Note: The rules stated here are supplements to the school rules and are not meant to supercede them.
• Be on Time. You may leave the room during class only for emergencies. No trips to restroom, locker, hall or anyplace else. For emergencies you will get 2 tardies Four tardies equals one detention.
.• Be quiet and ready for class at the bell. Prepare your notebook for class and be quiet. Talking and off-task will give you a detention after warning.
• Bring all of your materials as indicated on the bulletin board. Backpacks may be brought into the classroom.
• Take notes every day per instructions. Be complete and neat.
• Make up any missed classwork or homework within two days after returning to class.
• Don’t mark in your book or damage it in any way. Cover your book.
• No personal grooming in class.
• No gum, food, or drinks except water. You will get an immediate detention for these and for throwing anything in class.
• If there is evidence of a cell phone, it will be confiscated and your parents will have to get it from the principal.
• Don’t throw items on the floor. Nobody will be allowed to leave the classroom unless the floor is clean, including small scraps of paper and spiral notebook scraps.
• During lecture, notes are taken. Detailed methods will be explained. Notes are for your recollection prior to exams. Notes are to be taken on binder paper. Spiral notebooks are OK but don’t tear out any pages in class.
• Notes in the proper format will be allowed during pretests.
• Chapter tests (100 points) will be preceded by chapter quizzes (40-50 points), which are pre-tests. Study the pre-tests to prepare for the tests. There will be short quizzes (both announced and unannounced) on the lecture material. There will also be unit exams that use the material from the chapter tests. Labs will require a written form (writeup) which will be graded as the lab grade. Lab participation grades will be given on the proper behavior and procedures during the labs.
• All assessments must be made up if absent without reminder from the teacher.
• Homework will consist of written vocabulary, lab writeups, plus special topics and quizzes. Homework submittals are due at the class period on the due date. It will not be accepted after the class period on the day and will be graded as an “F.” Missed homework due to absence must be made up within two days after return from the absence unless there are special arrangements under a contract. It is the student’s responsibility to find out what missed assignments were and to make up the work without reminder from the teacher. Much of the homework will be given as a package which will often be checked off in class. Homework papers and pretests (Chapter quizzes) should be kept and used to study for chapter exams and for unit exams.
Grades are determined by tests, homework, notes, and extra credit.
Test grade scale:
100+ A+ 87-89 B+ 77-79 C+ 67-69 D+ <60 F
93-99 A 83-86 B 73-76 C 63-66 D
90-92 A- 80-82 B- 70-72 C- 60-62 D-
We do not round in any classes at San Benancio.
Citizenship grades are also given. I prefer to use the definition of citizenship that states "the duties, rights, and privileges of a citizen". The duties of a citizen of this school are to bring materials to class, be on time, do required work, and behave appropriately. A student who does all those will get an "O" for outstanding citizenship. Those who do not complete the duties will get either an "S" for satisfactory or "U" for unsatisfactory, depending on the duties not completed.
------Please fill out, sign, print and turn in this section to Mr. Wege ------
I have read and understand the above information:
Student: Printed Student Name:
Parent , Step-Parent, Guardian Information
First Name: / First Name:Last Name: / Last Name:
e-mail Address: / e-mail Address:
Telephone Number: / Telephone Number:
Relationship to Child: / Relationship to Child: