824 S Royall St, Palestine Texas 75801
Ph 903-723-4226 Fax 903-723-4217
/ Herrington & Herrington DDS


Today we seated a cast partial denture for you, and we hope you will wear it in health and comfort for many years.

Learning to wear a partial denture takes time. Above all, don’t listen to friends who tell you how easy it was for them, time has a way of dimming memories. Be patient. Don’t worry if your tongue feels strange or restricted. It will soon accustom itself to the new position. Eat soft foods for the first few days. As you progress to more solid foods, chew slowly and evenly on both sides of your mouth so you can become accustomed to managing your partial denture. The longer you take for a meal the quicker you will master your partial denture. Cut all food into small portions.

As with any mechanical appliance involved with human tissue, the partial may require some adjustments in order too relieve sore spots. We want it absolutely comfortable; it was designed to function without discomfort. If you should have problems, please do not hesitate to call our office.

Remember, a clean tooth does not decay, and this includes teeth involved as clasp teeth for the partial denture. Be especially careful in cleaning the clasp teeth and the inside of the clasps. The clasps can form food traps. Use your toothbrush to clean within the clasps so that the clasps, as well as the tooth itself are kept “preventive clean”. This must be done once in a 24 hour period.

Have water in the bottom of the sink whenever you clean your partial. If you should happen to drop it, the water will break the fall. A bent clasp or bent partial could necessitate reconstruction.

The partial denture does not have solid anchorage like a cemented bridge. It is a replacement and will not be as strong nor as functional as your original teeth, but it will be of good help to you.

One last thought: Please take excellent care of the remaining teeth. We both want your mouth to function properly for many years.