Mrs. Kelly
8th Grade English Language Arts Class Syllabus
Lakeview Middle School
Welcome to another exciting school year! I am very happy to have your child in my class this year! Teaching your child is a tremendous responsibility and I will do my best to ensure that each student has a safe and motivating learning experience in this upcoming year. I hope to spark interest in the area of English Language Arts, encourage students to take ownership of their education, and of course be successful. My expectations for my students are high and by the end of the school year, your child will realize they can achieve any goals they set for themselves. I look forward to an exciting year and I know with your help, we will have a fantastic school year.
Grading Scale:
90-100 (A) 80-89 (B) 70-79 (C) 60-69 (D) 59 & Below (F)
Students will be graded on the following:
Classwork 40
Unit Test/Quizzes 40
Projects 15
Homework 5
Springboard (provided to each student)
Supplemental Resources to enhance language arts skills and concepts
Requirements and Supplies:
All students MUST come to school prepared to learn. Every student is expected to come to school with appropriate supplies conducive to learning.
(1) 3-subject spiral notebook or 5-subject (will be a little heavier)
Scotch tape (donation only) (1) composition book
*Highlighters (assorted colors) *loose leaf paper *#2 pencils (*Must be replenished as year progresses)
NOTE: NO PENS will be used during class time. PENCILS ONLY PLEASE!!!
At Lakeview Middle School, educating and meeting the needs of every child is our number one priority. Therefore, any interference with the educational process is unacceptable. The expectations are as follows:
1. Come to class ON TIME and PREPARED every day!
2. Raise your hand to speak and wait to be called on before speaking.
3. Remain in your seat at all times, unless you have permission to be out of it.
4. Follow the directions the first time given.
5. Food, drinks, gum, candy, sunflower seeds in classroom is unacceptable. I will allow water in a clear bottle only.
6. Show respect to others and yourself. Remember, to get respect, you have to give respect.
7. All cell phones and electronic devices must be turned off and not visible Please try to behave yourself.
8. Most importantly: TRY YOUR VERY BEST!!!!!!
Entering classroom:
Students will enter the classroom quietly and take their assigned seats. All backpacks will be placed on the back of chair or under student chair; not table or lap. They will begin their bell work assignment in the Bell Work section of their IAN (Interactive Academic Notebook) immediately; copy any reminders and homework in their agenda EVERYDAY! This is NOT time for socializing.
*If I am not at my door, students should line up on the rail and wait patiently and quietly for me.
Dismissal Procedures:
The bell does not dismiss students, I DO!!!! In order to be dismissed, groups should have all materials put away, their area is neat, and students are sitting quietly.
Unexcused Tardiness/Behavioral Consequences:
1st: Warning 3rd: Detention & Parent Contact
2nd: Teacher Consequence & Parent Contact 4th: Referral
(removal of class, behavior sheet, etc)
Make-up/Late Work:
It is essential that students are present every day to help maximize their learning. If for any valid reason a student is out, it is their responsibility to collect make up work. It is also the responsibility for a student to turn in their work by the due date; penalties will be given if students do not turn in their work on time. Work turned in one day after the due date, will get 10 points taken away. Work turned in two days or more will only get half credit.
Quarterly Projects:
Students will be given a book report with menu choices along with a reading log that will be due the Tuesday before each quarter ends. Further information will be given out during the 1st week of school. Here are the due dates:
October 13, 2015
January 5, 2016
March 8, 2016
May 24, 2016