2:00 p.m.


Concho Valley Regional Conference and Training Center

2801 W. Loop 306, Suite A., San Angelo, TX 76904

The meeting place is accessible to persons with disabilities. If assistance is needed to observe or comment, please call the Council office at 9449666 at least 24 hours prior to the meeting.




(3)  APPROVAL OF MINUTES of July 13, 2011 Meeting

(4)  APPROVAL OF CHECKS in excess of $2,000 written since the last meeting (See Attachment A)

(5)  AUTHORIZATION for the Executive Director to execute; Interlocal Agreements for 9-1-1 Public Safety Answering Points (PSAP) Services. The interlocal agreements will be in effect from September 01, 2011 – August 31, 2013 between Concho Valley Council of Governments with the following (See Attachment B):

Coke County: Robert Lee Care Center

Concho County: Concho County Sheriff’s Office

Crockett County: Crockett County Sheriff’s Office

Irion County: Irion County Sheriff’s Office

Kimble County: Kimble County Sheriff’s Office

Mason County: Mason County Sheriff’s Office

City of Brady: Brady Police Department

Menard County: Menard County Sheriff’s Office

Reagan County: Reagan County Sheriff’s Office

Schleicher County: Schleicher County Sheriff’s Office

Sutton County: Sutton County Sheriff’s Office

Tom Green County: Tom Green County Sheriff’s Office

City of San Angelo: City of San Angelo Communications Center and City of San Angelo Emergency Operations Center

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(6)  AUTHORIZATION for the Executive Director to execute; Interlocal Agreements for E9-1-1 Automatic Location Information Maintenance Services. The interlocal agreements will be in effect from September 01, 2011 – August 31, 2013 between Concho Valley Council of Governments and the following counties (See Attachment C):

Coke County, Concho County, Crockett County, Irion County, Kimble County, Mason County, McCulloch County, Menard County, Reagan County, Schleicher County, Sutton County, Sterling County, Tom Green County.

(7)  APPROVAL of Resolution 11-08 a resolution adopting the Concho Valley Council of Governments Fund Balance Policy (See Attachment D).

(8)  REVIEW & APPROVAL of the CVCOG Cell Phone Accountability Acceptance Form (See Attachment E).

(9)  DISCUSSION & APPROVAL of mandatory peace officer training plan (Attachment F will be distributed at the meeting).

(10)  APPROVAL of the CVCOG Rural Head Start Emergency Response Plans for the following centers; Big Lake Head Start, Christoval Head Start, Eden Head Start, Eldorado Head Start, Junction Head Start, Menard Head Start, Mertzon Head Start, Ozona Head Start, Robert Lee Head Start, Sonora Head Start (Attachment G sent via email due to size).

(11)  APPROVAL of the CVCOG Rural Head Start Organizational Chart updated 7/2011 (See Attachment H).

(12)  REVIEW & COMMENT on the following applications (See Attachment I):

I-a. Texas Commission on Environmental Quality’s application to the Environmental Protection Agency for additional funding for the Texas Clean Diesel Grants which fund retrofit projects to reduce emissions of diesel exhaust from school buses statewide. (At last month’s meeting, the Executive Committee replied favorably to the TCEQ application for $1,730,000 of stimulus money for the Texas Clean School Bus project.) The first revision, A4, is for $180,000, and the second revision, A5, is for $23,968.

I-b. Texas Commission on Environmental Quality’s application to the Environmental Protection Agency FY12 Superfund Block for $330,000. TCEQ combined work plans and budgets of 43 Superfund sites statewide into one overall project Cooperative Agreement under the Division of Remediation. All program elements are under TCEQ Strategy #04-01-02 Hazardous Materials Cleanup.

I-c. Texas Commission on Environmental Quality’s application to the Environmental Protection Agency for the FY12 Section 106 Categorical Water Pollution Control grant requesting $7,094,138 for 11 program elements statewide that support EPA goals of Protecting America’s Water and to Protect and Restore Watershed and Aquatic Ecosystems.

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I-d. Texas Commission on Environmental Quality’s application to the Environmental Protection Agency for the FY10-12 Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST) Prevention Grant. TCEQ is requesting $7,959,025.43, which is 75% of the total amount needed for the Workplan Program Elements; 25%, $2,653,007.90, is the state match. The program elements are the activities necessary to implement the State’s UST prevention program such as inspections and other eligible release detection and prevention activities to implement the Energy Policy Act.

I-e. Texas Commission on Environmental Quality’s application to the Environmental Protection Agency for the FY12 Superfund Core Program Cooperative Agreement for the State’s compliance with the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA). The request is for $299,999.69 (90% of the cost of the project, with the state match at 10%) to fund essential administrative staff for the Superfund program. The staff works to recover response costs from responsible parties statewide.

I-f. Texas Commission on Environmental Quality’s application to the Environmental Protection Agency for the FY09 Voluntary Cleanup and Brownfields Grant for the years FY09 through FY12. This request is for an increased award in the amount of $483,050. The former award was for $956,542. The goal for the additional funding is for other activities that increase the number of response actions needed, which will help to increase cleanup capacity.

I-g. Texas Commission on Environmental Quality’s application to the Environmental Protection Agency for the FY2012 604(b) Water Quality Management Planning Grant. TCEQ is requesting $682,000 to assist the State in promoting judicious use and maximum conservation and protection of the quality of the State’s waters through water quality management planning activities statewide and in cooperation with regional planning agencies.

I-h. The City of Eldorado’s application to the U.S. Department of Agriculture Rural Affairs for $101,246 in financial assistance to fund 24 new sewer service connections. The hook-ups will be a part of the new sewer system being installed in 3 subdivisions just southeast of the Eldorado city limits that are currently served by failing or inadequately sized septic tanks that overflow during heavy rain.

I-i. Millersview-Doole Water Supply Corporation’s application to the U.S. Rural Development Administration for financial assistance (Total of $5.35 million; loan amount = $3.927 million and grant request is for $1.423 million) for the construction of water distribution system improvements due to the extreme need for providing potable water to rural residents in Concho and Tom Green Counties. The review request is for comments regarding impacts to any historic or cultural properties and regarding compatibility with regional planning objectives, community development, and economic potential in the project area. As part of the project, consulting engineers will perform an environmental review to assess impacts.

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I-j. The City of Eldorado’s application to the U.S. Department of Agriculture Rural Affairs application for $1,011,590 in financial assistance to fund a new 75,000 gallon elevated storage tank and 7,200 LF of new 6-inch waterlines.

(13)  REVIEW & APPROVAL of proposed CVCOG Personnel Policy revision regarding “Comp time” (See Attachment J).

(14)  DISCUSSION & ACTION on plans for the 2011 CVCOG Annual General Assembly Meeting.

(15)  Authorizing the Executive Director to enter into a 36 month contract with Verizon Business for 9-1-1 Networking Services using the latest MiCTA competitive bid pricing (Attachment K will be distributed at the meeting).



·  Review monthly CVCOG Balance Sheet & Bank Reports

·  Monthly CVCOG staff travel report

·  August 2011 Director’s Report

·  CVCOG Rural Head Start Food bid was awarded to Ben E. Keith

·  CVCOG Rural Head Start Supply bid was awarded to West Texas Fire Extinguishers



Posted in accordance with the Texas Government Code, Title V, Chapter 551, Section .053, this Tuesday, August 2, 2011.

Jeffrey K. Sutton, Executive Director