8th Grade Team Guidelines
The following team guidelines are in place for the entire 8th grade instructional team. We ask that you read this carefully with your child, sign and return the 8th Grade Team Agreement Form (to be kept in an 8th grade team file). Please keep a copy of these guidelines for your reference.
Learning Expectations
We, on the 8th grade team, have agreed upon the following basic rules in an effort to provide continuity from classroom to classroom. However, due to materials and space limitations, some teachers may have additional rules with which your child will need to be familiar. Teachers will review these rules in detail on the first day of school. All school rules apply in every classroom.
We expect all students to follow the Pirate Pact.
Active Learner
- Share appropriate thoughts and ideas during class discussions.
- Actively listen to others.
- Contribute to the class environment in a positive way so that other’s learning is enhanced.
- Balance your efforts so that you do not dominate; yet you do not abstain.
- Strive for your highest quality product in all you do.
- Be proactive, not reactive in your own learning.
- Arrive to class on time.
- Have completed work ready for turn-in.
- Come with all needed supplies and restock supplies as needed.
- Study, read and prepare (staple, heading, etc.) all necessary items prior to arrival to class.
- Follow all written and verbal instructions.
- Be responsible for your own learning.
- Make use of non-class time effectively so you do not need to leave the classroom during the learning process.
- Plan out extended projects or assignments so that the time you are given to complete them is used wisely.
- Use appropriate words and language.
- Deal with all other people in a moral and ethical way.
- Be positive in your attitude towards others and yourself.
- Show attentive behavior during lectures, discussions, team activities and other such times.
- Respect the space, opinion and property of others.
- Think carefully before you speak and act.
- Use care with school supplies and equipment
- No bullying
- No horseplay in the classroom or hallways
Eighth Grade Supply List
1 School Planner (given to you at the beginning of the school year)
1 one inch three- ring binder with pockets on the inside and 1 set of tabbed dividers for LA
1 one inch three- ring binder with pockets on the inside and 1 set of tabbed dividers for SS
1 one inch three- ring binder with pockets on the inside and 1 set of tabbed dividers for SCI
1 folder to be used as a “homework folder” (to keep track of homework to do and completed)
College-ruled paper (put a little in each binder)
2 composition books and graph paper for math
Pencils (extras are a good idea)
2 red pens for correcting
4 highlighters (pink, yellow, green, blue) for English
1 graphing calculator (& batteries) we suggest a TI-83 or TI-84, also for use in high school
Many of the projects and assignments require other supplies than what is listed above. In order to be prepared to workeffectively, students need to keep the items listed above. In order to be prepared to work effectively, students need tokeep the items listed below in their lockers. Please write your first and last name in permanent marker on all yoursupplies. We recommend students have a plastic snap-shut school supply container.
Black thin-tipped permanent marker
Colored pencils
Glue Sticks
Ruler with Metrics on one side
500 colored index cards (3 x 5)
Emergency care kit (see bottom of the page)
Donations of the Following Items are Appreciated:
Facial Tissue
Hand Sanitizer
Anti-bacterial wipes
Gallon and sandwich sized zip-top plastic storage bags
Post-its (3 x 3)
For Your Consideration
Over the years, we have found the following brand names to be of better quality and last longer: Crayola
(crayons/markers/colored pencils), Elmer’s Glue, Ticonderoga (pencils) Expo (dry-erase markers), and Pink
Pearl (erasers).
Homework Policy
At times, the students will be allowed to work on homework assignments in class. However, parents should expect that their child will have homework every night of the week(including weekends) and check to make sure the homework is completed. Assignments are to be done on an individual basis unless the teacher states that the activity is a group or partner activity.
If the student’s handwriting cannot be read, their work will not be scored. If the student receives a paper back without a score, they may rewrite the paper to make it legible and resubmit it for a late grade if available.
Student Planners
The students are required to write in their planners every school day. The daily planner entry will be posted in each classroom. The student’s first task each period is to sit in their seat, take out their planner, and copy down the entry for the period. Being absent is not an excuse for a missed entry. Check the teachers’ websites for the missing entry. Planners may be checked and graded periodically. The planner is an excellent organization tool. Please ask to see your child’s planner often to stay current on what is happening in each class and when upcoming due dates are approaching. Your child should also show you how to access each teacher’s website.
Grade Checks
Student grades are available on-line at all times. (Skyward) We encourage parents to check their student’s grades regularly. Grades can be accessed through the district’s website. If parents do not have access to a computer, students may print their grades on a school computer. If you need Skyward logins and/or password, please contact the Pioneer main office or the district registrar. Students have computer access throughout the day to check Skyward/teacher websites.
Paper Headings
Paper headings belong in the top right hand corner of the paper with the following information:
First Name & Last Name
Period #
- If there is more than one paper to turn in, staple them together or the extra pages may not be graded.
- If the activity has a place for a heading, fill out the heading completely on all pages.
- Papers without the proper heading may not be accepted for credit.
- Use a #2 pencil, dark blue or black ink pens. No other colors will be accepted.
It is the student's responsibility to check teacher websites to retrieve makeup work from each class. We strongly recommended that the student spend time before or after school when the absence is lengthy enough to seriously affect the student's grade. Appointments should be made ahead of time for this purpose.
Extra Credit Work
Extra credit may be available in some classes. Extra credit assignments, if available, will be determined by each of the individual teachers. Each team teacher will be reviewing their extra credit policies at the beginning of the year, and students should remain familiar with the extra credit policies of each teacher.
Corrected Assignments
Check with each teacher about how long to keep work.They may remove their papers from their binders each grading period and keep them in an organized file at home.
Makeup/ Late Work Policy
Assignments within team member classes will be considered late if they are turned in past the due date (unless excused). For unexcused absences or missing assignments, the student may only be able to achieve 1/2 credit for late work, which was assigned in class, or 1/2 credit for a similar assignment given by the teacher. Excused absences will receive full credit for makeup work if completed in a timely fashion (as determined by each individual teacher).
Behavior Consequences
See the student handbook for consequences of infractions.
Behaviors and Consequences (in addition to what is covered in the Pioneer Student Handbook):
Disruptive Behavior
- Talking out
- Off task
- Disrespect
- Unsafe
- Common area (hall ways or courtyard)
- Misuse of school equipment
- Misuse of another person’s property
- Inappropriate language/ gestures
- Unsafe behavior leading to an injury
Missed previous lunch detention / Cheating / Lying
No Hall Pass / Accumulation missing/late assignments
Electronics / Accumulation of tardies
P.D.A. / Any other behavior deemed inappropriate by a staff member (Including bullying)
Dress code violations
Any other behavior deemed inappropriate by a staff member
Accumulation of “refusal to work” violation
Bullying Behaviors
Lunch Detention – The student will go to lunch detention where he/she will eat lunch. While in lunch detention, students are not allowed to talk or move about.
After School Detention - The student will report to the After School Detention room immediately after school for one hour.
Friday School – The student will report to the Friday School room immediately after school for three hours.
Students will work on homework independently, but may not talk or move about. Parents/Guardians must provide transportation home.
Helpful Hints at Home
1. Briefly review students’ homework and planner each night, and assist them in staying organized.
- Help your student study for tests.
- Help your student develop good time-management skills by encouraging them to make their own study and recreation schedule.
- Encourage your student to complete more than the minimum requirements (extra credit work, if available).
- Contact teachers with any questions and concerns.
- Check Skyward and Classroom Websites daily for information.
The school board recognizes that the rate of physical, social, emotional and academic growth will vary among individual students. Since each student grows at his/her own rate, these individual growth characteristics shall be recognized in classroom programming.
After a student has successfully completed a year of study at a specific grade level, he/she will be promoted to the next grade.
We hope that these common policies make it easier to keep track of expectations across team classrooms. Remember, individual teachers may have additional policies due to space and materials limitations. Each teacher will spend a great deal of the first week reviewing the team/individual policies, and it is the student's responsibility to become familiar with them. If there are any questions or you would like to schedule individual conference time, please call the school at 583-7200.
Thank you,
Ms. J. Patterson
Ms. K. Ripp
Mrs. K. Brown
Mr. D. Beaulieu
Ms. N. Clayton
Ms. H.
Mr. A.
Mrs. S.
* Teachers may have individual policies that they will send home in a separate letter.
8th Grade Team Agreement Form
We have read, understand, and agree to the guidelines in the 8th grade team information letter. We understand we can call at any time if we have questions or to set up a conference if we have further concerns or questions.
Please PRINT and SIGN your name below.
Student: Print ______Sign ______
Parent: Print ______Sign ______
Contact Person during the school day ______Phone (_____)______
**VERY IMPORTANT: The eighth grade team finds the use of e-mail to be an effective method of communication. Before you give your address, understand that all e-mail can potentially be read by an outside source. If this is a concern, do not give your e-mail address.
E-mail address: ______(please print neatly)
______(additional address)
Please sign and return this 8th Grade Team Agreement Form page to your Science class by September 11th.
Parent Comments: