7th Grade Science Syllabus & Guidelines … 2015-2016
* Parts of the Syllabus are subject to change as needed *
/ Mrs. LundineSchool Phone: 662-393-7443
Conference Hours / After School by appointment
– Call school & 7th grade counselor will set up conference
Website / hlm.desotocountyschools.org
On the left side, click on “school staff”, then find & click on my name
Remind 101 / Text “@mrslundine” to 81010 to receive reminders about homework, tests, etc.
First Semester / Second Semester
1st 9 Weeks / Unit 1 – Forces and Motion / 3rd 9 Weeks / Unit 7 –Genetics and Heredity
Unit 2 – Electricity / Unit 8 –Genetic Engineering
Unit 3 – Weather / Unit 9 – Adaptations/Ecosystem
2nd 9 Weeks / Unit 4 – Earth’s Position / 4th 9 Weeks / Unit 10 –Earth’s Composition
Unit 5 – Chemistry / Unit 11 – Stars and Galaxies
Unit 6 – Cells, Viruses, Bacteria / Unit 12 –Natural Products
expectations / CONSEQUENCES:
- Treat EVERYONE with respect
- Take care of all business BEFORE entering the classroom.
- Be in your assigned seat and working on bell work when the tardy bell rings.
- Bring all needed materials to class every day.
- Follow directions the first time given.
- Verbal Warning
- Teacher/Student conference
- Phone call home
- Teacher/Student/Parent conference
- Office Referral (with possible: ALC, corporal punishment, suspension)
MUST be brought EVERY DAY to Science class:
Colored plastic folder (With pockets and brads) FOR SCIENCE ONLY!
Writing utensils (pencils and pens - any color BUT red or pink)
Needed by students to use consistently for homework:
Glue sticks
Colored pencils/markers/highlighters
Ruler (inches & mm)
*** Consistent access to Internet, Computer, & Printer
Class Entry Expectations:
- No backpacks allowed in class.
- Arrive to class on time & prepared to work.
Once you enter class you may not leave without teacher’s permission.
- Place your personal belongings off the desk,
Have instructional materials that are ONLY for Science class on the desk.
- Sit in your desk before tardy bell rings and write homework in your agenda.
- Begin working on bell work.
Raise your hand when finished. I will come around and stamp for correctness and completion.
- Read the activities of the day on the white board and get your class materials ready.
Refer to student agendas for usage policy and procedures if ever confiscated.
During class:
- Raise your hand to get the teacher’s attention:
Do not call out for any reason and disrupt class/instruction.
Raise pencil in hand if you need to sharpen your pencil and quietly wait until given permission.
- You will not be allowed to go to restroom during class except for extreme emergencies. You have PLENTY of time between classes.
End of Period:
- Remain in your seat until you are dismissed by your teacher.
- You are held accountable for leaving your desk area clean above, in, and under the desk.
- Make sure to return all class materials to their proper place, if others need help – help them.
NO backpacks (this includes draw-string bags & purses) allowed in class. Students can only go to their lockers during designated times. Any work left in the lockers will be considered late.
What to do so you are successful in this class:
- Keep a well–organized folder (All notes, bell work, hand-outs, and homework will be kept in your folder IN ORDER).
- Take notes frequently.
- Turn in assignments on time, complete, and legibly written.
- Follow all of the teacher’s instructions & respect the behavioral guidelines.
Check your child’s grade on-line through the school website’s “Parent Portal”. Call the school, they will give you the info you need to set up your account. The points are assigned and calculated so that they are the following percentages of your total grade:
Homework / 15 / A / / 90 / / 100
Test / Project / 40 / B / / 80 / / 89
C / / 70 / / 79
9 Weeks Exams / 10 / D / / 65 / / 69
F / / 64 / / BELOW
Semester Grades / GRADE %
1st 9 Weeks Average / 40
2nd 9 Weeks Average / 40
Semester Exam / 20
Each Semester:
Homework MUST be written down in agenda daily.
In the event there isn’t homework, the word “NONE” should be written down.
Classwork is due the day it is assigned unless otherwise specified. Once a student leaves my room they may not turn in classwork. It is the student’s responsibility to use their time wisely.
Homework is given every Monday and due every Thursday. Parents, if you sign your child’s homework, he/she will receive 10% extra credit on that assignment. (THIS IS GOOD FOR EVERY HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT)
Bell work is to be completed immediately after homework is copied down in agendas and homework is out on the desk. Bell work will be stamped immediately and counted as a classwork grade. Students must keep up with all bell work in their binders.
You have until I return graded work, to turn in late work for 70%. After I return graded work, the late work will result in a ZERO.
If a student is absent he/she is the one responsible for getting any make-up work. Students may get the handouts they missed from the “Absent” files in the back of the classroom. Students have 1 week to make up any assignments. Again, it is the student’s responsibility to make sure they turn in their assignments on time.
Name: ______
Period: ______
Student …
As a student in Mrs. Lundine’sScience class, I have read the entire course syllabus & guidelines and will follow them in class.
Student’s Name (print):______
Student’s signature:______
Date: ______
Parent …
As the parent of a student in Mrs. Lundine’s Science class, I have read the entire course syllabus & guidelines. I will guide my son/daughter to follow them for the benefit of his/her success.
Parent /Guardian Name (print):______
Parent /Guardian signature:______
Parent /Guardian email:______
Date: ______