8th Grade – Chapter 14 Notes – Tobacco

Lesson 1
What is Nicotine?
What are Cigarettes?
What is Carbon Monoxide?
What is Tar?
What are examples of Smokeless Tobacco?
What are Other Tobacco Products?
Lesson 2
What are Chronic Effects to smoking?
What are Effects of Smokeless Tobacco?
What is Environmental Tobacco Smoke?
What are Social and Emotional Health Effects to smoking?
Lesson 3
Respiratory Problems
Cardiovascular Diseases
Other Health Problems
Lesson 4
Physical Dependence
Drug Addiction
Psychological Dependence
Withdrawal / -Highly addictive drug found in all tobacco products
-Within seconds, nicotine enters blood and reaches brain.
-Raises heart rate and blood pressure
-Tobacco leaves are dried and hundreds of chemicals are added to them
-A gas that makes it hard for the blood to carry oxygen
-Sticky substance that can coat the airways and cause cancer
-Chewing Tobacco: loose or pressed together to form a small bunch
-Snuff: more powdery than chewing tobacco and is either loose or wrapped in a pouch
-Unfiltered cigarettes that are wrapped in brown leaves and tied with thread. Come in flavors, appealing to teens.
-A consequence that remains with a person for a long time
-Bad breath, persistent coughing, excess mucus, discolored teeth, shortness of breath
-Gum disease, white sores, mouth cancer, difficulty eating or speaking
-Mix of exhaled smoke and smoke from the end of lit cigarettes, or second-hand smoke.
-Unhealthy to everyone who breathes it
-Social: friendships in danger, strain relationships with parents, lying and keeping secrets
-Emotional: know they are risking their health, confused and frustrated
-Disease in which damaged cells grow out of control and destroy healthy tissue.
-All tobacco products contain cancer-causing chemicals
-Lung Cancer: causes more deaths than any other cancer. 90% smokers and ETS
-Earlier people start using tobacco, higher their risk of getting cancer and other diseases
-Chronic Bronchitis: disease in which the lining of the airways becomes very swollen and irritated. Cough a lot and have hard time breathing.
-Emphysema: disease in which the tiny air sacs and walls of the lungs are destroyed. Damage permanent – holes in air sacs do not heal
-Diseases of the circulatory system. Heart disease, chronic high blood pressure, and stoke
-Gum and dental diseases, pregnancy complications, several eye diseases, get sick easier and harder to recover
-Process of your body getting used to a drug
-Slowly increase the amount you can take
-A state in which the body needs a drug to function normally. Use tobacco just to feel normal
-Inability to control one’s use of a drug
-A state in which you think that you need a drug in order to function. In the mind.
-Way in which the body responds when a dependent person stops using a drug. Anxious, irritable, tired, headaches, poor concentration.