7th Grade Unwrapped Standards – Erosion and Deposition

Core Standard:
7.2 Interaction and Change: The components and processes within a system interact.
Content Standard:
7.2E.4 Explain how landforms change over time at various rates in terms of constructive and
destructive forces.
Concepts (The Nouns):
Erosion deposition
Soil profile horizons
Weathering permeable
Abrasion runoff
Oxidation litter
Creep slump
Mudflow landslide
Delta alluvial fan
Sediments glaciers
Rills meanders
Plucking tributary / Skill (The Verbs):
Compare and contrast
Model (demonstarte)
Knowledge and Skills: K=Knowledge R= Reasoning PS=Performance Skills:
K: Explain how soil is formed.
K: Describe how different forces of erosion change landforms.
K: Describe the various types of gravity caused mass movements.
R: Compare and contrast evidence of constructive and destructive landform change.
R: Evaluate the effects of modifications to erosion systems.
R: Analyze the effects of various manmade changes to systems involving landform change.
PS: Demonstrate how modifications to a system can result in different erosion and
Deposition outcomes.
Student Friendly Learning Targets:
I can explain how soil is formed.
I can describe the differences between the various types of mass movements.
I can explain why forces erode some materials and deposit others.
I can show why the slope of the land effects erosion.
I can predict how modifications can effect the results of erosion and deposition.
Where they have been – Where they are going:
Where they have been:
4.2E.1 Compare and contrast the changes in the surface of the Earth that are due to slow
and rapid processess.
Where are they going:
8.2P.2 Explain how energy is transferred and conserved.
8.2E.4 Analyze evidence for geologic, climatic, environmental, and life form changes over
Other 7th grade ODE related standards:
7.2E.2 Describe the composition of Erath's atmosphere how it changed over time, and
implications for the future.
7.2E.1 Describe and evaluate the environmental and societal effects of obtaining, using,
and managing waste of renewable and non-renewable resources.
7.2E.3 Evaluate natural processes and human activities that effect global environmental
change and suggest and evaluate possible solutions to problems.
AAAS Benchmark Connection:
Cross-Curricular Learning Targets or Activities :

Unit Activities:

Day 1:Lecture 1 Introduction to Lanform Change

Assignment: "Weathering" worksheet/practice & textbook reading

Day 2:Powerpoint: Weathering

Discuss, and continue previous assignment

Day 3:Lecture 2 Soil Formation and Identification

Discuss, Assignment: "Soil" worksheet & textbook reading

Day 4:Lab #1: Weathering

In between parts 1 and 2 of lab, show Bill Nye video, "Rocks and Soil"

Day 5:Complete Lab #1

Video: Assignment Discovery – Landslides! Part 1

Assignment: "Gravity" worksheet/practice & textbook reading

Day 6:Video: Assignment Discovery – Landslides! Part 2

Lab #2: Soil

Day 7: Assessment on Weathering and Soil.

Day 8:Lecture 3 Erosional Forces: Gravity Mass Movements

Assignment: "Gravity" worksheet/practice & textbook reading

Day 9:Lecture 4 Wind Erosion Discussion

Assignment: "Wind Erosion" worksheet/practice & textbook reading

Day 10:Powerpoint: Glaciers

Assignment: "Glaciers" worksheet/practice & textbook reading

Day 11:Possible Video: NOVA – Extreme Ice

Demonstration of glacier movement. Draw and label features.


Day 12:Powerpoint: Surface/running Water

Assignment: "Surface Water" worksheet/practice& textbook reading

Day 13:Video: Bill Nye "Rivers"

Lab #3: Stream Table Erosion

Day 14:Powerpoint: Groundwater

Assignment: "Groundwater" worksheet?practice & textbook reading

Day 15:Internet Lab

Day 16:Lecture 5 Ocean Currents and Shoreline Erosion


Video: Bill Nye "Ocean Currents"

Day 17:RAFT Assignment: Summarize What You Have Learned

Day 18:"

Day 19:"

Day 20:Final Assessment: Basketball Court Problem

Analyzing case studies in erosion