Miss Davis
(208) 423-5593 Ext. 2208
8th Grade Introduction to Agriculture
Course Description:
This class will serve as an introduction to all facets of agriculture. In this class, students will expand their knowledge of general agriculture and gain a strong foundation. In today’s day and age, it is very important for our younger generations to feel comfortable and knowledgeable in the world of agriculture and all that it has to offer.
Course Goals & Objectives:
Prepare students for successful careers and a lifetime of informed choices in the global agriculture, food, fiber and natural resources systems.
Perspective Units
Miss Davis
(208) 423-5593 Ext. 2208
- Introduction to Agriculture
- Agriculture: Then and Now
- Common Myths in Agriculture
- Introduction to Plant Sciences
- Introduction to Animal Science
- Introduction to Soil Science
- Introduction to Ag Communication
- Introduction to Ag Mechanics
- Introduction to FFA
- Introduction to Ag Leadership
Miss Davis
(208) 423-5593 Ext. 2208
Perspective Classwork
Daily Participation Points
- 8 pts/week (2/Day)
Vocabulary Terms
- Graded on a Weekly Basis
- Each day there will be a term related to agriculture for students to copy down. Vocabulary Sheets will be due every two weeks and worth 16 points per assignment. Students are expected to obtain the quotes for days missed from a student or the teacher.
Bonus point will be given for participation in various FFA Activities
Tests, Quizzes, Daily Assignments and Projects will be scored based on the rubric provided to the student
Grading Policy
- A = 90-100%
- B = 80-89%
- C = 70-79%
- D = 60-69%
- F = >59%
Grades will be updated on a weekly basis
- Late work acceptance and grading will be based on school policy
- If you have specific questions regarding your grade please see me before or after school
Tardiness and absences
- Addressed according to the student handbook
Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism
- Addressed according to the student handbook
Instructional Philosophy
We will use a variety of instruction methods to accompany the many styles of learning that will be in this classroom. Students will be able to ask questions, debate with their peers and learn as a class to better our understanding of the agricultural industry.
Recommended Course Material
3 Ring Binder and paper to be left in the ag room
Proper attire for the class the student is respectfully enrolled in
Classroom Rules and Expectations
Miss Davis
(208) 423-5593 Ext. 2208
Be on time and prepared EVERYDAY!
Respect the learning spaces, peers, teacher and yourself
Be responsible for your own learning
Clean up after yourself and your peers
Stay busy until the bell rings
Keep your personal devices put away
Only flies are allowed to be airborne
Miss Davis
(208) 423-5593 Ext. 2208
Please read through the syllabus thoroughly with your child. Once you’ve finished, please both sign below and have student return to the instructor.
I, ______have read the above stated and fully understand all aspects of this syllabus. I agree to be held accountable for my actions and will do my best to follow all rules and strive for academic excellence.
Student SignatureDate
I, ______have gone through this syllabus with my student and accept all terms. I feel confident my student understands and accepts this syllabus to the best of their ability.
Parent Signature Date