.30pm Year 6, 2017 BYODParent
Information Session
Friday 28Mission Fete – students dismissed at3pm.
Tuesday1School closed – Melbourne Cup PublicHoliday
Wed 2 -Fri11Green HubSwimmingProgramWednesday27pm School EducationBoardMeetingThursday 312pm Relay for LifeLadiesLunchFriday 4Assembly 1/2BV
Sat 5-Sun6Ocean Grove RelayforLifeWednesday97-8.30pm Year 6 MusicNight
Monday146.30-8.30pm Year Prep-2 Parentsession
Cyber Safety
Wednesday16Level 4+ LifeSavingSessionsMonday217.30pm PFA Annual GeneralMeeting
Tuesday 226-7pm Prep 2017 InformationSessionforParents andStudents
Monday28School Closed-Staff Professional LearningDay
Tuesday 299.30-11am Prep 2017Orientation
Tuesday 69.30-11am Prep2017OrientationYear 7 Orientation to Catholic Schools 6-8pm SchoolConcert
Friday 162pm End of YearMass
3.30pm Term 4 conclusion
Dear Parents,
With the spring weather here for us and opportunities for getting outside more often there are various school and community events that we can happily experience.
One of the highlights of our school year for the Star of the Sea studentsisourMissionFete.ThisyearwearehavingourMission Fete on Friday 28 October. For those of you who are in tune with communityeventsyoumayhavenoticedthatthisis alsothedate forSurfsideFreshFoodFete.OurMissionFeteisforparticipation of our school community, particularly the children, and conducted during school time. The Surfside Fresh Food Fair invites wider communityattendance.SurfsideFreshFoodFairisadvertisedas commencing at 3.15pm.The events falling on the same date meanspotentiallytherecouldbemuchmoretrafficandparkingin demandinJohnDoryDriveduringthedayandparticularlyatpick uptime.
In an attempt to avoid what could be potential chaos in John Dory Drive I offer the following solutions.
1.Our dismissal time will be 3pm not our usual3.30pm.
2.The church car park will be opened for the day, until 3.45pm, for our families to park and walk to andfrom school.
3.There is additional parking around Shell Road Oval and the Aquatic Centre, though many of the Surfside families may need to use thesespaces.
4.Please do not use the staff car park, which is not to used by parents at any time during school hours or for drop off or pickup.
In the spirit of cooperation I encourage you to support these solutions.
God Bless You. Rhonda J Boyd. Principal
MISSION FETE Friday 28 October
“Ihavecomesothatyoumayhavelifeandhaveittothefull.” John10:10
As part of our preparations for Mission Fete on 28 October, we want our students to understand that they are blessed with the many wonderful things that they have in their daily lives and that these are things for which we should be grateful. In our studied scripture passage, Matthew 25:32-40, we are called to be righteous people who share our gifts and qualities by caring for others. The following letter is from Sr Abeba in Bulbula. She has asked our liaison, Kate, to pass this on to us. It reminds us of the difference our Mission Fete money is making and the gratitude, with which it is accepted.
Dear Kate,
Thankyouverymuchforallhelpwhatyouandyourcollegedoing for the poor children if your help was not there this children wouldn’t go to school so thank you for opening hope for this children future life. All the children got good result in their study. my dear you have to know that you are really blessed your call is very special may the good God continued is unconditional love to you and your families. The money star of Sea was a gift from our Lordchildrenhavebeengivenanewlife.ThanksbetoGodThank you very much, with prayer and love. sr abebakidane
Timetable for the Day
9:15amLiturgy at theChurch.
10:00-10:30Recess - chips & zooper doopersfor sale10:45-11:30Lap athon
11:30-12:15Setting up stalls /sausagesizzlelunch12:15-12:45Lunch break
2.30pmAssembly-raffles drawn andcompetition
winners announced.
Click here for information about the Mission Fete stalls, including donations required and location of stalls and activities.
If you are able to assist with cooking the sausage sizzle after the liturgy, please email Miss Lib and Miss Marianne, RE Leaders Marianne Caddy and the Social Justice Group
The following classes will be provided with a hot chip lunch this Thursday due to their wonderful displays during Book Week activities - Prep R, 1/2 MG, 3/4 RO, 5/6 DB.
Child Safety is everyone’s responsibility.
Safe technology tip #1 Setting good habits from a youngagewhenyourchildison technology helps parents to
keepthemsafe.Itisveryimportantthatyourchildhasboundaries with technology. Don't underestimate that they like to have these boundaries.
Wednesday 19 October - Green Hub to Barwon Heads Thursday 20 October - Red Hub to CERES Community Park Friday 21 October – Purple Hub Year 4 Round Robin Tuesday 25 October – Green Hub to Potato Shed
Prep AH will be presenting assembly this week, swapping from Week 5.MissAlison
1/2 BV will be presenting assembly in Week 5.
CERES Excursion
Thursday is the Red Hub excursion to CERES Environmental Centre. We need to be on the bus to leave at 7:45am due to possible road works on our way to Melbourne. Students do not need to go to their classrooms in the morning. Their teachers will meet them at the front of the school. If you have any old batteries and mobile phones, they can be handed into teachers who will hand them over to CERES to be disposed of properly.
Star Learning Parent Helpers
We have very few parents on our parent helper list. The times when we need helpers are 11:30am -1pm Monday, Tuesday & Friday or 9:30 – 11am Tuesday and Thursday. Please fill out the sheetintheHuboremailyourchild'sclassroomteacherifyoucan help, even if it is fortnightly or just for a fewweeks.
Thank you, Red Hub Teachers
Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) program
With Term 4 underway we thought it timely to carry out some researchandrequestsomefeedbackaboutyourexperienceswith theschoolsBringYourOwnDevice(BYOD)programinthePurple Hub in 2016. We feel the program has been a great success so faratschoolwithinourLearningandTeachingprogram.Students’ amazingcreativeskillsareconsistentlydisplayedthroughtheuse of technology, they are engaging in tasks which are transferring tothehomeandopeningupopportunitiestosharetheirworkwith you and a wider audience. We are also witnessing effective collaborationskillsandstudentschallengingthemselvesinfinding
new and exciting ways to represent their learning and so much more. We appreciate your time in filling out the below survey.
Parent survey -
Crazy Sock Day Change of Date for Purple Hub
Purple Hub Crazy Sock Day will be on Thursday 20 October.The Year3studentswillalsobeabletowearcrazysocksagainFriday, along with the rest of the school if theychoose.
3/4TA are requiring circle lids of all sizes and colours to decorate the Christmas Tree for the Little MalopStreetChristmasdisplay.If you have any lids at home whether it be from big tins, jam jars, milk bottles please bring them in. The more we have the better the tree will look. We are also after plastic bottles for anart
activity. If you have a 750ml plastic bottle can you please also bring these into 3/4TA.
Bike Education
To help with the Bike Ed program contact Miss Tahnee by email: ank you to those parents who have already offered their time.
Tuesday 18 October 2.15-3.15pm Wednesday 19 October 2.15-3.15pm Thursday 20 October 2.15-3.15pm
Monday 24 October 9am Barwon Heads bike ride.
Year 4 Round Robin - Coaches Needed
This Friday the Year 4 students are off to Geelong to compete in a Round Robin against other Geelong Catholic schools. We are in desperate need of coaches to help support the 7 teams we are taking on the day. If you know the rules of basketball or netball and can help out email
Purple HubTeachers
Year 6 Music Night
The Year 6 students have been working hard on their dance routinesinpreparationfortheannualYear6MusicNight.Thiswill be held at the 'Potato Shed' in Drysdale on Wednesday 9 Novemberat7pm.ThestudentswillneedtobeatthePotatoShed by 6.45pm. Family tickets are $15 per family and can be purchasedthroughtheschooloffice.Pleaseputyourmoneyinan envelope with your child's name on it and the number of family guests coming so we can ensure seating for all. A receipt will be sent home once the money has been received and your receipt will be yourticket.
Sock Puppets
Year 5 students have been busy designing and creating sock puppets for their presentations. The students will be performing sock puppet plays later in the term for junior classes.
T20 cricket competition
T20 cricket competition change of date and venue. Please note the change for this competition. It will now be held on Monday 7 November.32Year6studentswillberepresentingOurLadyStar of the Sea school at Eastern Gardens, Oval no. 3. It is important forallstudentstoweartheirschoolsportsuniformincludingwhite socks.
Rotary Junior Community Awards
Well done to the 17 students who have completed the Rotary Junior Community Award Program - Tyson Garner, Anna Smith, Emily Green, Makaleah Naus, Eliza Ansell, Veronica Frangipani, AnnieMarshall,AlishaJones,AlyssaDickeson,ZoeHoney,Emily Mills,TiaFitzgerald,MiettaMorgan,MaisyHay,JacksonMaguire Smith, Xavier Eales, Charlet Oaten. These students have worked hard to complete many community engagement components and nowarecontinuingtheirworkwithinourcommunity.XavierEales, Emily Green, Tia Fitzgerald and Eliza Ansell will represent Our Lady Star of the Sea school, and show presentation at an upcoming Rotary Junior Community Awards Night in Ocean Grove. DanielleBrennan
All learning journals must be returned by tomorrow, Tuesday 18 October.
Please return all football jumpers and netball skirts that were used in the interschool sport competition last term
as soonaspossible.Thankyou,Year5/6teachers
Congratulations to the students who took part in this year’s Australian Mathematics Competition. It was a delight to see the thinking, problem solving, persistence and enjoyment shown when the students were completing the competition tasks. Last week each student received a certificate and outline of their results. They are to be very proud of their achievements. Particular mention goes to Year 3 student Jack Gross, pictured above, who achieved a High Distinction. Keep up the excellence inmathseveryone. MissJacinta,MathematicsLeader
LastTuesday5studentsfromOurLadyStaroftheSeacompeted at the Regional Athletics Track and Field Finals at Keilor. Well done to Ellie Harrison - 8th in the 1500m run; Anna Smith - 14th in High Jump; Xavier Eales - 3rd in the 1500m run; Tahj Wirth - 10th in Discus; Ollie Northam - 7th inDiscus.
Division Zone Basketball Competition
Last Wednesday, 8 Year 6 students participated in the Division round of basketball. The boys played 3 games and went through tothefinal,whichtheywon.ThankyoutoMissTrishfortakingthe boys to the Division round and thank you to Natalie Northam for coaching the team. Well done to Olly Northam, Tahj Wirth, Ned Poynder, Max McLachlan, Baxter Stephenson, Aaron Prendergast, Nick Gibbon, Tom Gross. They will now go on to compete at the Western zone in Altona on Thursday 27 October. We wish themluck.
Etihad Soccer Visit
On Tuesday evening 41 students went to Etihad Stadium with Miss Keogh, Mr V and Miss Tahnee to watch the Socceroos vs Japan. They cheered very loud but the game was a draw.
Upcoming sports dates
Annual General Meeting Monday 21 November, 7.30pm. Nominationsarecalledforpositionsfor2017.Clickheretoaccess the NominationForm.
Green Hub Coffee
Green Hub parents are invited to a coffee catch up at Little Birdie on Grubb Road at 9am this Thursday 20 October, after school drop off.
Andi Crapp and Mary McCartney
A big thank you to the members of our school community who have supported our Relay for Life team to date. Thank you for the donations of chocolate blocks and the purchasing of hot dog lunches. An extra special thank you to the
wonderfulladieswhogavetheirtimetocookhotdogslastFriday. Details of how to register to walk in our relay team on November 5 and 6 will be in next week's newsletter. More than $1600 was raised from the Hot Dog Day, to support Relay forLife.
Save the Date: Ladies Lunch, in support of Relay for Life at the Ocean Grove Hotel Thursday 3 November.
Catherine Sampson and Therese Bourke
again this Sunday 23 October, 1.30pm, at 26 Mercer Street Queenscliff.
HOLY TRINITY PARISH NEWS Tel: (03) 5258 1673
Children’s Liturgy - First Sunday of the month. Next Children’s Liturgy is Sunday 6
November during the 9am Mass.
Geelong Deanery Masses
150th Year Celebrations
Holy Trinity Church, in Stevens Street, Queenscliff, is the foundation Church of the Parish. Friday 20 January 2017 will be the 150th Anniversary of the original Blessing by Bishop Goold in 1867.
Lunchtime Martial Arts @ Our Lady Star of the Sea
Adam from Warrior Academy is offering a 6 week program of Lunchtime Martial Arts, Mondays 1:15-1:45pm, starting Monday 7 November. Students learn techniques, games anddrillsthatarebothfunandsafe.Suitablefor
all levels including. Beginners. The cost is $60 per student. Contact Adam 0409 589 369.
Surfside Fresh Food Fair
Click here to access further information about the fair.
Festival of the Sea
The festival’s Annual General Meeting will be held on Monday 24 October.at 7pm at the Lobster Pot, Barwon heads. Click here to access the agenda.
History Week Alive In Queenscliff
Isobel and Laura as Lilly and Ethel Richardson, on the steps of the historic home in Queenscliff.
Geelong Gala Day
Click here for further information, including Meal Voucherorders.
This year is the 100th
year celebration of Gala. The celebration,
Please check your girl’s cardigans. Alexie Murray has lost her named school cardigan. If found please return it to the school office.
included2ofourstudents.LauraMcMahonandIsobelMcDonald were fantastic as they played Ethel, (the author’s real name) and Lilly, her younger sister. The short play was performed on the veranda of the original Richardson home in Mercer Street. Well done Laura and Isobel, on a great presentation and for being involvedinsuchaninterestingproject.Theplaywillbeperformed
along with the iconic street parade will be held on Saturday
12 November. The 2016 parade will be supporting the Barwon Health Hospital Appeal #projectlove – the redevelopment of the Andrew Love Cancer Centre. Click here for further information. Click here for further information. Click here to access the Gala Day Coloring Sheet.