German Financial Cooperation with Armenia

BMZ-N 2009.6657.2


Project Implementation Unit (PIU)

On behalf and for the Ministry of Nature Protection of the Republic of Armenia

Request for Price Quotation for the Procurement of Goods (RFQ)

PROCUREMENT of WINDOWS for 4 VILLAGES (Tsav, Shikahogh, Srashen, Nerqin Hand)


(in the frames of Individual Project Proposal (IPP) on Household Energy Security)

Ref. No: SPPA /ARMENIA/G/2017-1
















The Project Implementation Unit (PIU) of the Support Programme for Protected Areas – Armenia (SPPA-Armenia; BMZ-N 2009.6657.2) acting on behalf of and for the Ministry of Nature Protection (MoNP) of the Republic of Armenia (hereinafter referred to as "the Client") is pleased to invite all qualified candidates to participate in Price Quotation Procedure as it is described in this document and its annexes for the procurement of goods (hereinafter referred to as “Goods”):

Goods–Windows for 4 villages(Tsav, Shikahogh, Srashen, Nerqin Hand) in marz of Syuniq (in the frames of Individual Project Proposal (IPP) on Household Energy Security, signed on 30 of June, 2017 between KfW bank and Ministry of Nature Protection of RA)

1.02.Information about the project

SPPA- Armenia is a 5-year program, funded through German Cooperation with Armenia via KFW Development Bank (KfW). The program involves the following Protected Areas: Shikahogh State Reserve, Areviq National Park, Zangezur, Khustup, Boghakar, Plane Grove and Sev Lich (Black Lake) State Sanctuaries. The purpose of the Programme is the improvement of natural resources and protected areas management, while at the same time improving the socio-economic situation of adjacent local rural communities. Programme executing agency is the Ministry of Nature Protection (MoNP) of the Republic of Armenia.

1.03.Prequalification requirements

The Bidder should submit the following documentation establishing its eligibility for the Bid acceptance for further consideration:

  • Statement from the Business Register;
  • Certificate from the competent authority verifying that Bidder Property is not under legal restriction of seize;
  • Certificate from corresponding tax inspection verifying that the Bidder has no overdue debts toward the budget;
  • Certificate from competent authority validating that the Bidder has not been declared insolvent by the court, is not in process of liquidation.

1.04.Qualification requirements

The Bidder should submit the following documentation establishing its qualification:

  • Information on the Bidder’s production volumes in the required Goods supplies field, during at least 5 lst years (if it is not in contradiction with RA legislation requirements) – evaluation maximum is 30 points;
  • Proven evidence on the Bidder’s working experience in the required Goods supplies field (copies of the contracts or references from previous clients, or others) during at least last 5 years - evaluation maximum is 30 points;
  • Valid information on the Bidder’s production capacities (production facility, building, production equipment, transportation means, personnel, others) - evaluation maximum is 40 points.

The qualification will be based on an evaluation of qualification documents submitted by Bidders against the minimum pass/fail criteria of 70 points.

1.05.Procedure for submission of documents

The Bidder should submit one package containing two clearly marked and sealed separate envelopes: one with “Proposal for Goods“and the other - with “Financial Proposal“.No financial information shall be contained in the Proposal for Goods. In addition to the original documents the envelops should contain one copy.

The package shall display the following information:

  • Bidder’s legal name and address
  • RFQ reference number - SPPA /ARMENIA/G/2017-1
  • the address of the Client;

The sealed envelopes must be submitted to the following address:

RA Ministry of Nature Protection

0010, Yerevan, Government 3rd building, 5th floor, room N 544

not later than 6thof December, 2017 at 18:00.

In case the bidder submits documents with violation of procedures described in this paragraph, the bidder will be disqualified from the selection procedure.


The technical and financial proposals as well as all communication related to the present RFQ shall be prepared in English.

1.07.Validity Period of Tenders

The period of validity of the offers counted from the deadline for receipt of Offers is 30 days.

1.08.Information Visit

All expenses relevant to information visit as well as receiving document, data and information preparation and submission cost are covered by Bidder.

1.09.Request for Additional Information

Any question, communication or requests for additional information concerning this RFQ are only permitted in writing and up to two (2) days before the deadline for the submission of the proposals. Such requests are to be sent to the following emails: () and (). If any clarification of the RFQ proves necessary, the answers will be communicated simultaneously in writing to all the Bidders, which are known to the Client. Potential Bidder must submit their emails for distribution of questions and inquiries among potential Bidders.

1.10.Amendments to the RFQ Dossier

Any change made to the RFQ dossier by the Client will be uploaded in the same web, where initial announcement was posted. Also information about the amendment, if such, will be distributed to all already known potential Bidders.


Potential bidders may associate with other candidates to ensure that all the necessary know-how and experience is delivered in providing goods. In case of association of firms and companies Bidders must submit declaration as prescribed in Section 2.01.


2.01.Proposal for Goods

The proposal for Goods shall contain:

a) RFQ Forms

Bidder must submit all forms filled in with relevant information and signed by the authorized person.

b) Detailed Description of goods to be provided

The Bidder is explicitly encouraged to present a detailed description of the technical andqualitative characteristic of good to be provided. Description must meet all criteria set in ToR (Annex 1).

c) Detailed Information about the terms and conditions of warranty of the goods to be provided

d) Delivery period:

The Bidder must submit information regarding the delivery period (delivery schedule), in which the Bidder is going to provide the Client with the offered goods.

e) Declarations

The Bidder shall provide the following declarations:

  • Declaration(s) of association duly signed by the partners and specifying clearly the type of association and the lead firm (if any);
  • Declaration of undertaking: A duly signed declaration (in case of an association by all members) pursuant to Annex 3 shall be included.

2.02.Financial proposal

Bidder will submit Financial Proposal based on one average unit price of proposed goods (considering usual standard ratio between the static surface and the openable surface), which should include: measurements, transportation, de-installation of old windows, new window installation and closing of holes with polyurethane construction foam.

The unit price should be indicated in the currency of AMD. The Financial Proposal shall be submitted in the form showed in Annex 4.

The bidder should also submit the payment schedule as the annex to financial proposal. (If an advanced payment is supposed in the payment schedule, the Bidder should present Bank Guarantee, according to the sample in the Annex 6)



The selection of the bidder for the goods procurement will be made in accordance with the KfW latest Procurement Guidelines. The latest version can be downloaded from KfW web-site

3.02.Proposal of Goods

The Proposals for Goods will be opened on the tender commission meeting. Financial Proposals remain sealed until the technical evaluation is completed. The quality of each proposal for goods will be evaluated based on compliance with the requirements, set in ToR.

Only the Bidder, whose Proposal for Goods is in full compliance or by its qualitative/technical characteristics exceeds the requirements, set in TOR, will be assessed on the further stage.

3.03. Financial proposal and evaluation

The criterion for evaluation of the Financial proposal will be the unit price.

3.04.Final evaluation

For the purpose of a combined evaluation, the score for Evaluation of Bidder’s Qualification Requirements, set in point 1.04. will be weighted 50 % as follows:

PQ = 50 * Q/Qo, with

PQ = attributed score for Evaluation of Bidder’s Qualification Requirements,

Q = Bidder's score in the Evaluation of Bidder’s Qualification Requirements,

Qo = highest 'qualification' score of all Bidders.

The Financial Proposal of a Bidder will be weighted 50 % as follows:

PF = 50 * Co/C, with

PF = attributed score for the Financial Proposal (points),

C = Bidder's corrected price of the Financial Proposal,

Co = lowest corrected Financial Proposal.

The total score of the Bidder is

P = PF + PQ.

The contract will be awarded to the Bidder, who submitted the proposal with the highest total score, after contract negotiations. If the negotiations with the Bidder having the highest score will not be successful, negotiations with the Bidder placed next will be undertaken until an agreement will be reached.

The draft Contract will be prepared according to the standard contract pursuant to Annex 5.


4.01. Unsuccessful bidders

After the evaluation of the Proposals, Bidders that have not fully complied with the requirements will be notified in writing. After the winning Bidder has been notified of the award of Contract, the remaining Bidders will be informed in writing about the rejection of their proposals.

4.02. Cancellation procedure

The RFQ procedure may be cancelled, prior to awarding the Contract, without thereby incurring any liability to the Applicants, and notwithstanding the stage in the procedures leading to the conclusion of the Contract, if

  • the Programme has been cancelled;
  • circumstances underlying the invitation to RFQ have changed materially;
  • no Bidder satisfies the criteria for the award of the Contract;
  • competition was inadequate;
  • the conditions for a fair competition have not been implemented;
  • theprice quotationsare obviously unreasonable and/or exceed the financial resources earmarked for the contract. In this case, the Client may, as an alternative to re-tendering, enter into negotiations with the winning Bidder to try to obtain a satisfactory offer.

In the event of cancellation of the procedure, Bidders shall be notified thereof by the Client. Participants are provided with information about the cancellation of the clearance of the Client.



Windows for 4 villages(Tsav, Shikahogh, Srashen, Nerqin Hand) in marz of Syuniq (in the frames of Individual Project Proposal (IPP) on Household Energy Security, signed on 30 of June, 2017 between KfW bank and Ministry of Nature Protection of RA)

Project Title: / Support Programme for Protected Areas - Armenia (SPPA-A)
Project #: / BMZ 2009.6657.2
Executing Agency: / Ministry of Nature Protection, Republic of Armenia (MoNP)
Funding agency: / German Financial Cooperation (GFC) through KfW Development Bank (KfW)
Budget code: / SPPA OP 2017 – 2.2.4, KfW budget code – 2.
Task(s) of Bidder: / Measurements of each target house needs for windows replacement, production and transportation of new windows to the villages, de-installation of old windows, new window installation and closing of holes with polyurethane construction foam
Time frame: / 2 months within the period of December,2017 – May, 2018
Place of delivery: / Tsav, Shikahogh, Srashen, Nerqin Handvillages.

Description of the windows to be procured:

  • multiple glass unit,
  • Metal-plastic profiles
  • 60 mm, with 4 cells profiles sizes
  • inside of it should be 0,9- 1.2 mm galvanized sheet
  • silica gel within the vacuum window frames with 0.4mm double glass
  • vacuum windows
  • color – white
  • simple lock

Villages names and houses quantity:

  • Tsav – 100
  • Shikahogh – 61
  • Nerqin Hand – 45
  • Srashen – 41

Quantity of sqr. metres per each house: - up to 9m2. The final quantity will be defined after measuring before starting the installation.

Warranty period: not less than 1 year.

Delivery period: 6 months after the signing of the contract.


Application Submission Sheet


RFQ No.: ......

To: Project Implementation Unit (PIU) of the Support Programme for Protected Areas – Armenia

We, the undersigned, apply to be qualified for the referenced RFQ and declare the following.

(a)We have examined and have no reservations to the RFQ Document and conditions.

(b)We, including any subcontractors or Contractors for any part of the contract(s) resulting from this qualification, do not have any conflict of interest.

(c)We, including any subcontractors or Contractors for any part of the contract(s) resulting from this RFQ, have not been declared ineligible by KfW or any other international Donor. No sanctions by the UN Security Council have been imposed on us.

(d)We are not a Government-owned entity

(e)We, plan to subcontract the following key activities:______

(f)We understand that you may cancel the bidding process at any time and that you are not bound either to accept any bid, without incurring any liability to the bidders.

Name ......

In the capacity of ......

Signed ......

Duly authorized to sign the Application for and on behalf of ......


Bidder’s Information Sheet

RFQ #______

1. Bidder’s legal name
2. Bidder’s legal address:
3. Telephone Number:
5. Fax:
6. Emails:
7. Web:
8a. Director’s full name:
8b. Contact Person:
9. Business field:
10. Year of Constitution:
11. Founder (Parent Company if case of existing and its full legal name)
13Identification code:
14. Bank Details:

Bidder’s Signature______



RFQ number ______.:

We underscore the importance of a free, fair and competitive procurement process that precludes abusive practices. In this respect we have neither offered nor granted directly or indirectly any inadmissible advantages to any public servant or other person nor accepted such advantages in connection with our bid, nor will we offer or grant or accept any such incentives or conditions in the present procurement process or, in the event that we are awarded the contract, in the subsequent execution of the contract. We also declare that no conflict of interest exists in the meaning of the kind described in the pertinent Guidelines[1].

We also underscore the importance of adhering to minimum social standards ("Core Labour Standards") in the implementation of the Programme. We undertake to comply with the Core Labor Standards ratified by the country of Armenia.

We will inform our staff about their respective obligations and about their obligation to fulfil this declaration of undertaking and to obey the laws of the country of Armenia.

We also declare that our company/all members of the consortium has/have not been included in the list of sanctions of the United Nations, nor of the EU, nor of the German Government, nor in any other list of sanctions and affirm that our company/all members of the consortium will immediately inform the client and KfW if this situation should occur at a later stage.

We acknowledge that, in the event that our company (or a member of the consortium) is added to a list of sanctions that is legally binding upon the client and/or KfW, the client is entitled to exclude our company/the consortium from the procurement procedure and, if the contract is awarded to our company/the consortium, to terminate the contract immediately if the statements made in the Declaration of Undertaking were objectively false or the reason for exclusion occurs after the Declaration of Undertaking has been issued.


(Place)(Date)(Name of Applicant)




Bid Form


RFQ No.: ......

Page...... of ...... pages

To: Project Implementation Unit (PIU) of the Support Programme for Protected Areas – Armenia

We offer to supply in accordance to (RFQ Bid No ______) and in conformity with the Bidding Documents the following Goods:


The total price per unit of our bid excluding VAT, taxes, import duties and other possible charges and excluding any discounts as offered below is:

Amount in numbers in AMD (Amount in words in AMD)

Note: Please present separately VAT, other taxes and possible charges which are already included in total bid price:

Amount in numbers in AMD (Amount in words in AMD) (VAT; Taxes and possible charges)

We, the undersigned, declare that:

(a)We have examined and have no reservations to the Bidding Documents including Addenda issued.

(b)We have collected the needed information on conditions of supply and studied all other circumstances that may influence the contract execution.

(c)We have studied the potential of our sub-contractors

(d)Our bid shall be valid for a period of 30 days from the date fixed for the bid submission deadline in accordance with the Bidding Documents, and it shall remain binding upon us and may be accepted at any time before the expiration of that period;

(e)We, including any subcontractors or Contractors for any part of the contract, do not have any conflict of interest.

(f)We are not participating, as a Bidder or as a subcontractor, in more than one bid in this bidding process;

(g)Our firm, its affiliates or subsidiaries, including any Subcontractors or Contractors for any part of the contract, has not been declared ineligible under the Client ’s country laws or official regulations or by an act of compliance with a decision of the United Nations Security Council;

(h)We understand that this Bid, together with your written acceptance thereof included in your Notification of Award, shall constitute a binding contract between us, until a formal contract is prepared and executed; and

(i)We accept further that the Client reserves the right to reduce or amend the content of the Bid and that Client is not bound to accept the lowest evaluated bid.

(j)In case of our Bid being accepted, we shall not make any requests regarding the change of the offered price for the said services and supplies.

(k)The advance payment is: AMD. (...... ) which is ___ percent of our Contract Price. The advance payment is provided only in case of presenting Advance Payment Bond (Bank guarantee).

Authorized and binding signature: ______

Name and function of the signatory:______

Name of the Bidder: ______