Key Commands and Actions of the Color Guards

Action: Everyone will form up at Order Colors and Parade Rest prior to the ceremony beginning.

NOTE: Battalion Commanders will not give supplementary commands

Brigade Commander: “Brigade Attention & Parade Rest” (Colors will remain at Order Colors)

Color Guard: Colors will go to Attention and Parade Rest

Action: Introductions will be given for all commanders and units.

NOTE: As Commanders and Corps Staff is announced they come to attention and salute

COT: COT and staff take their initial post. The COT faces the staff and unit formations. When the COT has taken their post, she/he command “ Bring your units to Attention and Present Arms”.

Brigade Commanders: “Brigade Attention & Present Arms”

Color Guard: Colors will go to Attention and Carry Colors on the Command Execution Attention of Brigade Attention and slowly dip the colors on the command of execution Arms of Present Arms.

Action: The COT salutes.

COT: “Bring your units to order Arms and Parade Rest”

Brigade Commander: “Order Arms & Parade Rest”

Color Guard: Colors will (un dip the Colors) then go to order colors on the command of execution Arms of order Arms and then execute Parade Rest on the Command of Execution Rest of Parade Rest.

NOTE: When all unit are at Parade Rest, the COT faces the reviewing stand, and the Corps Staff reverses. The COT and Staff assumes the position of Parade Rest.

Action: Introductions of Key persons in attendance.

COT: “Bring your units to Attention and Present Arms”.

Brigade Commander: “Brigade Attention & Present Arms”

Color Guard: Colors will go to Attention and Carry Colors on the Command Execution Attention of Brigade Attention and slowly dip the colors on the command of execution Arms of Present Arms.

Action: COT faces reviewing officer and Salutes Reviewing Officer. COT reports, “Sir, The Command is Formed.”

NOTE: The reviewing officer returns salute and directs “Present the Command”

COT faces about: “Bring your units to Order Arms and Parade Rest”

Brigade Commander: “Order Arms & Parade Rest”

Color Guard: Colors will (un dip the Colors) then go to order colors on the command of execution Arms of order Arms and then execute Parade Rest on the Command of Execution Rest of Parade Rest.

Action: Remarks are made by reviewing officer.

**Presentation of Colors and Honors to the Nation

COT: “Bring your units to Attention”

Brigade Commander: “Brigade Attention”

Color Guard: Colors will go to Attention and Carry Colors on the Command of Execution Attention of Brigade Attention.

COT: “All Colors, Center (Pause) March”

Color Guard: School Colors only will move by the most direct route to a position behind the Corps Colors facing forward and the rest of the Color Guards will remain in place and at the carry colors position.

Corps Staff: On the preparatory command “All Colors, Center” the Corps Staff faces to the left. On the command of execution March, the Corps Staff marches forward to a position at the right front of the reviewing stand and conduct a right face.

Action: COT Salutes Reviewing Officer and say Sir the Colors are present.

COT faces about: “Bring your units to Present Arms”

Brigade Commander: “Present Arms”

Color Guard: Colors will slowly dip the colors on the command of execution Arms of Present Arms.

Action: COT Commands Colors Present Arms for the Organizational Colors then salutes Reviewing Officer then the National Anthem is sung. Upon completion the COT Commands Colors Order Arms.

COT faces about: “Bring your units to Order Arms”.

Brigade Commander: “Order Arms”

Color Guard: Colors will un dip the Colors but remain at the Carry Colors Position.

COT: “Colors, Post (Pause) March”

Color Guard: School Colors only will execute an About Face and move by the most direct route back to their organizational position.

Corps Colors: Conduct Reverse March, Forward March, Right Flank March and move to a position in front of the 5th Bde Command Group.

COT: Moves to original position.

COT: “Bring your units to Parade Rest”

Brigade Commander: “Parade Rest”

Color Guard: Colors will execute Order Colors and Parade Rest on the Command of Execution Rest of Parade Rest.

COT directs: “Persons to be Honored Center, March

COT: After the awards group has formed COT executes about face, salutes the reviewing officer and reports, “Sir, The Awards Group is Present.”

COT moves to the rear of the awards group.

Action: Awards Presented

COT faces about: “Bring your units to Attention”

Brigade Commander: “Brigade Attention”

Color Guard: Colors will execute Attention and then go to Carry Colors on the Command of Execution Attention of Brigade Attention.

Note 1: Corps Color Guard take all their commands off of the 3rd BDE (right next to them)

Note 2: Corps Staff and Colors move back to their original position with the COT once the awardees have received their awards and cleared out (prior to the COT closing the ceremony).