The Sunday of the Passion:
Palm Sunday
8:00 a.m.
Holy Eucharist Rite I
THE LITURGY OF THE PALMS (stand) Luke 19:28-40 Insert
“All glory, laud and honor” Hymnal 154
Salutation BCP 323
Collect for the Day Insert
The Old Testament Lesson Isaiah 50:4-9a Insert
Psalm 31:9-16 Insert
The New Testament Lesson Philippians 2:5-11 Insert
The Passion Gospel Luke 22:14-23:56 Insert
The Nicene Creed BCP 327
The Prayers of the People BCP 328
The Confession BCP 331
The Peace
The Holy Communion
The Presentation “The Doxology” (v. 3) Hymnal 380
Eucharistic Prayer I BCP 333
Sanctus and Benedictus BCP 334
The Lord’s Prayer BCP 336
Agnus Dei BCP 337
Prayer of Humble Access BCP 337
The Communion of the People
All Baptized Christians are welcome at the Lord’s table.
“Ah, Holy Jesus, how hast thou offended” Hymnal 158
“My song is love unknown” Hymnal 458
“At the name of Jesus” Hymnal 435
Postcommunion Prayer (in unison) BCP 339
Procession “When I survey the wondrous cross” Hymnal 474
The Palms on the altar
are given to the glory of God with hearts full of thanksgiving
for the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Lay Ministers Today
Lay Eucharist Ministers: Glenda Barker, Pam Fite
Lector: Tom Shafer, Gillian Bond
Intercessor: Donna Houston
Ushers: Sandy Joiner, Jimmy Striplin
Greeter: Randy Laney
Altar Guild: Augusta Andrews, Katherine Tooker
Acts 10:34-43 * Psalm 118:1-2, 14-24
1 Corinthians 15:19-26 * John 20:1-18
EASTER LILY ORDER DEADLINE TODAY Please place form and your check ($15.00) in the collection plate, leave with any staff member, or leave in secretary’s mailbox in the copy room.
ECW BAKE SALE in Tyler Hall between services and after the 10:30 service. The sale will benefit Foothills Day Camp.
HOLY WEEK SCHEDULE – pick up from table in the Narthex
Wednesday, March 23 – Altar Guild meets at 4:30 p.m. to practice Stripping the Altar.
Holy Saturday Altar Guild and friends meet at 9:15 a.m. to decorate the church. If questions
call Jane Wood at 256-452-4682.
MONDAY, MARCH 21 - BRASS POLISHERS – meet Monday @ 9:00 a.m.
EGGS & CANDY NEEDED Please donate plastic eggs and candy for the children's Easter egg hunt. You may bring to the church office this week. Thank you! E.Y.C.
FLOWERING THE CROSS & EGG HUNT Easter Sunday: Children will Flower the Cross (in the narthex) before worship. Arrive early and bring flowers. Egg Hunt & Butterfly Release immediately following 10:30 worship on Resurrection Day. Remember to bring a basket to collect the eggs!
PEANUT BUTTER SUNDAY – March 27. Please place donations in the clear bin at the back of the church or in Tyler Hall. All donations will be distributed on Beans & Rice Saturday.
OFFICE CLOSED: Monday, March 28 and Tuesday, March 29.
Contact Information for The Rev. Lee Shafer (256)452-9941 or email:
The Rt. Rev. John McKee Sloan, Bishop
The Rt. Rev. Santosh K. Marray, Assisting Bishop
The Rev. Dr. Lee F. Shafer, Priest
The Rev. Dr. David Whetstone, Deacon
Perry Reynoldsl, Sr. Warden Christina Dorn, Christian Formation & Communications Director
Randy Laney, Jr. Warden Glenda Barker, Parish Secretary
Steve Simmons, Music Director Antonio Woodard, Sexton
Gena Vinyard, Organist
Holy Eucharist Rite I 8:00am Men’s Bible Study & Breakfast 7:30am Holy Eucharist 5:30pm
Breakfast 8:45am Stitch ‘n Stitches 9:00 am Supper & Programs 6:15pm
Sunday School 9:15am Holy Eucharist & Healing 11:30am (See calendar for Programs)
Holy Eucharist Rite II 10:30am
March 20, 2016
Palm Sunday
8:00 a.m.
1000 Leighton Avenue at Tenth Street
Anniston, Alabama
Phone: 256-236-4457