8625 version 4
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Plan and design deer unit layout
Level / 5Credits / 12
PurposePeople credited with this unit standard are able to: assess the land for suitability for the deer farming activity; design deer fencing and accessways; plan water supply according to deer requirements; design yards and handling facilities; and plan shelter.
This unit standard is for people involved in supervisory management on a deer farm.
Subfield / AgricultureDomain / Deer Farming
Status / Registered
Status date / 22 August 2008
Date version published / 22 August 2008
Planned review date / 31 December 2012
Entry information / Open.
Accreditation / Evaluation of documentation and visit by NZQA, industry and teaching professional in the same field from another provider.
Standard setting body (SSB) / Primary Industry Training Organisation
Accreditation and Moderation Action Plan (AMAP) reference / 0052
This AMAP can be accessed at
Special notes
1The DeerQA On-Farm Programme Operating Standards can be obtained from Deer Industry New Zealand, PO Box 10-702, Wellington, or
2Regional Authority regulations applicable to specific areas can be obtained from the nearest regional council office.
3Department of Conservation (DOC) regulations applicable to specific areas can be obtained from the nearest DOC office or from
The New Zealand Deer Farmers’ Landcare Manual, and Deer Industry Manual New Zealand, available from Deer Industry New Zealand, PO Box 10-702, Wellington.
5Performance of all aspects of this unit standard should comply with the Animal Welfare (Deer) Code of Welfare 2007, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, 2007, available at
6Legislation includes but is not limited to the Fencing Act 1978, and the Health and Safety in Employment Act 1992.
Elements and performance criteria
Element 1
Assess the land for suitability for the deer farming activity.
Rangeactivities include one, all, or any combination of – finishing, venison, breeding, velveting, trophy.
Performance criteria
1.1Assessment of land determines suitability of physical features for activity.
Rangesoil type, location, topography, existing shelter, soil fertility, climate, water source, sustainability implications.
1.2Assessment determines presence of diseases and/or parasites relevant to proposed area and according to activity.
Rangediseases and parasites include but are not limited to – leptospirosis, ticks, facial eczema, tuberculosis.
Element 2
Design deer fencing and accessways.
Performance criteria
2.1Fencing design and accessways meet DeerQA On-Farm Programme Operating Standards, DOC permit requirements, DOC gazetted fencing standard, and the Animal Welfare (Deer) Code of Welfare 2007.
2.2Fencing design and accessways are appropriate to species, hold stock safely and facilitate movement, while allowing management procedures to be smoothly carried out with least likelihood of injury to animals.
Rangespecies include but are not limited to – red deer, fallow deer, red wapiti cross bred, red elk cross bred.
2.3Gate and gateway design meet DeerQA On-Farm Programme Standards and the Fencing Act 1978.
Element 3
Plan water supply according to deer requirements.
Performance criteria
3.1Regional Council regulations are met in water supply plan.
3.2Water supply placement and construction, and availability of water supply meet DeerQA On-Farm Programme Operating Standards and the Animal Welfare (Deer) Code of Welfare 2007.
Element 4
Design yards and handling facilities for deer.
Performance criteria
4.1Yards and handling facilities designed allow ease of sorting, handling, and separation without compromising welfare of deer.
4.2Ramps and holding yards are designed and constructed in accordance with DeerQA On-Farm Programme Operating Standards and the Animal Welfare (Deer) Code of Welfare 2007.
4.3Design of yard and handling facilities is appropriate to species, and ensures operator safety.
Rangefor at least one of the following – red deer, fallow deer, red wapiti cross bred, red elk cross bred.
4.4Yards and handling facilities designed allow transport access in all weather.
Element 5
Plan shelter for deer.
Performance criteria
5.1Planning of strategic planting assists management and settling of deer.
5.2Provision of shelter is in accordance with DeerQA On-Farm Programme Operating Standards.
Please note
Providers must be accredited by NZQA, or an inter-institutional body with delegated authority for quality assurance, before they can report credits from assessment against unit standards or deliver courses of study leading to that assessment.
Industry Training Organisations must be accredited by NZQA before they can register credits from assessment against unit standards.
Accredited providers and Industry Training Organisations assessing against unit standards must engage with the moderation system that applies to those standards.
Accreditation requirements and an outline of the moderation system that applies to this standard are outlined in the Accreditation and Moderation Action Plan (AMAP). The AMAP also includes useful information about special requirements for organisations wishing to develop education and training programmes, such as minimum qualifications for tutors and assessors, and special resource requirements.
Comments on this unit standard
Please contact the Primary Industry Training Organisation if you wish to suggest changes to the content of this unit standard.
New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2018