Discovering Geometry
Teacher: Ms. Misa Contreras-Williams
Room: 216A
Phone: 720-423-9097
COURSE DESCRIPTION: The Discovering Geometrycourse provides students with the knowledge, language, and logic of inductive geometry using an inquiry based learning strategy. Students will apply reasoning to line and angle relationships, polygons, circles and geometric constructions. Informal proofs are investigated. Second semester builds on concepts covered in the first semester and such as studying area, Pythagorean Theorem, special right triangles, volume, similarity, trigonometry,circular relationshipsandtessellations. It expands students' abstract and critical thinking in mathematics.
RESPONSIBILITY: You will be successful in this class as long as you take responsibility for your education. This means completing homework and classwork when it is assigned, seeking extra help when you need it, and keeping your math materials organized as a resource for your use.
1. 3-ring binder with 5 dividers
2. Loose-leaf paper (lined and graph paper)
3. Ruler that measures in inches and centimeters
4. Protractor
5. Compass
6. Pencils and erasers
7. Pens
8. Colored pencils or thin markers
9. Highlighters
10. Calculator: In order to complete homework assignments, students should have at least a basic scientific calculator with trigonometric, exponential and logarithmic function capabilities (TI-30 XS IIS). However, we strongly recommend that students use a graphing calculator (TI-83PLUS/TI-84 PLUS preferred). These are required in class so if you need to use a calculator from the classroom set, please bring a package of four AAA batteries with your name on it.
You will be assigned a textbook, Discovering Geometryfor this year of study. It is your responsibility to cover it, keep it in good condition, and to bring it to class daily. We will also use Geometer Sketchpadsoftware. The publisher has a wonderful website for more resources,
ATTENDANCE: You are expected to attend class daily and to be punctual (in your seat ready to work at the start of class).
- Work missed due to an Excused Absence may be made up for credit. Any time you have an Excused Absence, you will have two days for each day you were absent to complete the work and hand it in to me. If the time allotted has elapsed, you will receive a zero for the assignment(s). It is your responsibility to get all the information and clarification you need. You may ask me for any needed clarification. I strongly recommend you have a buddy system in place for absences. It is your responsibility to check the Parent Portal to find out what you missed and turn in make-up assignments on time.
- Work missed due to an Unexcused Absence cannot be made up for credit. If you have an Unexcused Absence, you will earn a zero for any class work, homework, test or quiz given or collected that day. Please have your parents call in any excused absences. Any unverified absences will be considered unexcused until they are verified.
Excessive tardiness (either being consistently late or excessively late) will result in any of the following: call/e-mail home, referral to the student advisor, detention with Ms. Contreras-Williams, or conference with Ms. Contreras-Williams.
Your grade in this class will be composed of the following elements:
50% Homework and Class work: These are essential for you to develop an understanding of the mathematics. Some assignments will be graded for completion, some for accuracy, and some will not be graded at all. It is expected that the student will summarize the problem, show all work/calculations, respond to all parts of the problem requiring written interpretation, and box in or highlight the final answer. Homework is due at the beginning of each class period. Late work WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED!!
20% Projects: Projects are more in depth and require more time to complete. As a general rule, they directly relate to what we are studying in class. A Project may be turned in late for 70% credit, within one week of the assigned due date.
30% Assessments: Tests give you an opportunity to show me your best individual work. There will be a test at the end of each unit, as well as a semester final.
Late Work Policy: As mentioned above, homework and classwork will not be accepted late. Late Projectswill be accepted up to one week after the due date for 30% loss in credit, but not after. No late work will be accepted after the “End of Semester” deadline. I will announce this deadline in class.
NON-ACADEMIC MATERIALS: The following are NOT permitted in class.
- Cell phones (including the calculator function) and pagers. (Parents, please do not call or text your student during class. In case of an emergency, please call the main office.)
- Grooming supplies (makeup, perfume, lotion, cologne, brushes, etc.)
- I-pods, walkmans, gameboys, etc.
- Food
Academic honesty is a cornerstone of this class. Cheating includes those who give away their work, as well as those who take another student’s work. These actions are not acceptable. If you choose to cheat on an assignment, test, or quiz, you will earn no credit for the assignment, test, or quiz. In addition, a referral will be sent to the Student Advisor.
Please see me during Office Hours or schedule time after school.
Signature Slip
I have read the procedures for my Geometry class and I understand them. Furthermore, I pledge that I will neither give nor receive aid on any quiz, test, evaluation or project unless instructed to do so on the assignment paper issued and that dishonoring this pledge will result in no credit for the assignment.
Student Name (Print)______
Student Signature______
I have read the procedures for my son’s/daughter’s Geometry class and I have read the student honor code pledge above.
Parent/Guardian’s Signature______
Parent/Guardian’s Name (Print)______