939 Shattuck Avenue

Berkeley, CA 94707


Teaching and Advising

Professor (2006-present) Saint Mary’s College of California, Kalmanovitz School of Education.

Professor (2000-2005; Associate Professor, 1994-1999; Assistant Professor 1992-1994) Saint Mary's College of California, School of Extended Education.

Academic Advisor and Professor (1985 - 1991) San Diego Center, College of Undergraduate Studies, The Union Institute.

Instructor (1973-1980) Santa Fe and San Diego Community Colleges. Designed and instructed continuing education courses in nutrition and consumer education,

Instructor and presenter (1978-79). San Diego Community College. TV-Classroom course in nutrition education.

Administration and Program Development

Chair, PLAAD (Prior Learning Assessment and Adult Development) (September 1992 –August 2005), Saint Mary's College of California, School of Extended Education.

Associate Dean (February 1985 - September 1988, concurrent with faculty position, see above), College of Undergraduate Studies, The Union Institute.


Fulbright Scholar Grant (Greece, Spring 2013). Gave workshops/seminars related to adult development and learning; conduct research comparing effects of socio-historical foundations and current economic conditions on adult education in Greece and the U.S.

Philip E. Frandson Award (2001) for Developing Adult Learner: “for contribution to the literature and field of adult higher education,” by the American Associate for Adult and Continuing Education.

Degrees Earned

Ph.D.Union Graduate School, Adult Higher Education (Emphasis: Adult Development and Learning).

M.P.H. San Diego State University, Health Promotion.

B.A.The Union Institute/University Without Walls consortium, Nutritional Studies.


On issues related toadult development, adult learning, faculty development, learning and the brain, prior learning assessment. Selected organizations include:

Christchurch College of Education (New Zealand)

Deakin University, Australia (Geelong Campus)

De La Salle University, Manila, Philippines

De Paul University, School for New Learning

International College, Naples FL

Oxford Brookes University (U.K.)

The Master's College, Santa Clarita, CA

San Diego State University, Department of English

San Diego State University, Department of Public Health

Trinity College, Vermont

University of Manitoba

University of South Florida, B.I.S. Program

Western Washington State University

Editorial reviewing

Fulbright U.S. Scholar Peer Reviewer (discipline), 2018-2019 award season

Manuscript reviewer, Journal of Transformative Education, 2011-present

Advisory board member, Explorations in Adult Higher Education (SUNY) (2010-present)

Jury paper and presentation proposals, Transformative Learning Conference (2018, 2012, 2009, 2006, & 2004)

Review paper and presentation proposals, International Consortium on Experiential Learning, 2008 conference (University of Technology, Sydney)

Chapter reviewer for Handbook of Research on Adulthood: Adult Development and Learning. Hoare, Carol (Ed.), Oxford University Press, 2007

Consulting Editor, Adult Education Quarterly, 2006 – present

Review book and manuscript proposals, Jossey-Bass Publishers (a division of Wiley & Sons), on topics relating to mentoring, prior learning assessment, and transformational learning. (2000 –2005)

Book review editor, CAEL Forum and News (1995 – 96).


[Papers published in conference proceedings are included in the next section, "Papers Presented."]

“Leadership and the Brain: Meeting the Challenges of the 21st Century,” Saint Mary’s College Blog: Leadership for the 21st Century, November, 2017,

“Why the Adult Brain Likes PLA,” CAEL Forum and News, Fall, 2016.

Facilitating Learning with the Adult Brain in Mind, (co-author with Catherine Marienau), San Francisco: Jossey-Bass (Wiley & Sons), Spring 2016

“Essay on Drago-Severson’s Books” (book review of Drago-Severson’s Helping Teachers Learn; Leading Adult Learning; Helping Educators Grow; and Learning for Leadership); coauthor with Catherine Marienau, Journal of Transformative Education,January 2016 14:10-14.

“Transformative Learning: A Developmental Perspective,” coauthor with Dean Elias. In: E. Taylor and P. Cranton (Eds.), The Handbook of Transformative Learning Theory, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2012.

“Adult Development,” coauthor with M Cecil Smith. In: C. Kasworm, A.D. Rose, and J.M. Ross-Gordon (Eds.), Handbook of Adult and Continuing Education, Thousand Oaks, CA: AAACE/Sage, 2010.

“Teaching with the Brain in Mind,” coauthor with Annalee Lamoreaux. In: S. Merriam, (Ed.), Third Update on Adult Learning Theory, New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education No. 119, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, Fall, 2008

“Brain Function and the Mentor’s Role,” All About Mentoring, 33, Winter, 2008

“Effective approaches to fostering developmental growth in women learners: A view from neurophysiology,” coauthor with Catherine Marienau. In J. Allen (Ed.), Most Women are Students: Implications for College Faculty and Policymakers. Stirling, VA: Stylus, 2008.

“The Senior Year Transition: Women College Undergraduates Search for a Path,” coauthor with Jeanne Allen, Journal of College Student Development, 47(6), 2006.

The Neuroscience of Adult Learning, co-editor with Sandra Johnson. New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education No. 110, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, Summer 2006.

“Prior Learning Assessment as Transformative Learning,” coauthor with Annalee Lamoreaux, All About Mentoring, 31, Summer 2006.

“Autonomy and Self-directed Learning: A Developmental Journey” in C. Hoare (Ed.). Handbook of Adult Development and Learning, New York: Oxford University Press. 2006

Developing Adult Learners: Strategies for Teachers and Trainers. Coauthor, with Catherine Marienau and Morris Fiddler. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2000.

“Teaching with Development in Mind” in J. Mezirow and Associates, Transformative Adult Learning. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2000.

“Development as Separation and Connection: Finding a Balance” in An Update on Adult Developmental Theory. New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education, No. 84, edited by Rosemary Caffarella and Carolyn Clark. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, Spring, 2000.

Book Review of Mega-Universities and Knowledge Media: Technology Strategies for Higher Education, by John S. Daniels (London: Kogan Page), in OLS-News, 61, September 1997, p. 19

"Leadership, Cognitive Complexity, and Gender," co-author with Rebecca Proehl, A Leadership Journal: Women in Leadership, Vol 1, No 2, 1997, pp. 39-48.

"Constructive Development Theory as a Framework for Assessment in Higher Education," co-author with Catherine Marienau, British Journal of Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, Vol. 22 (2), 1997, 233-243.

“Why Psychological Models of Development are Important to Adult Educators: A Response,” Adult Education Quarterly Vol. 46 No 4, 1996, pp. 54-62.

“Teaching Adult Development to Developing Adults,” Research and Reflection, Vol. 1, No. 2, Oct. 1995 (e-journal of Gonzaga University)

"Bridges Toward Growth: Adult Learning and Kegan's Model of Development," Alliance Newsletter. Part I, Winter 1995; Part II, Spring 1995.

"A Modified One-Minute Assessment," TQM in Higher Education, May 1995, Vol. 4, No. 5, 3-5.

Learning Environments for Women's Adult Development: Bridges Toward Growth (co-editor with Catherine Marienau), New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education, No. 65. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, Spring 1995.

Book Review of In Over Our Heads: The Mental Demands of Modern Life, by Robert Kegan in CAEL Forum and News, Fall, 1994.

"Teaching to Support Women's Adult Development" NEA Higher Education Journal: Thought & Action. Spring 1994, Vol. X, No. 1, 57-72.

"Eggs, Figs, and Prior Experiential Learning," Journal of Contemporary Education, Spring 1993.

"Self-Assessment: A Source for Individual and Organizational Learning" co-authored with Catherine Marienau, Journal of Contemporary Education, Spring 1993.

"Undergraduate Studies Program at UECU: A Non-traditional Approach," International Newsletter of Independent Study, No. 9. London, Winter 1987-88.

Contributed to State of California, Department of Education Report 85-35, "Oversight of Out-of-State Accredited Institutions Operating in California," March 1986.

"A Plan for Nutritional Labeling," Food and Drug Administration/Federal Trade Commission Regional Conference Proceedings, Federal Register, 1979.

Nutrition Survival Kit, with D'Ann Akel, R.D. San Francisco: Panjandrum Press, 1976.

Papers Presented/Professional Workshops/Lectures

Interactive seminar: “Learning to Change Our Brains: The View from Neuroscience,” (co-presenter), Higher Learning Commission Conference, Chicago, IL, April, 2018.

“Move Over, Descartes! Neuroscience Says You’re Wrong,” (co-presenter), Adult Education Research Conference, Victoria B.C., June 7, 2018. Paper published in conference proeedings.

Invited pre-conference workshop: “Facilitating Higher Learning with the Adult Brain in Mind” (co-presenter), CAEL, San Diego CA, November 14, 2017.

Plenary: “Toward Complexity and Commitment: Learning to Change Our Brains” (co-presenter), Human Science Institute Conference, Salt Lake City UT, September, 2017.

Invited workshop: WASC evaluation committee member training session (co-presenter); Oakland CA, August 15 & 16, 2017

Workshop: “We Feel, Therefore We Learn” (co-presenter); Pathway to Peace: Montessori Education for Social Change; Prague, Czech Republic, July, 2017

Professional development institute:ATD/Chi (Association for Talent Development/ Chicago) and CAEA (Center to Advance Education for Adults), “Using Brain-Aware Approaches,” School for New Learning (DePaul University), Chicago, IL May, 2017

Workshop:WASC Academic Resource Conference, “Move Over, Descartes, Neuroscience Says You’re Wrong!” San Diego, April 2017

Workshop: Higher Learning Commission Annual Conference, “Facilitating Higher Learning with the Adult Brain in Mind,” April, 2017

Faculty development workshop: “Facilitating Learning with the Adult Brain in Mind,” School for New Learning, DePaul University, Chicago, IL, April 2017

Invited presentation:“Move Over, Descartes!,” Lasallian Educators Symposium, Saint Mary’s College of California, January, 2017

Invited workshop: “Use Your Brain! How Brain-Aware Approaches Support Employee Development and Performance” (co-presenter), Society for Human Resource Management, Chicago, IL, November 2016.

Workshop: “Move Over, Descartes!: We Feel, Therefore We Learn” (co-presenter), CAEL Conference, Chicago, IL, November, 2016.

Symposium: “Move Over Descartes!” (convener and co-presenter), XII International Transformative Learning Conference, Tacoma, WA, October, 2016. (See also Conference Proceedings.) Paper published in conference proceedings.

Invited Pre-Conference Workshop: “Facilitating Higher Learning with the Adult Brain in Mind” (co-presenter), WASC Academic Resources Conference, San Diego, CA, April, 2016.

Professional development two-day institute: “Exploring Adult Learning with the Brain in Mind,” and “Move Over Descartes!” (co-presenter), Ashford University, San Diego, CA, March 13-14, 2016.

Workshop: “Exploring Experiential Learning and the Adult Brain: Embodied and Analogical Approaches,” (co-presenter), CAEL Conference, Baltimore, MD, November 2015.

Keynote: “Changing the Adult Brain: A Critical Pathway.” Alternative Dispute Resolution of Northern California Conference, March 2015

Community outreach: “Your Problem-Solving (?) Brain.” Moraga Valley Kiwanis, January, 2015

Professional development two-day institute: “Immunity to Change” and “Learning to Engage Adult Brains,” (co-presenter), SEV-IVEPE & Hellenic Adult Education Association, Athens, Greece, April 2014

Professional development two-day institute: “Learning with the Adult Brain in Mind” (co-presenter). Center to Advance Education for Adults, DePaul University, Chicago, IL, Oct. 2013

Professional development seminar: “Mentoring with the Adult Brain in Mind.” DePaul University, Chicago, IL September, 2013.

Invited graduate internship workshop: “Learning to Engage the Adult Brain.” Harvard Center for Hellenic Studies. Napflion, Greece. June 19, 2013.

Professional development workshops: “Counseling with the Brain in Mind.” KETHEA. Athens, Greece. April and July, 2013.

Graduate seminar: “Learning to Engage the Adult Brain.” University of Macedonia. Thessaloniki, Greece. May 13, 2013.

Professional development seminar: “Kegan’s Adult-Development Theory.” Hellenic Adult Education Assn., Athens Greece, April-May, 2013 (6 sessions).

Professional development workshop (co-presenter): “Mentoring with the Brain in Mind.” Center to Advance Education for Adults. DePaul University, Chicago IL. December 12, 2012

Community outreach: “Outsmarting Your Brain: How Adult Brains Really Learn.” GAELebration, Saint Mary’s College, October, 2012

Preconference webinar panelist: “Transformative Learning through Aesthetic Experience.” 10th International Transformative Learning Conference. San Francisco, CA, September, 2012

Plenary Presenter: “Training with the Adult Brain in Mind.” World Bank Human Resources Seminar. Washington DC, June 2012.

Professional development workshop: “Consulting with the Brain in Mind.” Higher Education Consultants Assn. Moraga, CA, April 2012.

Opening Plenary and Professional Development Workshop(co-presenter):“Facilitating with the Brain in Mind” and “Learning—It’s a Brain Changer!” Australian Institute of Company Directors, Facilitators Conference, Melbourne, Australia, February 2012

Professional development(co-presenter): International Association of Collaborative Professionals, Trainers' Roundtable Pre-Forum Institute [on the brain and effective training techniques], San Francisco, CA, Oct 2011

Keynote address: Teaching with the adult brain in mind: Fostering Learner-Centered Education and Life-Long Learning, 2nd International Conference, Manila, Philippines, Sept 2011.

Panel moderator: North American Perspectives on Transformative Learning Theory: 9th International Transformative Learning Conference. Athens, Greece, May 2011.

“Transformative Learning and Leading,”[roundtable] 9th International Transformative Learning Conference, Athens, Greece, May 2011.

“Prior Learning Assessment and Transformative Learning,” co-presenter, 8th International Transformative Learning Conference, Bermuda, November 2009.

“Teaching with the Adult Brain in Mind,” invited co-presenter, Learning and the Brain Conference, Boston, MA, April 2008.

“Experiential Learning, Change, and the Workplace,” co-presenter, CAEL Conference, San Francisco, November 2007.

“Using Role-play (and Music, Poetry, and Drama) to Challenge Perspectives and Understand ‘Difference,’”co-presenter, 7th International Transformative Learning Conference, Albuquerque, NM, October 2007

“PLA: Fostering Change and Self-Directed Learning,” co-presenter, CAEL Conference, Boston, MA, November 2006

“Experience, Reflection, and Leadership Development,” co-presenter, International Consortium on Experiential Learning, Lancaster, U.K, July 2006

“Prior Learning Assessment as Transformative Learning,” co-presenter, Adult Higher Education Alliance, Boston, MA, October 2005.

“Self-Reflective Writing, Developmental Transformation, and Life-Long Learning,” co-presenter, Stirling, Scotland, Centre for Research in Lifelong Learning, June, 2005.

“Reflection, Assessment, and Work-integrated Learning,” co-presenter, New Zealand Association for Co-operative Education, Inc. Asia-Pacific Regional Conference, Auckland, New Zealand, December 2004

“Making Choices, Making Meaning,” NSEE/ICEL Joint Conference, Miami, FL, September 2004.

“Self-reflective writing, reconstructive learning, and adult development,” co-presenter, AERC, Victoria, B.C., May 2004

“Using the ‘F’ Word: A Framework for Facilitative Faculty Feedback,” co-presenter, CAEL, San Diego, November 2003

“Beyond the Classroom: Transformative Learning to Transformative Living,” co-presenter, Transformational Learning Conference, NY, October 2003

“Using the ‘F’ Word: A Framework for Facilitative Faculty Feedback,” co-presenter, WASC, Irvine, CA, April 2003

"A conversation about conversational learning," invited panelist, CAEL Conference, Washington DC, November 2002.

“Experiential Learning Assessment and Knowledge Construction,” International Consortium on Experiential Learning, Ljubljana, Slovenia, July 2002.

"Developing Adult Learners," co-presenter. Adult Education Research Conference, Raleigh-Durham NC, May 2002.

"Developing Adult Learners," workshop, Powerful Learning and the Perry Scheme Conference, CSU Fullerton, January 2002.

Keynote address: Developing Adult Learners, American Association of Directors of Psychiatric Resident Training Conference. Long Beach, CA. February, 2002.

Keynote address: Adult Secondary Education Council, Manitoba Canada, October 2001.

Professional weekend workshop: University of Manitoba, Adult and Continuing Education Certificate Program, October 2001.

Keynote address: Vermont College of Norwich University Spring Colloquium, Montpelier, VT, April 2001

Faculty Development Seminar: "Developing Adult Learners." Christchurch College of Education, Auckland, New Zealand, December 2000.

"Developing Adult Learners." International Council on Experiential Education, Auckland, New Zealand, December 2000.

"Developing Adult Learners." American Association for Adult and Continuing Education, Providence, RI, December 2000.

Panelist/presenter: Transformational Learning Conference, NY, October 2000.

"Developing Adult Learners" co-presenter. Alliance/ACE Conference, Chicago. October 2000.

"Developing Adult Learners." Millenium Conference, Institute for Cultural Affairs, Denver, CO, July 2000.

"Developing Adult Learners." Educational Innovation in Economics and Business, Newport Beach, June 2000.

Panelist:American Educational Research Conference, Vancouver, B.C. June, 2000. Symposium collaborator and presenter (with Rosemary Caffarella, Sharan Merriam, Elizabeth Tizdell, Marsha Rossiter, and Flo Guido-DiBrito).

Forum Co-Leader: "Diversity and Learning: A Research Agenda." American Association for Higher Education, Anaheim, March 2000.

“Mentoring with Development in Mind,” faculty development workshop, Walden University Summer Institute, Bloomington Indiana, July 1999

Keynote address: “Developing Adult Learners: Strategies for Deep Learning,” Pennsylvania Adult and Continuing Education Research Conference, March 1999

Visiting Professional Seminar: “Professional Portfolio Construction: Principles and Practices,” Deakin University, Geelong Campus, Australia, November 1998.

“Prior Learning Recognition and Adult Development,” Australian Association for Adult and Continuing Education, Fremantle, Australia, November 1998.

“Transforming Adult Learners: Constructive-Development Theory and Tertiary Education,” Personal Construct Psychology Conference, Brisbane, Australia, July 1998.

Keynote address: “Global Education and Cognitive Complexity,” Vermont College of Norwich University Spring Colloquium, Montpelier, April 1998.

“Developing Adult Learners: Strategies for Teachers and Trainers—A Work in Progress,” First Annual Conference on Transformative Learning, Columbia University, New York, April 1998.

Invited workshop: “Technology Mediated Distance Learning and Adult Development,” Association of New American Colleges, Washington DC, January 1998.

“Can We Promote Student Development On-line?" co-presenter, National Conference on Creating a Nation of Lifelong Learners, Washington DC, November 1997.

“Leadership, Cognitive Complexity, and Gender,” co-presenter, Berkeley Institute on Transformational Learning, July 1997

"Technology-Mediated Education and Its Role in Adult Student Development: Can We Combine ‘Hi-Tech’ and ‘Hi-Touch’?, co-presenter, Sixth Annual Conference of the Institute for the Study of Postsecondary Pedagogy, Lake Mohunk, NY, November, 1996.

"Constructive Developmental Theory As a Framework for Assessment in Higher Education," workshop for Eighth International Conference on Assessing Quality in Higher Education, Brisbane, Australia, July 1996.

"Creating Learning Environments to Support Adult Development," co-presenter, CAEL, Chicago, November 1995.

"Thinking and Transformation: Models of Support for Emerging Critical Thinkers," co-presenter, Critical Thinking and Educational Reform, Sonoma CA, July-August 1995.

"Listening to the Self: Critical Hearing and Critical Thinking," co-presenter, International Experiential Learning Conference, Washington DC, November 1994.

"Teaching for Development: Analysis of the Learning Environment," co-presenter, Reconciling Gender Differences in Higher Education, Burlington VT, October 1994.