30th October 2017

Dear Parent/Carer,

8C and 8E History Trip: Bodiam Castle 8th December 2017

Having studied Medieval History throughout Year 7, Year 8 students have now moved on to the study of Tudors and Stuarts, where knowledge of castles and famous historical buildings is essential. In order to compliment classroom study, the History department has organised a trip to visit Bodiam Castle, where students will be immersed into medieval life. Throughout the day students will take part in a number of activities including: a guided tour; an exploration of the grounds; and an armour activity.

The trip will depart from school at 8:45 am. We expect to return back in school for 3:30pm. Students are expected to make their own arrangements regarding travel home from school. Travel to and from Bodiam Castle will be by coach and students will be expected to comply with the rules of travel, including the use of seatbelts. Students will need to attend in full school uniform, including appropriate footwear and a rain coat and wellies should weather be inclement. We also ask that students bring a packed lunch with them for the trip as we will be eating on site. If students are in receipt of free school meals, packed lunches will be provided for them.

The suggested contribution for this trip is £19.50, which includes entry to the castle, the cost of the activities and transport. Financial assistance may be available for students in receipt of free school meals; please contact the school office, in confidence, for further information.

Should you wish your child to attend this trip, please complete and return the attached consent form, along with cash or a cheque (made payable to King’s School), to the school reception as soon as possible to secure a place, and no later than 3.00pm on Friday 17th November. Online payments will be available the day after the date shown on this letter, should this be a more suitable method.

Yours sincerely,

Mrs M Cager

Head of Humanities

Return by 17th November 2017 / History Department Trip to Bodium Castle, December 8th 2017
Depart: King’s School, 8:45am
Returning: King’s School, 3:30pm
Child’s name:
Emergency contact name and telephone number:
Second emergency contact name and telephone number:
Medical information (including dietary requirements)
Declaration by Parent/Guardian
  1. I have read and completed this form and to the best of my knowledge the details given are true and accurate.
  1. I agree to my child receiving medication as instructed and any emergency dental, medical or surgical treatment, including anaesthetic or blood transfusion, as considered necessary by the medical authorities present.
  1. I will inform the teacher in charge as soon as possible of any changes in the medical or other details between now and the commencement of the visit/trip.
  1. I understand that I will need to arrange travel home once the coach returns to school at 3.30 pm

Parental Signature: