7th Grade Science Ms. Ferri, Room B115

Welcome to 7th grade science! We will be exploring our planet’s geology, energy and ecosystems this year. We will do lots of activities and use many different tools to learn about science.

Be Prepared!

  • Bring a pencil and pen every day to class.
  • All labs must be done in pencil only.
  • Students should have their agenda book with them in all classes.
  • You will need a three-ringed binder with the following 5 dividers:
  • Notes
  • Homework
  • Class Work
  • Labs, Essays and Projects
  • Quizzes and Tests
  • Homework should be ready to turn in at the beginning of class, complete with a correct heading (see Homework section).

We have a class set of textbooks for use in school. They cannot be signed out overnight, but I can make photo copies, if needed.

Please let me know if you do not have Internet access at home. If there is a problem with your home computer that prevents you from completing a homework assignment you MUSTbring in a note from a parent. ______

If your printer isn’t working, please email your homework to your school account, or mine: ______

If your computer is not working, please use pen and paper. You can always use a school computer later. ______

Basic Class Rules: These four main rules exist to help all students learn.

  • Listen quietly while others are speaking.
  • Respect yourself and others in the class – Put-downs and teasing are not allowed.
  • Be honest. Don’t copy from a book, a website, or another student. Do not let anyone copy from you.
  • Come to class on time, prepared, with all materials and a good attitude.

Additional Rules:

  • Absolutely no food, drinks, or gum in science class. This includes chewing on other things, such as pen caps, paper clips, etc., as they present a choking hazard and may be a distraction to others.
  • Any student reporting to class late needs to come with a pass.
  • It is the student’s responsibility to make up all missing work. When you return from an absence, please check the Absent file to see what work you have missed.
  • If you do not have a pencil, I will lend you one providing you give me something as collateral (I always get my pencils back ).


Homework is necessary both to introduce new concepts and to reinforce material covered in class. Reading the text and taking notes is an essential part of the students’ responsibility toward their own learning.

Each student should have a homework buddy, who they can call when they are absent, or need clarification on an assignment. ______

  • Homework is an important part of learning. Students who are responsible and have their work in on time will benefit greatly – 15% of your grade will be homework completion.
  • Homework must be present and complete at the beginning of class to receive full credit. Late work is accepted, but you will not receive full credit. Assignments without a proper heading will lose 1 credit. The heading should be in the upper right corner of your paper and should include the following:

Full name

Section (the name of your particular science class) ______


Assignment (page number and questions)

  • All homework questions must be answered in full sentences. This includes multiple-choice questions. We will go over this in class.
  • Students absent due to illness will have the number of days they were absent to make up the work. It is the student’s responsibility to find out what was missed during their absence. This includes class notes, as well as homework assignments. You will usually be able to find what homework and notes you missed on my website:
  • When you forget to put your name on a paper it will be put in the NO NAME box. When you know you completed an assignment, but it is not passed back to you, or credited on ASPEN, please check the NO NAME box before you ask me where your work is.
  • When your homework buddy is absent, please take an extra copy of any notes and handouts in class, put your partner’s name on the papers and place them in the Absent file.

Grade Breakdown:

15%Homework Completion

25%Labs and Projects

35%Tests and Quizzes

_25%Class Work and Participation

100%Science Grade

Extra Help

I am always available for extra help after school; however students must let me know when they would like to meet with me so that I’m in the room and not off making copies, etc. If you would like to meet with me before school, please let me know the day before and I will be there. I will announce and hold study groups after school prior to tests and quizzes. These are an excellent way to ascertain which concepts are the most important and should be the focus of your studying.

I have read the 7th Grade Science class rules, procedures and grading policies and understand that I will be held responsible for following these guidelines.


Student signature Date Class

Parent/Guardian: Please review the guidelines and expectations for this class and sign below. Please also initial the 3 places on the first page where technology issues are addressed. Comments and feedback are welcome.


Parent/Guardian signatureDate

Thank you for your patience in filling out yet another form for school.