7th-Grade Student Behavioral & Academic Expectations
Qualifying for Monthly Homeroom Activities & Year-end Triple Play Field Trip
“Three Strikes & You’re Out”
At the end of every month during the school year, 7th-graders are given the opportunity to participate in homeroom activities that pit each homeroom against the others. These are fun activities that take place during homeroom (first period) and sometimes carry into and for the duration of second period. Activities vary from month to month and give students a chance to bond with their homeroom classmates and other 7th graders to build community among the students and teachers.
Beginning with the month-end September activity, students MUST qualify and earn their way ACADEMICALLY and BEHAVIORALLY into each month-end activity through the end of May. Since we are giving the kids an opportunity to “skip” academics for at least one period a month for these activities, it is a privilege for students to attend them.
ACADEMIC (“Grades”)
· To qualify for each homeroom activity beginning with September’s month-end activity, students MUST have a grade-point average of at least 1.75 AND also have NO grades of “F”.
· A student’s current, overall grade in each class two (2) days prior to each activity will be used to determine ACADEMIC eligibility.
· Students who are ACADEMICALLY ineligible for a monthly activity will report to a designated classroom to work on missing assignments, organization, etc. for the duration of the activity.
· Students who do NOT pass nine (9) of their twelve (12) classes for the school year will NOT qualify for the year-end trip to Triple Play and would be required to attend school on the day of the trip instead.
BEHAVIORAL (“Following Rules” and “Being a Good, Courteous, Respectful Citizen”)
Lakeside’s 7th-grade students are expected to behave well, follow all school rules, follow directions, follow The Lakeside Way, and be respectful of adults and fellow students in all settings of Lakeside Middle School, not just in classrooms and in the 7th-grade wing. Behavior will be monitored before, during, and after school and includes attending a school-sponsored event (dance, sports events, etc.). This includes EVERY location of the building, school grounds, and even school buses.
Students do not qualify for monthly activities if they do one or both of the following in the month leading up to an activity:
· Receive ONE or MORE REFERRALS (“white slips”) to the office, as these are usually more serious behavioral issues
· Three (3) or more total offenses (“Three Strikes & You’re Out”) combined from any of the following categories (a LUNCH DETENTION may or may not be assigned):
1. Break school and/or classroom rules
2. Cause potential hazards for others
3. Interfere with the learning process
Common behavioral issues that could disqualify a student from attending a monthly activity that would be classified as a “strike” include some of the following (this list does not include EVERY possible infraction):
Excessive talking/disruptions in class Being off-task repeatedly in class
Pushing/shoving/running/wrestling in building Being disrespectful/rude to others
Using electronics in class when not permitted Eating/drinking in class when not permitted
Throwing objects in class
Please read the Lakeside Middle School Student Handbook for more rules and expectations.
Oftentimes, students are given a LUNCH DETENTION (which is an AUTOMATIC STRIKE) for many of the offenses listed above; however, not all teachers assign lunch detentions. Some teachers will simply warn students, and a warning is cause enough to warrant one (1) strike toward the “‘Three Strikes – You’re Out’ Rule”. Teachers do not all assign “strikes” in the same way or manner. It is up to students to know each of their teacher’s class expectations and abide by them. For example, students who cause problems and have behavioral issues at least three (3) times alone in the same class period during the month will not be eligible to attend a monthly activity. [Students have six (6) class periods.]
Point of thought: If a student ever has to ask a teacher if a “strike” was earned during a class period, then that should be a clue the student knows full well that he/she was probably NOT doing what was expected. Talking at the wrong time and being off-task are probably the top behavioral infractions our students typically exhibit. Encourage your son/daughter to be respectful in class by not talking when the teacher or another presenter is talking and to be fully engaged and doing what is expected work-wise at all times.
Students who are NOT qualified to attend a monthly activity will report to a designated classroom to evaluate and think about their choices and what caused them to miss the activity. Students will be expected to be seated and remain quiet while in this room. They will be dismissed to attend their next scheduled class period. (Depending on the activity and how long it is scheduled, the “next class period” could be 2nd or 3rd period.)
If a 7th-grade student misses three (3) or more monthly activities/competitions due to behavioral issues, that student also does NOT qualify to attend the year-end 7th-grade trip to Triple Play in Idaho. Help support your child in following “The Lakeside Way” (Working Hard, Doing the Right Thing, & Being Yourself) so he/she will not miss this year-end trip! There is a possibility that students who have missed ONLY three (3) monthly activities due to BEHAVIORAL issues between September 1 and May 31 could earn their way back to Triple Play. Students will need to discuss this with their homeroom teacher to find out the REQUIREMENTS for this to happen.
** Beginning with the September activity, students will be ineligible for all monthly activities until
this form is returned to their homeroom teacher **
Parents’ Section
By signing below, I/we understand the contents of this paper with regard to my/our child’s academics and behavior and also understand that he/she will be held accountable for poor grades and/or behavior by making himself/herself ineligible for monthly activities as a result. I/we further understand that if my/our child misses three (3) or more monthly activities due to behavioral issues and/or does not pass at least nine (9) out of his/her twelve (12) classes for the school year, he/she is ineligible and NOT qualified/welcome to attend the year-end field trip to Triple Play Fun Park in Idaho in June.
Parent(s) Signature: ______
Parent(s) Printed Name: ______
Date: ______
Parents/guardians of those students who do not qualify for a monthly activity due to BEHAVIORAL issues will receive a letter in the mail informing of their child’s absence and reason(s) for ineligibility.
Student’s Section
By signing below, I understand the contents of this paper and the expectations my teachers have for me academically and behaviorally. I also further understand that poor grades and/or behavior will disqualify me from participating in and attending monthly homeroom activities. I also understand that if I miss three (3) or more monthly activities due to behavioral issues/problems and/or do not pass at least nine (9) out of my twelve (12) classes for the school year, I will not be permitted/welcome to attend the 7th-grade year-end field trip to Triple Play Fun Park in Idaho in June.
Student Signature: ______
Student Printed Name: ______
Date: ______
Homeroom Teacher: ______