Jerry Johnson
870 Creek Road Irasburg, Vermont 05845
Phone: (802) 754-2265Email: ebsite:
Tennis Biography
Contributions to Tennis
- Tournament Director: Central Massachusetts Open Championships
- Tournament Director:WorcesterCounty Open Championships
- Head Pro, Seven Hills Racquet Club (now Wayside Racquet Club), Marlboro, MA.
Organized & ran club tournaments; coach of junior & ladies teams; organized the Central Division
of the Penn League for junior competition involving Seven Hills and several other clubs. Junior
teams were undefeated. Jerry received commendation from Bill Mott (NELTA President) and
Helen Boisevain for his work with juniors and junior programs.
- Head Pro, Mount Pleasant Country Club, Boylston, MA
- Head Pro, Adult Education Tennis Program, Holliston, MA
- Teaching Pro at Windridge Tennis Camp, Craftsbury, VT
- Teaching pro for 40-plus years
- Teaching Pro in WorcesterCounty for many years
- Member of USTA Vermont Governing Board (2009 – 2015)
- Regular contributor of tennis stories and poems to USTA Vermont’s website
- Teaching Pro on his tennis court in Vermont
- Member on New England’s Atlantic Coast Team
- Writerfor theNew England Senior Tennis Foundation Bulletin (2001 – 2015)
Jerry has contributed approximately 50 tennis stories and poems to the Bulletin. They include:
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Clay Court of Dreams
The Story Behind Triple Match Point
Triple Match Point
The Barn
Tennis Player’s Answer Machine
A Tennis Invitation
Gentleman Tim – Tim Henman
The Story of a Champion: Don Manchester
Drill Sergeant
Come Alive at 3.5
Hall of Fame Speech for Dick Ernst
Visit With A Legend – Nick Bollettieri
Hall of Fame Speech for Alan Chandronnait
Almost in the Bagh
You Are The Cat – Roger Federer
King Richard – Dick Ernst
Battleship Linoleum – Bud Collins
A Day at the Australian
The Halls of Justice – Nick Bollettieri
Klever Kiku – Kiku Andersen
Ode to Lilian – Lil Peltz Petow
Hair (a poem for Andre Agassi)
Jerry’s speech about Bud Collins
at Worcester Tennis Club Centennial
On Nights Like This – Bill Power
Vermont Team Does Well in National Competition
Tennis Haiku
Where are they Now? Spotlight on Steve Ethier
The Pre-Shaggy Days
Nothing is Impossible
The King of Swing
The French Open – Poetry on Clay
Swiss Cheese – Ned Eames
Where are they now? Spotlight on
Dorothy SnowBicknell
Attention, All You Tennis Aficionados
Cliff Richey – Facing his Toughest Challenge
Induction Speech for Albert Rogers
Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood
Our Precocious Poet – Alex Kaufmann
Team Richey
Ned Eames story
Our Friend – In Remembrance of Jonathan Fisher
Connors, McEnroe, Borg
An Al Rogers Story
Alan Chandronnait: Inventor
Gardner Ward Chase Memorial Bowl Speech
for Richard Ernst
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- Published Books
A Bed of Leaves, 2004. Book includes tennis poems.
Up the Creek Without a Saddle, 2013. Bookincludes tennis poems.
Noah’s Song, 2014. Jerry donated the profit ($6,500) from the sale of the first 500 copies
of Noah’s Song to art scholarships in the name of the book’s artist
who passed away.
Jerry’s books have received accolades from several acclaimed writers, including Howard Mosher,
Reeve Lindbergh (daughter of Charles Lindbergh), and Sydney Lea (Poet Laureate of Vermont)
- Teaching Professional and Coach
Jerry taught, trained and mentored several junior and college players. Four of his students won a Massachusetts High School Championship. Many of his studentsgainedhigh New England rankings, many earned college athletic and academicscholarships, some playedprofessional tennis and earned world rankings, and some madetennis their career.
These players include:
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Don Carbone (#8 Men’s, played for GeorgeWashingtonUniversity and Austin Peay; coach men’s and
Women’s teams at the University of Kentucky; director of tennis and part owner of Lexington
(KY) Tennis Club)
John Connors
Timothy Dewey
Lisa Doherty (WTA world ranking;co-owner of Preeg-Doherty Tennis, Inc., Naples, FL)
Ann Dudley (played for Duke)
Karen Dudley (played for William & Mary)
Ned Eames (Massachusetts High School Doubles Champion, N.E. sectional doubles champion,
captained San DiegoState,national & world rankings, President and Founder of Tenacity)
Steve Ethier (#4 in 18s, Massachusetts High School Singles Champion; played for MississippiState,
world rankingin singles & doubles;Tennis Director, Bailey Beach Club, Newport, RI; Head
Pro, BocaBayPass Club, Boca Grande, FL)
June Ferestien (#1 in 16s and 18s, played for University of Florida)
Danny Flanigan (Massachusetts High School Singles champion, teaching pro and coach)
Margaret Foley
Amy Harper (played tennis, basketball and softball for BowdoinCollege, All-American in basketball,
three-time Maine State Tennis Singles Champion)
David Hall (earned junior and men’s rankings, played for University of New Hampshire)
Dick Herbst (Massachusetts High School Singles Champion, played for Pepperdine)
Kevin Kraft(#12 in 14s, played for Virginia Tech)
Lisa Krakow
Sheila LaPerle (played for Worcester State College)
John Luyrink (played for BatesCollege, owner of Nantucket Tennis & Tennis Club)
Danny Mott (played for Worcester Polytechnic Institute)
Tom Mott (#1 in 14s and 16s, played for TexasChristianUniversity, world ranking)
Peter Prinos(played for FloridaStateUniversity, several high N.E. rankings)
Linda Scholl (#1 in N.E. Women’s, 4-year tennis scholarship to Pepperdine)
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- Battles-Of-The-Sexes
During the 1970s, Jerry participated in three battles-of-the-sexes matches. The purpose of these events was to increase interest in the game of tennis and for fundraising. In the first contest, Jerry was pitted against Anne-Metta Sorensen (#1 woman from Denmark) at the Greendale YMCA in Worcester before a large crowd. In the second, when he was head pro at Seven Hills Racquet Club in Marlboro, he battled Lisa Doherty who was ranked second in New England 18-and-under singles. In the third, when he was a teacher at BrooklineHigh School, he played Lisa Krakow (a top New England junior and student at BHS) in a “Math Teacher vs. Student” match in the school’s gymnasium. Jerry managed to squeeze out victories in all three matches.
- Speeches at USTA New England Hall of Fame Induction Ceremonies
Jerry has done five presentations at the hall of fame proceedings:
2001 Read a poem for Nicholas “Chick” Sharry who was inducted posthumously
2005 Nominated Dick Ernst and did his induction speech
2006 Nominated Alan Chandronnait and did his induction speech
2011 Nominated Al Rogers and did his induction speech
2012 Presentation speech for the Gardner Ward Chase Memorial Bowl given to Dick Ernst
Playing Record
- High School Athletic Record (South High, Worcester, MA)
- Played #1 position in singles & doubles. Team Captain.
- Led team in singles & doubles to Inter-High Team Tennis Championship over Classical High which
had not lost the championship in 25 years.
- Inter-High Tennis Champion of Worcester high schools.
- Co-captain of Hockey Team. 4 Inter-High Championship teams.
- College Athletic Record (University of Massachusetts, Amherst)
- JV Men’s Tennis Team as a Freshman
- Men’s Varsity Tennis Team, 3 years, Co-Captain
- Eastern College Athletic Conference Merit Awardas thetop Scholar-Athlete of the University
- Paul Sears Putnam TrophyasMVP of the Men’s Tennis Team
- Sports Dads Association Award for Tennis
- Yankee Conference Champion at his positions
- 90-plus % winning percentage in singles & doubles
- Varsity Cross-Country Team
- 3-time consecutive winner of Intramural Cross-Country Race
- Graduated #1 in Civil Engineering, Magna Cum Laude.
- Academic Honor Societies:
Tau Beta Pi (National Engineering Honor Society) Phi Kappa Phi (National Honor Society)
Chi Epsilon (National Civil Engineering Honor Society) Eta Sigma (National Freshman Honor Society)
- WorcesterCounty Open Champion: Singles – 10 times Doubles – 10 times Mixed Doubles – 1 time
- Winner of several sanctioned tennis tournaments in the Men’s Open division, Men’s 25s, Men’s 35s, and Men’s 45s. Amassedmore than 20 wins over former top ten players, with eight of these wins over former number ones. Wins over PhilKadesch and Andy Chaikovsky (former No. 1s in the New England men’s open division), Brian Marsden and Lou Desmarteaux (former No. 1s in the New England 35s), Jack Dunmead and Wade Frame (former No. 1s in the New England 45s), Bill Power (former No. 1 in several New England divisions), and Bob Morton (former No. 1 in the Ohio Valley men’s open division).
- Wins over 8USTA New England Hall of Fame players: Phil Kadesch, Jack Moter, Harvey Harrison, Bill Power, Jack Dunmead, Peter Allen, Al Rogan, Ned Eames.
- Winner of first two New England Class B Championships in 1968 and 1969.
- In 1991, rank of #5 in the 35s and #6 in the 45s (only player that year who was ranked in both divisions).
- Men’s Open Rankings
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1968 Honorable Mention
1974 9
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- Some Tournament Results
New England Class B Singles ChampionshipsWinner1968
New England Class B Singles ChampionshipsWinner1969
Worcester County Open Singles ChampionshipsWinner (10 times)1968 - 1982
Worcester County Open Doubles ChampionshipsWinner (10 times MD, 1 time MxD)1974 - 1990
Mount Washington Open Singles Championships Runner-up1971
White Mountains Open Singles ChampionshipsRunner-up1972
White Mountains Open Doubles Championships Winner1972
Played European clay court circuit(Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Austria, Holland)1972
Sundance Open Championships Winner1973
MassachusettsState Open Championships Runner-up1974
Newfound LakeMen’s Open Championships Runner-up1974
Played the USTA/PENN circuit in FloridaGeorgia1979
Tallahassee Open Tennis ChampionshipsWinner1979
Forest Meadow Classic Championships Winner (25s) 1979
Chamberlain Pines Open Runner-up1979
Ad Fed American Cancer Society Tennis ClassicWinner (35s)1980
Orchard Hills JV Open ChampionshipsWinner (35s)1981
Chamberlain Pines Open Winner1983
Greendale YMCA Championships Winner1983
Lakeside Open ChampionshipsWinner 1984
EastonValley ChampionshipsWinner1985
Bolletteiri-ChangTennisCenter ChampionshipsWinner (35s) 1990
Great Expectations Championships Winner (45s) 1990
NELTA Men’s JV Singles Championships Runner-up (35s)1990
Tennis of Maine Championship Winner (45s) 1990
S. E. Massachusetts Clay Court Championships Runner-up (35s)1990
NortheastKingdom Open Doubles Championships Winner1990
NortheastKingdom Open Singles Championships Runner-up1990
Newport Tennis Club Doubles InvitationalWinner1994
Newport Prouty Open ChampionshipsRunner-up1997
- Victories over the following players
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Peter Allen (Hall of Fame)
Michael Burke
Bill Busiek (beat 2 times, #12-Men’s, #8-35’s)
Eliot Campbell (beat 2 times, #22-Men’s)
Larry Cataldo (#16-45s)
Andy Chaikovsky (#1-Men’s)
Roger Challen (beat 3 times)
Bill Chick (#30-Men’s)
Jim Chisholm
Peter Cooper (#13-Men’s)
Steve Counihan (#15-Men’s)
Steve Crane
Harlan Cuklantz (#19-Men’s)
Jack Daley (#39-Men’s)
Robert Davenport (#6-45’s)
Chuck DeSalvo (#2-Men’s)
Lou Desmarteaux (#1-35’s)
Jack Dunmead(#23-Men’s, #1-45s, Hall of Fame)
Ned Eames (Hall of Fame)
Ben Edwards
Eric Ernstrom
Bill Fielding (#15-Men’s)
Damon Fitch(#1 VT men’s singles & doubles)
Wade Frame (#1-45s)
Steve Gallagher
John Galinato(#6, #8 Men’s)
Bob Garfield (#18-Men’s, #3-35s)
Joe Gill (#30-Men’s)
Steve Goldman (#33-Men’s)
Jud Goodnow
Jay Graham
Peter Guterman(#28-Men’s)
Harvey Harrison(#4, #7, #9-Men’s, Hall of Fame)
Dick Herbst (beat 3 times, Mass. HS champion)
Peter Holmes (#33-Men’s, #4-45’s)
Randy Jobson
Carl Johnson(#34-Men’s)
Tom Johnson(#58-Men’s)
Phil Kadesch (#7, #1-Men’s, Hall of Fame)
Peter Lyons (#5-Men’s)
George MacGovern
Jena Marcovicci (#32-Men’s)
Brian Marsden (#1-35s)
Norm Martel (#1 VT Men’s singles & doubles)
Aram Miller (#17-Men’s)
Robert Miller (#9-35s)
Bob Morton (#1-Ohio Valley, national ranking)
Jack Moter(#10-Men’s, #4-45s, Hall of Fame)
Danny Mott
Chuck Narvin (top 5 in Florida 35’s)
Tim Norton (#3-Mens)
Bob Oransky (top 5 in Florida 18s)
Bob Pipes (#21-Men’s)
Gene Poplawski (#5-45s)
Bill Power (beat 2 times, Hall of Fame)
Joe Regan (#22-Men’s)
Dave Robison (#24-Men’s)
Al Rogan(#35-Men’s, Hall of Fame)
Bill Ruth (#56-Men’s)
Gerhard Schmidt (#4-45s)
Peter Sirois (#13-Men’s)
Sean Sloane (#5-45s)
Dick Small
Lew Smolin (beat 2 times, #20-Men’s)
John Solow (#4-Men’s)
Dick Sontag (#35-Men’s)
Bill Sprout (beat 2 times, national & NE rankings)
Curt Tatreault
Chuck Warshaver
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