7th Grade Health

Mr. Damm


Throughout the curriculum, the students will be developing cooperative skills, realizing risk taking behaviors, and applying positive decision-making abilities. The fundamental wellness concepts of Social, Mental and Physical Health that were introduced the previous year will be built upon. Students will practice note-taking and test-taking skills while exploring and understanding topics of violence prevention/bullying, alcohol/drug abuse, relationships(healthy vs. unhealthy), and sexual risks/family health. Seventh grade students will be assessed via class participation, quizzes, group and individual projects, and creative writing assignments.

In keeping with the academic honesty policy, the work that any student brings to class should be his or her own, irrespective of whether it is being collected or graded.


At the end of this course the student will demonstrate competency by being able to:

  • Effectively participate in class discussions.
  • Productively work in groups.
  • Define and describe the three parts of overall health.
  • Demonstrate the ability to set goals and work towards them.
  • Define and describe qualities that contribute to wellness.
  • Make age appropriate decisions regarding their physical, mental and social health.
  • Demonstrate knowledge to make responsible decisions that are safe, healthful and legal.
  • Discuss how self-esteem can affect decisions.
  • Describe and demonstrate effective communication techniques.
  • Discuss and describe proper listening skills and why they are important in relationships.
  • Recognize positive and negative aspects of peer pressure.
  • Discuss how families fulfill each other’s emotional needs.
  • Describe the effects of hormones during adolescence.
  • Describe male and female reproductive systems.
  • Understand the concept of risk factors.
  • Develop a basic understanding of the consequences of substance abuse.
  • Recognize the difference between healthy and unhealthy relationships.
  • Identify the different facets of bullying and harassment.
  • Explore issues related to sexual health.
  • Define family health.


  • Assessments
  • Homework assignments
  • Class Projects (Individual & Group)
  • Class participation

Class resources:

  • Binder/notebook
  • Chromebook
  • Edmodo
  • Kahoot!
  • Poll Everywhere

Note: There is not a textbook for this class, so students must keep their class materials organized so they can be used as an effective resource.