7th World Geography Classroom Syllabus

Course: 7th Grade World Geography

Teacher Information:

·  Mr. Jason Hackwelder

·  Email:

·  Phone: 724-756-2030, ext. 1208

Textbook: World Geography. Holt, Rinehart and Winston; Austin, Texas 2007.

Course Description: World Geography introduces students to the basic geographical concepts and helps them become geographically literate. Emphasis is placed on physical, cultural and regional geography. The themes of place, location, interaction, regions and movement are enhanced by the use of maps and globes to develop critical thinking and to further student knowledge of the world.

Teaching Methods: The teaching methods of this course will be a combination of lecture, power-points, in-class activities/projects (cooperative and individual), computer-based, interactive apps on the ipad, out-of-class assignments and built in reading time. Students should have a notebook for this class.

Evaluation Procedures: Grades will be evaluated in many different ways

1.  Tests- There will be a test after each chapter

2.  Quizzes

3.  In-Class/Out-of-class assignments

4.  Projects

5.  Participation in class

Grading System- the grading scale is as follows

100-90=A, 89-80=B, 79-70=C, 69-60=D, 59-0=F

Grades will be determined by taking the total points earned. That is, your nine weeks grade will be determined by taking the total points earned by the total points possible for that particular nine week period.

Class Rules: These rules will be followed in this class

1.  Students should be on time

2.  Be prepared for class! This means have your textbook, notebook and pencil with you unless I say otherwise. All homework and agendas should be brought as well. I will not excuse students from class to retrieve any items.

3.  Students will be responsible for all classroom work missed when absent

4.  Students will not disrupt class

5.  Students will not use any inappropriate language

6.  Students will not sit on the desks or the floor

7.  No food, drinks or gum allowed in class

8.  Of course, all school rules (discipline code in the handbook) apply as well

Show the same respect for others as you would want for yourself!

Make-Up Policy: The student will have 1 day for each day missed to make up work. No more than three days will been given to make up work for days missed. It is the responsibility of the student to meet with the teacher to talk about how many days are needed for the assignment missed. It is the responsibility of the student to get the assignments that have been missed or to make arrangements to make up an exam. Missing the day before the test does not exempt you from taking the test on the day you return, unless, you miss new material.

Tutoring: I encourage students to seek extra help from me if you need it. If you need extra help, please do not let it go. If you need help see me in class and we will make the appropriate arrangements.

In order to ensure that our classroom is a controlled environment in which everyone can learn, the following rules and procedures will be enforced. Since you are being notified of these rules and procedures at the beginning of the year, you will be expected to observe them daily.

You are responsible for this information. Keep this handout to reference throughout the year.

Everything in this packet applies regardless of who is your teacher in this classroom, including Mr. Hackwelder or any substitute teachers who may fill in for me when I am absent.

I.  Required daily materials:

1.  A writing utensil.

2.  Your copy of any classroom text(s) we are using.

3.  Your school agenda.

4.  Your notebook for this class.

5.  I do NOT want to see any personal electronics in class. They should stay in your locker.

II.  If you are unprepared:

1.  You will have to use a hall pass if you need to go to your locker to get something.

2.  If you should have to borrow anything from the teacher, you will have to return it at the end of class.

III.  At the beginning of class:

1.  Have all of your required materials with you when you arrive.

2.  Sit in your assigned seat.

3.  Check the Daily Schedule. Do not ask, “What are we doing today?”

4.  Get out any assignments that are due at the beginning of class.

5.  Quietly begin working on the warm-up activity displayed on the Promethean board.

IV.  At the end of class:

1.  We will work to the bell almost every day. Do not start packing up until I give permission.

2.  Take all of your belongings with you when you leave the classroom.

3.  Respect our classroom and our supplies; put away any items that you use.

V.  If you are late:

1.  You are considered late if the bell rings before you walk into our classroom.

2.  Walk in quietly; do not disturb the class.

3.  Hand your pass to me if you have one.

4.  Each late arrival without a pass will be turned into the office; you will be disciplined according to school policy.

VI.  If you need a hall pass:

1.  You must have a hall pass to leave the classroom or a signed agenda to go to the bathroom.

2.  You have three hall/bathroom passes to use every quarter.

3.  If you use more than 3 passes, you will lose 3 points per additional pass from your participation grade.

4.  If you do not use your passes, you will earn 1 bonus points per pass that you did not use toward your participation grade.

5.  If you are gone for more than 5 minutes, it will count as two passes. The exceptions to this are passes to guidance, the office, or the nurse.

6.  Ask to leave class at an appropriate time.

7.  Only one student may leave the classroom at a time.

8.  You must sign in and out if you leave the classroom, as per school policy.

9.  All hall passes are given at my discretion.

VII.  If you are absent:

1.  It is YOUR responsibility to get and make up missing assignments or tests in a timely manner when you return.

·  You will need to meet with the teacher to discuss how many days will be needed to make up any work missed while absent.

2.  You must do all of the following before asking me what you missed:

·  Ask both of your homework buddies

·  Check your calendar

·  Check Edline or the weekly schedule

·  Check the make-up tray for any materials you missed

3.  Do not disturb class to ask about make-up work. Come during homeroom or arrive to class early when you return if you have any questions about what you missed.

4.  If you need to make up a test or quiz, YOU must make arrangements with me on your own time. Tests can only be made up in class if circumstances allow.

5.  You cannot make up assignments if your absence is unexcused.

6.  Field trips and sports dismissals are NOT absences. Get the work you will be missing before the day of the field trip and turn in any assignments that are due that day during homeroom before you leave.

VIII.  Turning in assignments:

1.  Check the board and your calendar daily to stay aware of assignments.

2.  All assignments are due at the beginning of the class period. Work turned in after I have called for it will be considered late.

3.  If you were absent and turn in an assignment when you return, you must write ABSENT at the top beside your name to prevent me from accidentally marking it late.

4.  Small late assignments (under 10 points) will earn no more than half credit if they are late.

5.  For larger assignments (10+ points), you will lose 10% each day they are late.

6.  Three late assignments in a quarter earn a detention according to school policy.

7.  Unless otherwise specified, all formal written assignments must be typed in size 12 Times New Roman font and 1” margins with a correct MLA header. You will lose 1 point on every assignment that does not meet these requirements.

8.  “My printer broke” is not an acceptable excuse. Print your work at school in a lab, or email it to me at ONLY in an emergency. If you are having serious computer issues at home, please have a parent or guardian send a signed note to me.

IX.  Extra credit:

1.  Occasionally, I will offer extra credit (bonus). Extra credit work must be turned in on time and prepared exactly to guidelines or no extra credit will be rewarded.

2.  Extra credit will be always offered to the entire class; I will not offer extra credit on an individual basis.

3.  Occasionally, you will be given a chance to increase your score on an assignment by correcting your errors.

·  You can earn up to half of the points you missed

·  Your original grade will be changed to the new grade.

·  You will be notified of eligible assignments.

·  Revisions are due the day after the assignment is returned.

X.  Classroom rules:

1.  Be respectful.

2.  Be prepared.

3.  Participate.

4.  Use all materials appropriately.

5.  Think before you act or speak.

XI.  Consequences:

1.  You will begin each quarter with 25 participation points for the class.

2.  Each time you break one of the rules, you will lose 3 points from that total.

3.  You will be verbally notified when you have lost participation points.

4.  Repeated or severe infractions will result in a referral to the office for discipline.

XII.  Grading Policy:

1.  I promise to grade and return your work in a timely manner; please understand that some assignments take more time to grade than others and that, believe it or not, I have a life outside of school, too!

2.  I will happily discuss your grade with you on your own time outside of class. This doesn’t mean your grade will change, but I will gladly help you understand why you lost points.

3.  I will adhere to the Karns City School District grading scale, which is printed in your agenda.

4.  Please use any time I give you to complete assignments in class very wisely. This is a luxury because it saves YOU from having homework.

5.  If you are worried about your grade, talk to me AS SOON as you have a concern. I can help you design a plan for improvement at the beginning of a quarter, but the last week of a grading period is too late. Talk to me before you dig yourself into a hole!


You might not like Geography class right now, and that’s fine. Maybe you’ve had a bad experience or just prefer a different subject. However, this class will be really fun if you allow yourself to enjoy it, and hopefully, you will have a better opinion of World Geography at the end of the year! Please feel free to ask questions, share your thoughts, and be yourself. I am really looking forward to getting to know you in class this year!