September 2014doc.: IEEE 802.11-14/1311r0

IEEE P802.11
Wireless LANs

802.11akSeptember 2014 Minutes
Date: 2014-09-25
Name / Affiliation / Address / Phone / email
Filip Mestanov / Ericsson AB / Färögatan 6, Stockholm Sweden / +46725298 161 / fillip.mestanov@
Donald Eastlake / Huawei Technologies / 155 Beaver Street, Milford, MA 01757 USA / +1-508-333-2270 /

Table of Contents

802.11ak 15 September Regular Session Minutes

Monday, 15 September 2014, 10:30 to 12:30 (AM2) – Telia 3

Tuesday, 16 September 2014, 08:00 to 10:00 (AM1) – Telia 4

Tuesday, 16 September 2014, 19:30 to 21:30 (EVE) – Telia 3

Thursday, 18 September 2014, 08:00 to 10:00 (AM1) – Thalia 4 – Joint session with ARC

Thursday, 18 September 2014, 10:30 to 12:30 (AM2) – Thalia 4

Thursday, 18 September 2014, 16:00 to 18:00 (PM2) – Thalia 3

IEEE 802.11 Wirelss Interim meeting

802.11ak 15SeptemberRegular Session Minutes

Hilton Athens, Athens, Greece

September15th-18th, 2014

Monday, 15September2014, 10:30 to 12:30 (AM2) – Thalia3

  1. Chair: Donald Eastlake 3rd(Huawei) calledthe meeting to orderat 10:30. Notes by 11ak Secretary Filip Mestanov, Edited by Donald Eastlake.
  2. Chair reviewed of IEEE 802 and 802.11 Policies and Procedures on Intellectual Property, Inappropriate Topics, Etc.
  3. Call for Essential Patents
  4. No responses.
  5. Chair reminded attendees to recordtheir attendance.
  6. Chair presented the agenda 11-13/1022r3
  7. Approval of Minutes of the 802.11ak Meeting in San Diego, California
  8. Moved, to approve 14/0989r0, “802.11ak July 2014 Minutes”
  9. Approved by unanimous consent
  10. Approve of the Minutes of Teleconferences since San Diego
  11. 14/1000r0, “11ak Telecon Minutes 20140728”
  12. 14/1077r0, “11ak Telecon Minutes 20140811”
  13. 14/1078r0, “11ak Telecon Minutes 20140825”
  14. All approved by unanimous consent
  15. Motion, to approve 802.11 CC17 comment resolution spread sheet 11-14/0559r10
  16. Postponed until 2014-09-16 in order to give people some time to look through the proposed resolutions
  17. Presentation and Discussion of Submissions / Resolution of Comments in 802.11 CC17
  18. Presentation of 11-14/0977r5, “EPD, Mixed BSSes, and Group RAs”, by Donald Eastlake (Huawei Technologies)
  19. Presentation of 11-14/0767r2, “Priority Code Point to UP to AC Comments Resolution”, by Donald Eastlake (Huawei Technologies)
  20. Meeting recessed at 12:07

Tuesday, 16 September 2014, 08:00 to 10:00 (AM1) – Thalia4

  1. Chair: Donald Eastlake 3rd(Huawei) calledthe meeting to orderat 08:08. Notes by 11ak Secretary Filip Mestanov, Edited by Donald Eastlake.
  2. Chair reviewed of IEEE 802 and 802.11 Policies and Procedures on Intellectual Property, Inappropriate Topics, Etc.
  3. Call for Essential Patents
  4. No responses
  5. Chair reminded attendees to recordtheir attendance.
  6. Approval of agenda (11-14-1022r4)
  7. Approved by unanimous consent
  8. Discussion on11-14/0826r0
  9. Motion, to approve 802.11 CC17 comment resolution spread sheet 11-14/0559r10.
  10. Mover: Mark Hamilton Seconder: GaneshVenkatesan
  11. Yes: 3 No: 0 Abstain: 2, Motion passes
  12. Motion, to approve Draft P802.11ak_D0.03.
  13. Mover: Mark Hamilton Seconder: GaneshVenkatesan
  14. Yes: 3 No: 0 Abstain: 2, Motion passes
  15. Motion, to approve the draft changes and comment resolutions in 11-14/0767r3.
  16. Mover: Mark Hamilton Seconder: GaneshVenkatesan
  17. Yes: 4 No: 0 Abstain: 2, Motion passes
  18. Meeting recessed at 10:09.

Tuesday, 16 September 2014, 19:30 to 21:30 (EVE) – Telia3

  1. Chair: Donald Eastlake 3rd(Huawei) calledthe meeting to orderat 19:40. Notes by 11ak Secretary Filip Mestanov, Edited by Donald Eastlake.
  2. Chair reviewed of IEEE 802 and 802.11 Policies and Procedures on Intellectual Property, Inappropriate Topics, Etc.
  3. Call for Essential Patents
  4. No responses
  5. Chair reminded attendees to recordtheir attendance.
  6. Approval of agenda (11-14-1022r4)
  7. Approved by unanimous consent
  8. Discussion on 11-14/0826r1. The changes will be uploaded as 11-14/0826r2.
  9. Meeting recessed at 21:40.

Thursday, 18September 2014, 08:00 to 10:00(AM1) – Thalia 4 – Joint session with ARC

  1. Joint meeting 802.11TGak and 802 .11 ARC SC
  2. Chair: Donald Eastlake 3rd(Huawei) calledthe meeting to orderat 19:40. Notes by Ganesh Venkatesan (Intel Corp.)
  3. Chair reviewed of IEEE 802 and 802.11 Policies and Procedures on Intellectual Property, Inappropriate Topics, Etc.
  4. Call for Essential Patents
  5. No responses
  6. Chair reminded attendees to recordtheir attendance.
  7. Approval of agenda
  8. Approved by unanimous consent
  9. 802.1Qbz/802.1AC/802.1ak status
  10. Do we need architectural diagrams describing GLK links in a Mesh; in an IBSS setup?
  11. Is there a notion of association for IBSS? Yes. See Cl. 4.3.3
  12. Is membership to a BSS the only attribute that renders a STA to be in "associated" state?
  13. 802.11-2012 describes associated state as one where a STA can reach the DS -- this definition implies that there is no associated state in IBSS topologies.
  14. 802.11ak status (comments from Comment Collection #17)
  15. 11-14/076r3 resolves 2 comments
  16. 1114/826r3 resolves 12 comments
  17. ~12 open comments remain
  18. (4) EDCA parameters, (9) Link Costs, (76) PICS, (89)GLK MBSS
  19. (26) AP/MSAP definitions, (33) GLK MAC Services, (34) Power Save, (72) two hop example (diagram)
  20. (40) Group Address MPDUs, (60) four address rules and (62) fix GCR for selection reception
  21. (41) Annex-Q updates
  22. PowerSave and buffering -- all groupcast frames are buffered by the AP when associated STAs are in power save state. Should SYNRA based frames be dealt differently? If SYNRA frames are not buffered it implies that GLK STAs cannot be allowed to enter Power Save states. If we foresee a future where all STA are GLK STA, not letting them to enter Power Save state would be bad.
  23. State of CID 66 Reject or Revice? Annex-P was amended as part of the resolution to this comment. So, should be Revice.
  24. Review of CIDs in 11-14/826r3 and r4.
  25. GLK updates to Clause 9 are conceptually OK but the details need to be reviewed and corrected.
  26. DMS and GCR for GLK MSDUs. GCR cannot be used as GLK SYNRA groups are established for the lifespan of the frame.
  27. Remove CID #60 and CID #62 from 826r3 so that it can be adopted (as 11-14/0826r4).
  28. CID #63 -- revise the response to include the fact that the presence of GLK Capabilities IE indicates that the STA is GLK capable while GLK required is signaled via the BSS Membership Selectors.
  29. CID #65 -- Revise. GLK Support for 4-address format is mandatory. See Cl.
  30. CID #78 -- GLK STAs are not constrained to use 4-address frames.

Thursday, 18 September 2014, 10:30 to 12:30(AM2) – Thalia 4

  1. Chair: Donald Eastlake 3rd(Huawei) calledthe meeting to orderat 10:30. Notes by 11ak Secretary Filip Mestanov, Edited by Donald Eastlake.
  2. Chair reviewed of IEEE 802 and 802.11 Policies and Procedures on Intellectual Property, Inappropriate Topics, Etc.
  3. Call for Essential Patents
  4. No responses
  5. Chair reminded attendees to recordtheir attendance.
  6. Approval of agenda (11-14-1022r5)
  7. Approved by unanimous consent
  8. Discussion on 11-14/0826r3. The changes were captured in 11-14/0826r4.
  9. Meeting recessed at 12:35.

Thursday, 18 September 2014, 16:00 to 18:00(PM2) – Thalia 3

  1. Chair: Donald Eastlake 3rd(Huawei) calledthe meeting to orderat 10:30. Notes by 11ak Secretary Filip Mestanov, Edited by Donald Eastlake.
  2. Chair reviewed of IEEE 802 and 802.11 Policies and Procedures on Intellectual Property, Inappropriate Topics, Etc.
  3. Call for Essential Patents
  4. No responses
  5. Chair reminded attendees to recordtheir attendance.
  6. Approval of agenda (11-14-1022r5)
  7. Approved by unanimous consent
  8. Discussion on 11-14/0826r4. Changes captures in 11-14/0826r5.
  9. 802.11ak Teleconferences, joint with 802.1Qbz if mutually convenient:
  10. 1½ hour teleconferences through the November 2014 802.11 meeting on Monday Oct. 6th, Oct. 20th, and Oct. 27th, at 5pm Eastern time
  11. Approved by unanimous consent
  12. Moved, to adopt the draft changes and comment resolutions in 11-14/0826r5
  13. Mover: Filip Mestanov Seconder: Dick Roy
  14. Yes: 7 No: 0 Abstain: 0, Motion passes
  15. Meeting adjourned at 18:00.

Minutespage 1Filip Mestanov, Ericsson