Advisory Council /
February 18, 2016
8:30am - 10:00am
Health and Learning Center (Bldg. 25), Room 2407
8:35 – 9:00am / New NAU Center for University Access
And Inclusion / Priscilla Mills
Assistant Vice President for Equity Compliance
9:00 – 9:30am / HR Policy Proposal / Cathy Snow
Associate Director Employment/Compensation
9:30 – 10:00am SPAC Business
- Approval of Minutes
- Committee Updates
Next Meeting: March 10, 2015, 8:30am, Communication Building (Bldg. 16), Room 226
Blackboard Collaborate Instructions
If you cannot attend in person but would like to attend via Blackboard Collaborate web-conferencing software, please go to: . Enter your Display Name (first and last name, please) and click Log In. Depending on the browser you are using, there will be several popups to click through. Please follow the instructions below for your browser.
Chrome: At the top of your Chrome window, just below the address bar, a flyout will say, “Java needs your permission to run” – click Run this time. Once you have clicked the Log In button, a file will be downloaded to your machine. This flyout will appear at the bottom of your Chrome window – click Keep downloaded file. Run the downloaded file by double clicking on it.
Firefox: Once you have clicked the Log In button, a file will be downloaded to your machine. You can choose Open with – Java Web Start Launcher(this should be the default choice) or save this file to your desktop then double click it.
InternetExplorer: Internet Explorer usually doesn’t pop up any extra prompts. Jump down to the All Browsers section.
Safari: Once you have clicked the Log In button, a file will be downloaded to your machine. You should save this file to your computer (preferably the desktop so you can easily find it) and double click the file to run it.
All Browsers: A security warning window will pop up, click Run. You may get a firewall popup window (Windows) - allow access through the firewall for the Java platform by clicking Allow.
If this is the first time you have connected via Collaborate, you will be prompted to accept the Blackboard license and choose a connection speed. Just Accept the license and choose a connection speed that is applicable. If you are on an NAU network, LAN is the best choice. If you are on a remote network, like connecting from home, then choose a speed appropriate for your connection.
Please have speakers or headphones activated on your computer so that you may hear the proceedings. This meeting will be moderated; if you wish to ask a question or make a comment, please inform the moderator within BbCollaborate who will either pass your question/comment along to those in attendance, or will activate your microphone if you have one enabled. We recommend that you test your system for use with Bb Collaborate well ahead of time (you can do this right now!) here We also recommend that you join the session at least 10 minutes early (8:20am).
SPAC Committees
- Supervisory Training (Brown Bag Lunches)
- Shari Miller, Cassie Petit
- Publicity (Newsletter/Website)
- Justin Hagin, Marylynn Quartaroli, Andrea Graves
- SPAC Ambassadors
- Kathleen Carpenter, Cheryl Goldberg
- Service Projects
- Cassie Petit, Alicia Krzyczkowski
- Annual Meeting/Mixer
- Mark Young, Mary-Kate Wolter, Suzanne Siler
- Leadership Award
- Pat Johnson, Trevor Luttinen
University Committees
- President’s Cabinet: Dylan Rust
- President’s Strategic Planning & Budget Council: Shari Miller
- Academic Standards Committee: Andrea Graves
- Employee Development Day Conference: Cheryl Goldberg
- Classified Staff Advisory Council: Mary-Kate Wolter
- Commission on Ethnic Diversity: Kathleen Carpenter
- Commission on the Status of Women: Marylynn Quartaroli
- Faculty Senate: Shari Miller
- Benefits: none
- Commission on Disability Access and Design: Trevor Luttinen
- Parking and Transportation: Mark Young
- Portal Steering Committee: Justin Hagin
- LGBTQIA Commission: Cassie Petit