Eötvös Loránd Science University
Faculty of Sciences / Department of Chemistry
Core (required) Course

Course Outlines

and Prerequisites


Course Title: Analytical Chemistry Laboratory Practice (1)

1. / Course Code / Semester / Grading / Credits / Weekly Hours / Language / Major
kv1c4anp / 4 / practical course mark / 7 / 5 / English / Chemistry BSc

2. Course Type:

1 hour classroom practice and 4 hours laboratory practice weekly

3. Course Instructor and Department:

Zihné Perényi Katalin, Chemical Institute, Dept. of Analytical Chemistry

4. Course Instructor:

Name: / Title: / Department, Institution:
Zihné Perényi Katalin / assistant professor / Chemical Institute, Dept. of Analytical Chemistry

5. Course Requirements:

Inorganic chemistry, equilibrium in aqueous solutions, interpretation and mathematical description of the processes taking place. General, inorganic and physical chemistry basics; Basic principles of chemical analytical methods; elementary laboratory manual practice

6. Course Prerequisites:

6.1. Prerequisites

kv1c4enp Inorganic Chemistry Laboratoy Practice: (strong)

kv1c2ans Analyticel Chemistry Calculations: (strong)

kv1c1ana Analyticel Chemistry (1): (weak)

6.2. Recommended

7. Course Objectives:

The practice is aimed to understand and learn the analytical chemistry methods solving in practice some characteristic analytical problems; skills acquisition of precise laboratory work; the development of independent decision-making skills; practice of processing the measured data and preparing reports; Problem solving in connection with analytical procedures and their theoretical bases; develop basic material recognition routine.

8. Course Outline:

Topics Covered:

The common reactions of inorganic ions in aqueous solutions, qualitative identification.

Preparation of samples for the analysis. Volumetric methods: preparation of standard solutions, standardization; acid-base titrations; methods based on complex formation and precipitation; gravimetry; redox titrations: measurements with permanganate, chromate, bromate and cerium(IV) standard solutions, iodometry; methods for the analysis of natural waters. Determination of two or more components in the presence of each other. Titrations in non-aqueous solutions. Separations by distillation, ion exchange, precipitation.

8.1. Course Outline (Weekly)

The one hour per week of classroom practice held in two hours blocks. In the four-hour laboratory exercises following a brief test the tasks are carried out.

Laboratory practice with examples

Week 1


Week 2

Acceptance of lockers, presentation of lab rules, calibration of measuring tools.

Week 3


Preparation of carbonate-free NaOH standard solution and its standardization,

Determination of acetic acid,

Determination of sodium thiosulfate after bromination,

Determination of borax and sodium hydroxide in presence of each other

Week 4


Standardization of hydrochloric acid solution

Titration in non-aqueous medium (eg. determination of Lidocaine in glacial medium)

Week 5

Qualitative analysis, identification of unknowns of the I-III. cation groups

Week 6


Standardization of EDTA standard solution

Determination of calcium (II) and magnesium (II) in presence of each other

Determination of copper (II) and zinc (II) in presence of each other

Week 7

Qualitative analysis, identification of unknowns of the I-V. cation groups

8 week

Spring Break

Gravimetry (eg. Separation and determination of Cd (II) in Cd anthranilate form)

Week 9

Complexometry, argentometry.

Standardization of thiocyanate standard solution

Determination of chloride according to Mohr and adsorption indicator

Determination of bromide according to Volhard-

Determination of mercury (II) according to Volhard

Week 10


Standardization of permanganate standard solution

Determination of iron content according to Zimmermann-Reinhardt

Week 11

Chromatometry and cerimetry

Chromatometric determination of alcohol content after separation by distillation

Cerimetric determination of Fe (II)

Week 12

Bromato- and iodometry

Standardization of thiosulphate solution

Determination of phenol according to Koppeschaar

Iodometric determination of chromium (III) and iodide after oxidation

Determination of vitamin C by bromatometric titration

Week 13

Qualitative analysis, identification of unknowns of the I-IV. anion groups

Week 14

Exam Lab: Qualitativey analysis and identification of unknown compounds

Week 15

Improvement possibility, Returning the locker

The order of practices could be changed.

Schedule of classroom practice:

Week 1. Work and fire protection rules. Determination of different weak and strong acids and bases in presence of each other

Week 2. Acidimetric and alkalimetric titration curves and calculation of the error of indication. Determination of different weak and strong acids and bases in presence of each other. Evaluation of determination of multivalent acids and bases.

Week 3. Test

Week 4. Chelatometric titration curves, effect of the conditions (pH, complexing agents). Precipitation titration curves, indication of the end-point, error of indication, effect of pH and complexing agents on the solubility. Gravimetric methods.

Week 5. Test

Week 6. Redox titration curves, selection of indicator, error of indication. Theoretical and practical errors from occurring during the redox titrations and their elimination.

Week 7. Test

Certain practices could be off.

9. Remarks:

10. Requirements:

10.1. Course Work:

Only students registered in the Neptun system can attend the lectures.

Prerequisites for completion of course/laboratory (in addition to those listed in „ELTE Organizational and Operational Regulations”) include:

-compliance with requirements and regulations (signature required);

- submission of report of each measurement on time, succeeded completion of at least 90% of the measurements (documented by accepted reports)

-the average performance of the qualitative identification of the unknowns and the exam must be at least 50%

-the homeworks must be accepted

-at least 7 of the short tests written at the beginning of each lab day must be more than 50%

-the success of each test must be more than 50% (after improvement), answer the basic questions included in the test more than 75% required to check the test.

10.2. Exam Period

If all of the requirements for the practical part are fulfilled but one of the test is less than 50% (but more than 10%), retake examination is available.

11. Make Up Policy

Three measurements allowed to be repeated in time of the parallel courses or on the last lab practice. Up to two tests allowed to be repeated within an improving test.

12. Office Hours/Consultation:

On the classroom practices or discussed by the instructors.

13. Lecture Notes, Textbook, Resources, Recommended Reading:


Lecture notes found on website of the course..

Barcza Lajos: A mennyiségi kémiai analízis gyakorlati kézikönyve, Medicina Kiadó, Budapest, 2005

Barcza Lajos - Buvári Ágnes: A minőségi kémiai analízis alapjai (4., átdolgozott kiadás), Medicina Kiadó, Budapest, 1997


Burger Kálmán: Az analitikai kémia alapjai: Kémiai és műszeres elemzés, Semmelweis Kiadó, Budapest, 1999

Schulek Elemér, Szabó Zoltán László: A kvantitatív analitikai kémia elvi alapjai és módszerei, Tankönyvkiadó, Budapest, 1966

D.A. Skoog, D.M. West, F.J. Holler Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry, 6th ed.

Saunders College Publ. (USA), 1992.

14. Learning Strategy:

Thorough preparation for laboratory practices. Completion of the laboratory practices, evaluation of data, submission of demanding reports and homework on time. Solving computational problems given in advance. Writing tests.

15. Syllabus Written by (Name, Title, Department/Institution)

Zihné Perényi Katalin, Chemical Institute, Dept. of Analytical Chemistry

16. Enforcement Date: 01.09.2014