NOVEMBER 6, 7 & 8, 2009
Sheraton Hartford Hotel
East Hartford, CT
(860) 289-1971
What is the National Federation of the Blind of CT?
The National Federation of the Blind of Connecticut is a statewide membership organization composed primarily of blind people who reside in Connecticut. It is the state affiliate of the National Federation of the Blind which has affiliates in all fifty states, Washington DC and Puerto Rico. We are not an organization speaking for the blind; we are an organization of the blind speaking for ourselves.
National President:
Dr. Marc Maurer
National Federation of the Blind
1800 Johnson Street
Baltimore, MD 21230
Phone: (410) 659-9314
State Affiliate President
Beth Rival
National Federation of the Blind of CT
477 Connecticut Blvd, Suite 217
East Hartford, CT 06108
Phone: (860) 289-1971
National NFB Representative
Carl Jacobsen
President, NFB of NY
Board Member, National Federation of the Blind
Throughout our convention, there will be NFB literature available in the hallway outside our meeting room. We will also be selling Louis Braille Commemorative coins.
The following vendors will be in the hallway on Saturday:
Steve from NEAT Marketplace
Donna and Nancy from Vision Dynamics
Steve from Silver Lining Technologies
Danny from the LOB Newstand
Door prizes will be drawn throughout the convention.
Drawings for the Basket, Artisans & Lottery Raffles
will take place at the banquet.
Convention Committee:
Gary Allen
Carol Lemieux
Beth Rival
Nathanael Wales
Junior Ballroom
Morning Session
8:00 AM: Registration, coffee and…..
9:00 AM: Welcome: Beth Rival, President, NFBCT
Melody Currey, Mayor of East Hartford
Invocation by Father Robert Roy, Parochial Vicar of the East
Hartford Catholic Cluster North
9:15 AM: Announcements, including Nominating Committee
9:25 AM: Report from the State Affilate: Beth Rival, President
9:40 AM: Report from National: Carl Jacobsen, Board Member,
National Federation of the Blind
10:10 AM: Report from the Board of Education & Services for the
Blind: Brian Sigman, Executive Director
10:30 AM: Report on Para-transit Service: Elanah Sherman, Office
of Protection & Advocacy
10:50 AM: Introduction of Independent Travel Network Central
CT: G. W. Frazier, Executive Director
11:10 AM: Report from the Library for the Blind: Betty & Bruce
11:25 AM: Report on the Recent Elections & Independent Voting:
Lucian Pawlak, Municipal Liason, Secretary of the State
11:45 AM: NFB Songs, led by our Shoreline Chapter. Please find
words at the end of this agenda.
12:00 PM: Lunch will be served here in the Junior Ballroom
Plan to take some time to check out the NFB literature, purchase a Louis Braille Commemorative Coin, and visit the vendor tables in Hallway.
Afternoon Session
1:00 PM: Employment Strategies & Outcomes: Gary Allen,
Moderator. Participants include Melissa Marshall, CT Business
Leadership Network and Mike Cordero, BESB.
1:45 PM: Youth Slam 2009: Carl Jacobsen, Moderator. Participants
include Mentor Nathanael Wales, Instructor Noreen Grice, &
Participant Leah Bourassa.
2:15 PM: CT Crafters: An Array of Talents from the NFB of CT: Carol
Lemieux, Moderator. Participants include Carolyn Dodd,
weaving; Bruce Woodward, master baker; Barb Blejewski,
writing & poetry; Beth Rival, pottery. Make note of
information about NFB’s Krafters Division on the NFB
literature table in the Hallway.
3:00 PM: Tactile Artwork: Karen Agritelly, NEAT Marketplace
3:15 PM: Audio Described Performances: Lew Michaels, Hartford
3:30 PM: Adapting Artwork for Accessibility: Noreen Grice & New
Britain Museum of Art
3:45 PM: NFB Jeopardy! Nathanael Wales, Host
5:45 PM: Dog Guide Division meeting in Room 222 on second floor.
7:00 PM: Banquet in Salons A & B
Master of Ceremonies: Gary Allen
Blessing: Reverend Al Turner, Pastor of South Congregational
Church, East Hartford
Keynote Speaker: Carl Jacobsen
Braille Readers Are Leaders Contest Presentaton: Agnes Allen
Scholarships Presentation: Bruce Woodward
Cummins Memorial Scholarship: Chris Kuell
Writing Contest Winning Entry
Raffle Drawings
Meet the Scholarship Winners!
Salon B
8:00 AM: Coffee and ….
9:00 AM: Business Meeting and election of secretary and three
board positions.
Let Me Call the NFB
(Sung to the tune of “Let Me Call You Sweetheart”
If your sight is failing, call the NFB.
You will find clear sailing through the NFB.
Try white cane and Brailing, with the NFB.
If your sight is failing, call the NFB.
National Federation, of the Blind,
All across the nation, you will find,
Help and information, just get online,
With the National Federation of the Blind.
NFB Christmas Song: NFB’s the Way
Tune: Jingle Bells
Words by Al Daniels
Chorus: NFB, NFB, NFB’s the way,
There’s lots of cheer,
When we hear people sing and say –
NFB, NFB, NFB’s the way, for blind folks,
Who write Braille notes, It’s NFB to stay!!
Verse: I thought I’d send a card,
To all the friends I know.
I’d write it all in Braille,
Although I’m very slow.
So Happy Holidays to you all all your king.
And that’s the way that I learned Braille,
So easy to begin.
Oh --- (Chorus)
My Country Tis of Thee
Words by Nancy J. Lynn
Tune: “My Country Tis of Thee”
NFB Tis of thee, sweet cause of liberty, of thee I sing,
Cause of our nation’s blind, unity in one mind,
Collective strength we find, let Freedom ring.
Workshop and agency, from which we will be free, if we stand strong.
Our members one and all, must come to heed the call,
If we are not to fail, her we belong.
Battle Song
Copyright Josephine Hugg and Floyd S. Field
Tune: “Battle Hymn of the Republic”
Chorus: Glory, glory Federation
Glory, Glory Federation,
Glory, Glory Federation,
Our cause goes marching on.
Blind eyes have seen the vision of the Federation way,
White cane legislation brings the dawn of a new day,
Right of the blind to organize is truly here to stay,
Our cause goes marching on. (Chorus)
We’ve seen it in the actions of four hundred chapters strong,
Good leadership and courage have righted many wrongs,
Let’s aid NFB’s program and join in its battle song,
Our cause goes marching on. (Chorus)