Present: Mr Scott (Chairman), Mrs Blackman, Mrs Davis, Mr Ellison, Mr Favell, Mr Frankland, Mr Strawbridge.

1. Apologies for Absence

Apologies were received from Mrs Boutle, Mrs Burgess, Mr Hewitt, Mrs Hollis, Mr Finney, Mr Golding and Mrs Taylor.

2. Appointment of Chairman

It was proposed by Mr Ellison and seconded by Mr Favell and

RESOLVED: That Mr Scott be appointed Chairman of the Council for the ensuing year.

3. Notices

The Chairman was sorry to announce that he had received Mrs Howells’ resignation from the Council and it was agreed that he would send her a note thanking her for all her hard work over the past year. An invitation had been received to the Scout Group AGM on 18 May and Mrs Blackman offered to attend. It was also agreed that Mr Strawbridge would attend the County Council’s Highways seminar later in the month.

4. Minutes

The Minutes of the meeting held on 12 April 2012 were confirmed and signed by the Chairman.

5. Matters Arising

The Clerk reported that the letter had been sent to the Oakley and Overton Partnership with a request for a meeting.

6. Appointment of Vice-Chairman

It was proposed by Mr Ellison and seconded by Mrs Blackman and

RESOLVED: That Mr Strawbridge be appointed Vice Chairman of the Council for the ensuing year.

7. Appointment of Planning Committee and Working Parties

RESOLVED: That the Planning Committee and Working Parties be appointed as follows:

Planning Committee Mrs Burgess, Mr Favell, Mr Hewitt,

Mr Scott, Mr Strawbridge

Burial Ground Mrs Blackman, Mrs Hollis, Mr Scott

and Churchyard

Environment Mrs Boutle, Mrs Hollis

Finance Mrs Blackman, Mr Ellison, Mr Frankland, Mr Scott, Mr


Highways & Transport Mr Frankland, Mr Hewitt, Mr Jarman, Mr Strawbridge

Peter Houseman Pavilion Mrs Blackman, Mr Ellison, Mr Favell, co-opt Mr Rounce

Publicity & Events Mrs Blackman, Mrs Burgess, Mrs

Davis, co-opt Mr Burgess

Quality Standards Mrs Blackman, Mr Ellison, Mr Favell

Sports Grounds and Mrs Davis, Mr Ellison, Mr Frankland

Play Areas

Strategic Planning Mr Favell, Mr Scott, Mr Strawbridge, co-opt Mr Elkin

8. Appointment of Representatives on Other Organisations

RESOLVED: That the following representatives be appointed:

HALC/BDAPTC Chairman and one member in rotation

East Oakley Village Hall Mrs Burgess

Oakley Village Hall Mrs Davis

Public Transport Mr Frankland

Police Liaison Mr Frankland

Community Association Mrs Davis

9. Accounts for the year ended 31 March 2012

Following a report from Mrs Blackman it was proposed by Mrs Davis and seconded by Mr Favell and

RESOLVED: That the Parish Council accounts for the year ended 31 March 2012 be approved.

The Chairman thanked Mrs Blackman for her work in the preparation of the accounts.

10. Planning Matters

(a) Minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 19 April 2012 – Mr Strawbridge reported that the Committee had considered 12 applications including a request to fell several trees at Park Farm which had subsequently been approved and a change of use of land at Leydown, St John’s Road.

(b) Local Development Framework – The Clerk gave an update from the Borough Council regarding the situation following the recent High Court judgement on the Manydown land. As a result of the decision, the pre-submission Core Strategy no longer held any weight and could not be used in decision making and the Council was currently considering its position, including a new time-table for a fresh public consultation on a revised Core Strategy.

11. Oakley Community Association

Mrs Davis explained that the Association was busy sorting out various issues in preparation for the public meeting on 4 July to approve the constitution. Members appeared to have lots of good ideas for the Association once it had been formally established.

12. Diamond Jubilee

Mrs Davis showed members the flyer with information about the ‘Big Lunch’ and other events which was being delivered to every household in the following few days.

13. Working Party Reports

(a) Environment

(i) Allotment Site – Mr Strawbridge referred to the report of the meeting held on 24 April which had previously been circulated to members. He explained that there had been a full and frank discussion with Fowler Fortescue and Hugh Preston who had been informed that the current allotment holders did not want to move from the existing site. He also mentioned that an alternative site behind the Beach Arms was favoured by Sir Michael Colman but this land had been discounted by the Parish Council some years ago as being too far from the village and of poor quality soil. It was therefore agreed that the Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Mrs Boutle should meet to consider the actions arising from the meeting and to think about other possible land in the village which might be suitable for allotments.

(ii) Rectory Road Pond – The Clerk explained that Mr and Mrs Abel wished to hand back the maintenance of the pond to the Parish Council and that she had sought a quotation from ProMow Landscapes for the cost of grass cutting for the remainder of the growing season. This could be added to the current horticultural contract. It was proposed by Mrs Davis and seconded by Mr Frankland and RESOLVED: That the quotation of £385.00 from ProMow Landscapes be accepted.

(Mr Ellison abstained from voting on this item).

Discussion also took place on the need to remove silt from the pond and it was agreed to send a reminder to Hampshire Highways about the installation of silt traps.

(iii) Jubilee Planting – It was noted that Mrs Boutle would be purchasing the plants for the diamond border with a view to planting them before the Jubilee weekend.

(b) Finance

Following a request from Mr Strawbridge, it was agreed to forward the £100 Limited General Grant to the residents of Deane towards the cost of the Jubilee celebrations.

(c) Peter Houseman Pavilion Extension

Mr Ellison reported that a pre-contract meeting would be held on 15 May with work due to start on 28 May. A quotation of £11,102.28 (including VAT) had been received from Scottish and Southern Energy for the new three-phase electrical supply and it was proposed by Mr Ellison and seconded by Mr Frankland and

RESOLVED: That the quotation be accepted.

(d) Publicity

(i) Website – Mr Frankland had undertaken some research and spoken to the Borough Solicitor who had confirmed that they would keep Borough supported sites alive until the end of the financial year which would provide some breathing space. There had been one response to the article in Link from a local commercial web-designer but Mrs Blackman’s son, James had looked at some other parish sites and thought that it would not be too difficult to put together a new site for Oakley. The matter was to be discussed at the next BDAPTC meeting on 14 June and it was agreed that Mr Frankland and James Blackman should attend and report back to the July Council meeting. In the meantime they would meet with Mr Favell to consider the way forward.

(ii) War Memorials Book – Good progress had been made and the book was almost complete. There would be a need to obtain an ISBN number at a cost of £93.00 plus VAT and this was agreed.

(e) Sports Grounds and Play Areas

(i) Skate Park – It was noted that work on the repairs to the ramps would start on 14 May.

(ii) Trees at Peter Houseman Ground – It was agreed that no further work was required to be carried out on the line of Leylandii trees this year but that the cost of side trimming be included in the budget for 2013/14.

14. Highway Matters

(a) Pack Lane Crossroads – Mr Frankland referred to further correspondence between Mrs Taylor and the County Council following the recent three vehicle accident requesting something positive to be done to resolve the problems at the cross roads. He had also contacted the County to give this Council’s full support to Mrs Taylor’s request.

(b) Community Speedwatch – Mr Frankland agreed to contact Mrs Howells to see whether she was still prepared to lead the Community Speedwatch project following her resignation from the council.

(c) Temporary Road Closure – The Clerk reported that a section of the B3400 between Rectory Road and Deane would be closed for resurfacing work during the evening and night of the 22 May.

15. Annual Parish Meeting

The Chairman gave a brief report of the meeting and thought it was a pity that there were so few people in attendance but that the youngsters’ presentations had been extremely good. There were no matters arising but it was agreed that a report on the Village Vision Action Plan should be made to the Council in October so that items could be considered for budgeting purposes.

16. Christmas Dinner

The Vice-Chairman confirmed that he had booked a table at The Fox, North Waltham for Friday 14 December.

17. Payment of Accounts

RESOLVED: That the following accounts be paid –

Deane PCC / 375.00 / HALC / 788.00
Larkstel / 1842.85 / M Burgess / 39.85
Peter Raine / 391.30 / John Dollin Printers / 291.00
BDBC / 511.18 / HMRC / 761.18
Malshanger Estate / 228.25 / Campbell & Co / 390.00
S Warner / 91.35

18. Circulars and Correspondence

There were no circulars or correspondence.

19. Exclusion of the Public

RESOLVED: That owing to the confidential nature of the business to be transacted, the public and press be excluded from the remainder of the meeting.