7th Grade Reading and Writing Final Project Rubric

Volunteer Verification Form (Signed) YES / NO (30 points)

Advanced(90-100) / Developed(80-90) / Developing(70-80) / Undeveloped(60-70)
(up to 12 points) / -Student has at least 5 pictures
-pictures show the student in action
-pictures have student in them
-each picture has an explanation of what is happening in the picture / -Student has at least3-4 pictures
-pictures have student in them but it is unclear what the student is doing
-each picture has an explanation of what is happening in the picture / -Student has 2 pictures
-pictures show some jobs that could have been done but student is not in them
-does not have caption / -Student has 1 picture
-student is not in them
-is not clear what student did to help
-does not have caption
(up to 12 points) / -student clearly states (in writing) his/her ideas about the importance of helping out in the community
-student makes clear connections between being involved in helping the community and being a responsible citizen / -student clearly states (in writing) his/her ideas about the importance of helping out in the community
-but student does not make connections between being involved in helping the community and being a responsible citizen / -student has incomplete writing about his/her ideas about the importance of helping out in the community and student has limited ability to connect being involved in helping the community and being a responsible citizen / -student does not clearly state (in writing) his/her ideas about the importance of helping out in the community
-student does not make connections between being involved in helping the community and being a responsible citizen
Community Service
(up to 12 points) / There is evidence of the student putting effort into helping others / There is some evidence but it is unclear whether student put forth effort, or put effort into simple tasks / It is clear student did not put forth much effort in helping others / Student did not put any effort into helping others
Advanced / Developed / Developing / Undeveloped
(up to 12 points) / -Student clearly states how they were affected by their experience of serving in a positive way
-student shows respect and empathy towards person they served
-student clearly states how they went above and beyond to serve rather than just do a job / -Student somewhat states how they were affected by their experience of serving in a positive way, no detail
-student shows respect towards person they served
-student clearly states how they went above and beyond to serve rather than just do a job / -student shows some way they were affected
-student shows very little respect towards person they served
-student shows an apathetic or attitude that doesn’t care about serving but just about doing the job / -Student does not show any way they were affected
-student shows disrespect towards person they served
-student shows an attitude of getting the job done rather than serving to help another
Social Issues
(up to 12 points) / -student clearly shows that they are aware of social problems or problems in their community
-student clearly explains how their service project connected to problems in the community / -student mentions that they are aware of social problems or problems in their community but
student does not clearly explain how their service project connected to problems in the community / -student vaguely (or do not give specifics) shows that they are aware of social problems or problems in their community
-student does not clearly explain how their service project connected to problems in the community / -student does not show that they are aware of social problems or problems in their community
-student does not explain explains how their service project connected to problems in the community
(up to 8 points) / -Student has detailed and organized PowerPoint (or Google Slides) presentation
-student includes color and presentation aspects
-student has clear pictures and organized explanations / -Student has somewhat detailed and organized PowerPoint (or Google Slides) presentation
-student has minimal color and presentation aspects
-student has some clear pictures but lacking explanations / -Student has minimal details and organization PowerPoint (or Google Slides) presentation
-student does not have color or presentation aspects
-student has very little clear pictures or lacking explanations / -Student does not have a detailed or organized PowerPoint (or Google Slides) presentation
-student does not have color or presentation aspects
-student does not have clear pictures or explanations