NOTES of the Parish Council meeting held on 4th January 2018 at 7.30 pmin Marston & Hougham VillageHall.
Present: Cllr P Cartwright (Chairman), Cllrs,J Hare, A Watson, V. Morrell, and T. Jones.
Cty Cllr AMaughan joined during the meeting.
17/18-73: Chairman’s remarks/public forum: there were no members of the public present. Chair welcomed all present and wished them a Happy New Year.
17/18-74: Apologies –Cllrs Brown and Morley, and Dist Cllr Wood.
17/18-75: Declarations of Pecuniary Interest - there were none.
17/18-76: Minutes of the last meeting – Minutes of themeeting held on 2nd November 2017were read, accepted as a true and accurate record, and signed by the Chairman.
17/18-77: Action items from the previous meeting:
[a] Emergency Plan –A meeting took place on 27th November in the Village Hall, regarding various matters relating to the Plan, and was well attended. Graeme Hempsall of Lincs CC gave an overview. Hougham PC would like to join this PC with regard to the Plan and this is a logical move. They will need to share the cost of the Emergency Box. Clerk to get names of people from Hougham who will join the Group.
[b] Village sign –Cllr Hare will speak with company making the sign to get an update.
[c] Kerrs Crescent – bench is responsibility of PC. Cllr Watson will come up with some ideas and costings.
[d] The noticeboard has been collected, installed and paid for.
[e] Lyn Wesson had not produced any reports but Chairman will chase.
[f] There is an overhanging hedge in Bridge Street which is blocking 50% of the pavement – Clerk to write to property owner.
[g] Lorry log being kept.
17/18-78: County/District/Police matters: moved to end of meeting.
17/18-79: School Safety Zone and Highways: no further updates. Main Street nameplates have been repaired and put back in place.
17/18-80: Planning :
Mill House Farm -alterations to Barn B & parking – approved.
S17/2155 – Downtown Outlet; S17/2252 – Land east of Toll Bar Road – agricultural building – pending.
Clerk to write to Harlaxton Engineering asking when they intend to construct the wall in accordance with their planning permission.
17/18-81: Finance:
[a] It was resolved to sign the bank reconciliation/income and expenditure account. Bank balance is £11,666.09
[b] It was agreed to pay Together £60.
[c] Clerk had produced an actual/projected/budget statement to assist with agreeing the Precept figure for 2018/19. There are 3 projects required which are a further new noticeboard, a new seat at Kerrs Crescent, and the village sign which will cost approximately £3,600 in total and it was agreed the cost of these should come from reserve funds. The running cost of the PC is likely to increase slightly for 2018/19 and a proposal was put forward to increase the Precept to £4,770. The vote was 3 for and 2 against this increase.
17/18-82: Correspondence –there was none.
17/18-83: Urgent matters for discussion –Cllr Maughan gave his report. Operations at Fulbeck Airfield will cease and the straw lorries will in turn stop. The CC is setting its budget and final decision will be on 23.2.18 – proposal is 3.95% increase in Council Tax. £30,000,000 of reserves is to be used over next 2 years. This will clear all reserves and the CC are looking to the Government for funding – the Fairer Funding campaign is going well. The A & E overnight closures have now been effective for 18 months - there is still a push to re-open A & E full time but the Trust keeps moving the goalposts. There is a meeting with the Police Crime Commissioner on 21.2.18, 6.30 pm at Claypole Village Hall – any questions should be with Cllr Maughan by 31.1.18.
Cllr Jones would like steps from Hougham side of Bridge Street (near playing field) down to the river – Cllr Maughan will take a photo and ask Highways if this is possible.
Cllr Watson has had a quote for £100 for a new replacement noticeboard at his property – resolved to accept this quote from David Pearson. Cllr Watson needs a copy of the Hougham Electoral Roll. He will not be at the February meeting.
Cllr Watson reported on the Thorold Charity meeting – 6 applicants have been put forward to Tallents.
Cllr Hare reported that the Bede Charity will change as to who receives it, in the coming year. It is likely a flier will be sent out to every house and people will have to apply by responding.
Dog fouling is still a problem – a new sign is required for the verge at the corner of Pinfold Lane and Main Street.
All agreed that Cllr Morrell should be reimbursed for the cost of biscuits and drinks at the Emergency Plan meeting.
17/18-84: Date of next meeting: 1st February 2018.
Meeting closed at 8.54 pm