The education sector is uniquely responsible for critical areas of Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI), which are commonly seen as dominant factors behind rapid economic and industrial growth. The Government’s Vision 2020 statement, its National Policy on STI, and the EDPRS 2 are all based on the premise that, through embarking on a concerted effort to build science, technology and innovation capacity, Rwanda will greatly enhance its prospects of achieving the growth, poverty reduction, wealth creation and export diversification objectives. Strategies to improve STI capacity include promoting a culture of innovation, and deepening knowledge creation and transfer. It is expected that this willenhance opportunities for growth in rural areas, improve skills of the workforce, and integrate technical education with commerce, industry and the private sector; all these are important forpromoting sustained growth of the GDP.
The achievements in the area of strengthened performance in STI, from the primary to the tertiary level of education, are described below.
8.2.1. Primary education
Graph 38: Progress in the distribution of laptops in OLPC
As shown in the figure above, the total number of laptops in primary schools increased from 226,500 in 2012/13 to 269,478 in 2013/14. As the 2013/14 ESSP target was 245,756 laptops, the Ministry of Education has surpassed not only that target, but has also gone beyond the 2014/15 target of 259,252 laptops; an increase of 18.97% was achieved in only one year, as compared to the targeted8.50% increase planned for two years.
Graph 39: Primary school and internet connectivity
As illustrated in the graph above, the share of primary schools with internet connectivity was 4% in the fiscal year 2013/14. This value is lower than the projected ESSP target (6.9%). This implies that more effort needs to be put in the activity of providing schools with internet connectivity, especially in view of the 2014/15 ESSP target of 7.7%.
Graph 40 reveals that the percentage of primary schools with required science facilities (science kits) was 39% in the FY 2013/14. The predicted ESSP target for that year was 33%, and that for 2014/15 was 37%. Since the actual performance surpassed the ESSP targets for both years, the ESSP target for 2014/15 should be redefined to aim higher.
Graph 40: Percentage of primary schools with required science facilities (science kits)
In terms of other science equipment, the next diagram illustrates that the percentage of primary schools with required science corners was 3.0% in the FY 2013/14. The predicted ESSP target for 2013/14 was 5.6%. Since the target was not met, more needs to be done with regard to science corners provision in order to meet the ESSP target of 8.2% for the FY 2014/15.
Graph 41: Percentage of primary schools with required sciences facilities (science corners)
8.2.2. Secondary education
As illustrated in graph 42 below, the percentage of secondary schools with internet connectivity was 14.0% in 2013/14. This achieved value is much lower than the projected ESSP target of 30%, and even lower than the 2012/13 baseline. This is problematic, especially given the high 2014/15 target of 45%, and reasons for this shortcoming should be assessed.
Graph 42: Percentage of secondary schools with internet connectivity
Continuing with the discussion of technology in schools, the following diagram shows that the percentage of secondary schools with access to computers was 76% in 2013/14. The 2013/14 ESSP target was 70%, and thatfor 2014/15, 75%. The actual performance thus surpassed both ESSP targets. However, given the issue with internet connectivity discussed above, it would be reasonable to focus on improving the conectivity in order to increase the usefulness of these computers, as opposed to simply increasing the 2014/15 target for their provision.
Graph 43: percentage of secondary schools with access to computers
Moving on to the discussion of science facilities in secondary schools, it should be noted that the percentage of secondary schools with required science kitswas 71.0% in the fiscal year 2013/14. The predicted ESSP target for 2013/14 was 66%, and that for 2014/15 was 72%. Since the actual performance surpassed the 2013/14 target and was very close to the target for next year, the Ministry should consider revisiting the latter target, while still taking into account other goals and their relative priority.
Graph 44: Percentage of secondary schools with required science facilities (science kits)
The growth in the percentage of secondary schools with required science corners was less successful than in the case of science kits. This value stood at 7.0% in 2013/14, which was an insrease from 5% in 2012/13, but lower than the 2013 ESSP target of 10%. This implies that more effort needs to be madein providing secondary schools with science corners in order to meet the 2014/15 ESSP target (14%).
Graph 45: Percentage of secondary schools with required science facilities (science corners)
Graph 46 belowillustrates that the percentage of secondary schools with required science laboratories was 17.0% in 2013/14, exactly at the level of ESSP target for that year. Therefore, the Ministry of Education is on good track to achieving the 2014/15 ESSP target of 19%, and no changes in the course of action are required.
Graph 46: Percentage of secondary schools with required science facilities (science laboratories)
The crucial indicator of science enrolment is the subject of the nextdiagram. It reveals that the proportion of students enroled in science and technology fields at upper secodary level increased from 41% in 2012/13 to 59% in 2013/14. This level exceeds the targets for both 2013/14 and 2014/15. In fact, this value exceeds even the ESSP target for 2017/18, which is 50%. It should be reconsidered whether the correct course of action is to attempt to keep approximately 59% of upper secondary students enrolled in those subjects, or whether it is in fact beneficial to decrease this proportion to the 50% predicted by ESSP for 2017/18.
Graph 47: Proportion of students enrolled in science and technology fields at upper secondary education
8.2.3. Higher education
Analysis of science and technology in higher education is also timely, as this level of education is likely to drive innovation. The following diagram (graph 48) illustrates that the proportion of students enroled in science and technology fields at tertiary level was 30% in the FY 2013/14. The predicted ESSP targets were 15% for 2013/14,17% for 2014/15, and 23% for 2017/18.As in the case of secondary education, analysis might be needed on whether it is most benefitial to keep this percentage at such a high level, or whether instead to partially decrease it.
Graph 48: Proportion of students enrolled in science and technology fields and tertiary level
8.3.1. ICT in education
This section outlines the remaining important initiatives in ICT in education:
- 42,978 XO laptops have been purchased and will be distributed in the 2014/15 fiscal year;
- The deployment of laptops also includes training of teachers; all teachers from primary 4 to primary 6 were taught basic ICT, with 4,499 teachers in 409 schools trained so far;
- The OLPC programme has also deployed 200 school servers loaded with graphically rich, interactive digital lessons from which students can learn at their own pace;
- 2,088 teachers in 174 schools were trained on methodologies of preparing lessons and teaching, as well as on the use of the Management Information System (MIS) to monitor the usage of laptops and manage roll call;
- The OLPC programme is continuously carrying out the maintenance and repair of damaged laptops in all schools across the country, while teachers and heads of schools are also being trained on how to activate the security feature for the laptops. Over 2,900 laptops in 356 schools have been maintained;
- In order to improve schools’ electricity accessibility, the Samsung Solar Powered Internet School and Smart School were installed at GS Kamabare in Bugesera District and GS Gashaki in Musanze District;
- 16 teachers from GS Kamabare and 14 teachers from GS Gashaki were trained on the use of pedagogical teaching methodologies, application of word processing, spreadsheets and multimedia. They how to navigate the ‘Learn Things Africa’ digital content;
- 874 teachers were trained in “Integration of ICT in Classroom”;
Photo 3: teacher in ICT training
- 1,149 teachers trained in the Project-Based Learning Approach;
- 874 teacherstrained in the Project-Based Learning Approach and application used in ICT education;
- ESRI Rwanda trained 14 Geographical Information System (GIS) instructors. Those will be GIS champions and will in turn train secondary school teachers in the application of GIS, as well as help with the installation of the GIS software in schools;
- 462 thin client computers were distributed in 41 schools;
- Old/ broken personal computers were refurbished and maintained in 12 specific identified secondary schools;
- For 121 CPUs; about 40% of CPUs had problems with power supply, due to some electronic components being damaged or stolen, such as passive components (capacitors) and active ones (transistor, diode). The TCT used its resources to replace the burnt/stolen electronic components to return the functionality of these computers.
- Rwanda Education Portal was developed and over 400 users were trained in its use. The developed portal is accessible via
Photo 5: Rwanda Education Portal
- An e-Learning platform which offers teachers and students online courses, training and instructions was created. The system is accessible online via
- 56e-Tutors have been trained; these tutors will train other teachers;
- Math digital content was developed and60 teachers were trained in mathematics digital content development including Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry teachers in all districts;
- 2,420 primary schools were equipped with interactive audio lessonswhich can be played usinga phone anda speaker in any classroom. These are designed to boost and enhance the teaching of Mathematics, Kinyarwanda and English lessons.
8.3.2. Achievements in strengthening the application of STI in relevant sectors of the economy
- Establishment of the National Commission of Science and Technology
The Government of Rwanda established the National Science and Technology Commission (NSTC), which is strategically positioned under the Prime Minister’s Office. The NSTC is working as an advisory body for the Government.
- Rwanda Innovation Endowment Fund Implementation
The Rwanda Innovation Endowment Fund (RIEF) was established by the Government of Rwanda – specifically the Ministry of Education – in partnership with UNECA (SRO-EA and ISTD) under One UN Rwanda. During the initial phase of the fund (RIEF I), 370 applications were received. RIEF I focused only on three priority areas of the National STI Policy, which areagriculture, ICT and manufacturing. Of these, 8 projects were selected and awarded with an amount of approximately 50,000 $US each. The award ceremony took place on 2nd May 2013. After this initial phase, it was decided that a second round of the funding process (RIEF II) would be conducted. This phase focuses on the priority areas, as well as innovations in the area of energy.
RIEF II took off in August 2013. So far, evaluation of 299 submitted project concepts was conducted, and 45 of those were selected for consideration in the second selection step. It is expected that 10 innovations will be funded under RIEF II at the end of this process.
- The Knowledge Transfer Partnership programme implementation
The implementation of the MINEDUC Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) programme was officially launched in 2013. The intention was to follow-up on the July 2009 study entitled “Mapping Science and Technology for Industrial Development in Rwanda: Linking Research and Development between Industries and Higher Learning Institutions”, which was sponsored by the African Development Bank (AfDB) and led by the former Ministry in the Office of the President in charge of science and technology. The study identified several potential partnerships between HLIs, research and development institutions, and leading companies from key sectors of the economy (agro-processing, manufacturing, construction, textiles, cosmetics, ICT and energy). Each partnership involves a businessseeking to implement a strategic project, an academic or research partner providing essential knowledge, and a highly skilled recent graduate who will manage the project. Four partnerships have already been established and are now running.
- Climate Observatory Secretariat
Major achievements under the Climate Observatory Secretariat (COS) can be summarised as:
- A temporary site at Mugogo has been established, and equipment from MIT, COMESA Secretariat and Stockholm University for Climate Research has been installed. Four local station technicians have been hired and trained on the use of instruments and data analysis by a principal investigator from MIT and a German consultant sponsored by COMESA Secretariat;
- A climate change equipment-testing laboratory has been established at the Nyarugenge campus of the College of Science and Technology (CST) and some instruments are currently being tested. A remote demonstration from MIT to view work in the University of Rwanda took place at a conference on “enhancement of the climate change research in Africa with focus on Rwanda as a focal country” in April 2014. This conference was attended by H.E. the President of the Republic of Rwanda;
- Environmental impact assessmentfor the cable car project has been completed and approved by RDB;
- The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), represented by Professor Ronald Prinn, has been working with the University of Rwanda to establish a Master’s programme in climate sciences at College of Science and Technology by the end of this year. The proposal has been approved by HEC and will soon be submitted to cabinet for final approval;
- On the regional front, COMESA secretariat has awarded a seed grant of $50,000 towards a project for capacity building and instrument purchase, following the financing proposal of the COS. An instrument to measure black carbon has been procured; four technicians have been trained on the use of this instrument, as well as data gathering and interpretation.
MINEDUC organized and conducted the CAAST-Net plus Regional Workshop on Climate Change. The main objectives of the workshop were:
- To foster bi-regional partnerships, which are of mutual interest and benefit to both regions;
- To establish effective communication strategies at many levels, as well as capacity building (including computer modeling);
- To review ongoing and planned research around mitigation and adaptation strategies, and to discuss research related to building up climate science knowledge. In particular, to uphold a clear understanding of theclimate changes which are actually taking place, the processes driving these changes, how to acquire the tools needed to forecast future changes, and the vulnerability to these changes.
- The Higher Education Science, Technology and Innovation Forum
The forum on Higher Education for Science, Technology (HEST) and Innovation: Accelerating Africa’s Aspirations, was held in Kigali from 12th to 13th of March 2014, and jointly organized by the Government of Rwanda and the World Bank. The forum brought together senior government representatives from Ethiopia, Mozambique, Rwanda, Senegal and Uganda, and representatives of international and regional research organizations, educational institutions, eminent scientists and technologists, the private sector, as well as technical and financial partners. The purpose of this initiative was to strengthenthe contribution of higher education to science and technology capacity, ultimately contributing to the economic transformation and development in Africa. The African Governments which participated resolved to adopt a strategy that uses strategic investments in science and technology to accelerate Africa’s development into a developed knowledge-based society within one generation.
- Establishment of the International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) branch in Rwanda (in progress)
The establishment of the International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) branch in Rwanda was approved by the Cabinet of the Government of Rwanda in October 2013. The main activities of the ICTP Branch in Rwanda will be:
- Promotion of capacity building in basic science, and many other areas of science such as climate change, telecommunication, high performance computing, etc.;
- A focus on experimental science through partnership with numerous laboratories in Italy;
- PhD training (full-time and sandwich), masters and fellowship programmes;
- Various high level research programmes, partnerships and networks;
- Visiting scientist programmes, whereby global experts will be supported to teach as visiting professors;
Preparatory works toward staring the ICTP branch are on-going. The centre will be hosted by the UR CST in the KIST 2 building.
- Establishment of the Rwanda Academy of Science (in progress)
Since its establishment, the Rwanda Academy of Science (RAS) taskforce accomplished the following tasks:
- Developing the Rwanda Academy of Science concept paper as a guiding document;
- Organizing and conducting the RAS awareness general meeting which took place on 12th December 2013 in the UR College of Science and Technology, involving over 60 distinguishedacademics;
- With support from the Ministry of Education, RAS taskforce employed a legal consultant to construct the institution’s legal framework;
- With support of the legal consultant, RAS taskforce developed and approved the following documents: RAS Framework Report; RAS Draft Law; RAS Governance Structure; and RAS Administrative Procedures Manual.
It is expected that following the Cabinet approval of RAS, a permanent secretariat will be appointed.
- Partnership in Applied Sciences Engineering and Technology (in progress)
MINEDUC is working with the World Bank in the Partnership in Applied Science Engineering and Technology (PASET). A PASET meeting was held in Senegal in June 2014 in which twelve African countries participated. These participants were: Angola, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Cote d’Ivoire, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Rwanda, Senegal, Tanzania and Zambia.