8th Saveetha TN State Level Open Chess Tournament- 2017
For School Children & College students
(TNSCA Approval No: CO-07/KAN/17-18)
15th16thJuly 2017
Venue: Saveetha Engineering College
Saveetha Nagar, Thandalam (Po), Chennai -602105,(Chennai -Bangalore –National High way)
(Next to Queensland Theme park)
Kindly Note:
Bus facilities:
Pick up point:Anna Nagar – MMM Hospital: 7.00am / Aminjikarai- 7.00am /
Avadi:Thirumullaivoyal Signal- 7.00 am
Iyyappanthangal : Bus stand-7.00 am / T.Nagar :Panagal park- 6.30am /
Poonamallee –Bypass Bus stand - 8.30 am to 9.30 am
Total Cash Prize Rs: 25,000/-
Cash prizes for open (U-25) categories
1 / 7000 / 5 / 1500 / 9 / 700 / 13 / 5002 / 5000 / 6 / 1000 / 10 / 700 / 14 / 500
3 / 3000 / 7 / 800 / 11 / 600 / 15 / 300
4 / 2000 / 8 / 800 / 12 / 600
Total No. of prizes- 100
Prizes for Categories Trophies
Boys: 10 prizes each category: U-8, U-10, U-12, U-14
Girls: 10 prizes each category: U-8, U-10, U-12, U-14
Best Academy More No. of Prizes Winners – one Trophy
Best Schools More No. of Prizes Winners- one Trophy
Youngest Boys & Girls one Trophy each
Highest Entry’s for schools (above 25)-Three Trophy
LAST DATE OF ENTRY: 10-07-2017
Entry Fee: Rs: 200/-
TNSCA Player Registration Fee Rs: 150/-
Kanchipuram District Player Registration Fee Rs: 100/-
(Pay Entry through online to
8th Saveetha TN State Level Open Chess Tournament
(For School Children & College students)
Rules and Regulations
1.The Tournament is open to Tamil Nadu Players only.
2.The Latest FIDE Rules in force shall apply and the Swiss system will be followed.
3.Time Control: Each Half an hour.
4.The first round will commence at 10.30 AM on 15-07-2017 the number of rounds and the round-wise schedule will be announced at the tournament venue.
5.TNSCAPlayer registration is compulsory. TNSCA Player Registration fee is Rs.150/- for the year 2017-2018. Players registering with TNSCA should submit duly filled and signed TNSCA Player's Registration form along with a copy of their Date of Birth certificate and one passport size photograph. The date of birth certificates registered within one year of the birth of the Player alone will be recognized and allowed to participate.
6.KDCA Player Registration fee is Rs. 100/- for the year 2017-2018 (for Kancheepuram Districts players only).
7.Entry Fee: Rs: 200/- Per head.
8.Players are requested to bring their own International chess sets (and chess clock if, any).
9.Tiebreak: Buchholz tiebreak system will be applied.In case of tie, prizes will not be shared.
10.TheChief Arbiters' decisions' shall be final and binding on all players concerned.
11.Age proof Certificate must be produced for Children’s category prizes.
12.Entries close at 5.00 P.M on 10-07-2017.
13. The TNSCA / KDCA / organizer reserve the right to admit / reject any entry without assigning any reason thereof.
The TNSCA / KDCA / organizer reserve the rights of admission to the venue and lodging place.
14.Participation certificates will be awarded to all participants.
15.Dormitory accommodation will be given to outstation players and they are requested to bring their own beddings subject to availability the cost of Rs: 100/- per head.
16.Age Limit
Under 08 Those born on or after 01/01/2009
Under 10 Those born on or after 01/01/2007
Under 12 Those born on or after 01/01/2005
Under 14 Those born on or after 01/01/2003
Under 16 Those born on or after 01/01/2001
Under 25 Those born on or after 01/01/1992
For Further details please contact:-
Organizing Secretary:
Joint Secretary:
Department of Physical Education.
Chief Arbiter: Mr. K. Thirukkalathy.IA