September 30, 2016

Dear Parents of 8th grade band students,

We would like to invite your son or daughter to be a guest of the high school marching band at the football game on Friday, October 14, 2016. The students will have the opportunity to sit with the band in the stands, see a great marching show and experience what things will be like for them next year at the high school.

The Eagle's Landing High School Marching Band has a tremendous reputation for superior ratings at competitions, as well as grand champion trophies. Eighth graders will view the show from the stands to see forms and designs made on the field.

Students will be allowed into the game free of charge as guests of the band, but must meet

Ms. Jenkins in the middle school band room after school and stay to practice with the band before the game. The 8th graders will be met by the high school band officers and will walk as a group to the high school band room. All 8th graders must wear school uniform to include the following: blue polo with school emblem, khaki long pants, and tennis shoes. We will have a short rehearsal with all students and pizza before the high school band warms up and marches into the stadium. Eighth grade students are expected to sit as a group with the band in the stands and to remain as a group until after the halftime show. At that time,(approximately 8:30pm)parents may pick them up from the middle school band room. Please be prompt in picking up your child. Students are expected to be on their best behavior at all times.

The high school band program has a great deal to offer its students. As underclassmen, the freshmen will have the opportunity to perform with sophomores, juniors and seniors and to get to know them on a different level. They have the opportunity to ask older peers about concerns they might have in a class, about a teacher, or about high school in general. Many freshmen are nervous about their first days in high school. The students who choose to be involved in the marching band begin their high school experience with upperclassmen before the school year starts, which can take the “edge” off of the first few days. They will see a friendly face or two in the halls on the first day of school.

If you have any questions about the information from this letter, or about the high school band program, please contact us by phone or e-mail. We would be more than happy to discuss the evening in greater detail.

We will see youon Friday, October 14, 2016

Cheri R. SchreibmanRenee Jenkins

Director of BandsDirector of Bands

Eagle's LandingHigh SchoolEaglesLandingMiddle School


Mandatory Performance (25% grade)

8th Grade Night

Friday, October 14, 2016

Eagles Landing Middle School Band

Additional information

Permission slips and medical release forms must be on file.

Attire- Blue Polo (school emblem), khaki long pants, Tennis Shoes

3:45p.m.Students remain after school (Report to band room)

4:00p.m. Leave for high school


Pizza (No Charge)

6:45p.m.Leave for Stadium (Students are not allowed to leave stands until dismissal after the halftime show)

Perform in stands with ELHS Band

View halftime show

7:30p.m.Game Starts

8:30p.m.Half-time show

9:00p.m.Return to middle school

9:15p.m.-Dismissal from middle school

-Parents are asked to be on time

-Students will meet parents at the front of school

8th Grade Band Night Permission Form due within two days along with Medical Release Form

(See teacher school web page for a copy of the medical release form in band handbook(last page)

ELMS Band performing with ELHS Band

Friday, October 14, 2016 (Eagles Landing HS Stadium)

Participation in this event is mandatory and counts as a 25% performance grade. All participants are expected to be on their best behavior. All Henry County School System rules apply in regards to discipline and expected behavior. Once permission slips are returned, Mrs. Jenkins has the authority to deny any student permission to participate if he/she falls within the category listed below prior to the actual event.

The following students are not allowed to participate:

  1. Those who have been referred to the principal’s office by any teacher

(Circumstances of that referral must be evaluated).

  1. Those who don’t participate in band class.
  2. Those who do not have materials for class(book, sticks, reeds, music)
  3. Those who “hold” instruments (do not play instruments).
  4. Those who are disciplinary problems.
  5. Those with a grade of “F” in band class.
  6. Those who have received 2 or more phone calls to parents about disciplinary issues.
  7. Those who have been suspended (OSS) from school or have been in ISS 2 times.
  8. Those with poor attitudes who do not follow simple directions/instructions.

I give permission for my son/daughter to attend the football game with the high school band on Friday, October 14, 2016. I understand that he/she needs to meet Ms. Jenkins at the middle school band room in order to participate. My son/daughter understands that he/she is to sit as a group with the band in the stands, remain with the band until the halftime performance is over, and be on his/her best behavior at all times.

Student’s Name (Print)______

Parents Signature______


Phone # 1______Phone # 2______

______I will serve as a chaperone

Parent Name(Please Print)______Phone______
