7th Grade Coast Trip Intent Form and Behavior Contract
Samurais: April 20-22 Emperors and Sultans: April 27-29
In order to plan for the 7th grade coast trip, we must know who is going on the trip by October 2, 2015. This affects camp accommodations, number of buses, etc. The trip will cost $270 for 3 days and 2 nights with all meals (except breakfast on the first day) included. This price may need to be adjusted at a later date due to the number of students going or an unexpected cost for fuel. The price will be divided into three payments. Any checks should be made out to Jefferson Middle School. Please refer to the payment schedule below. If you have any questions, please contact your child’s science teacher.
· Deposit - $70 due by October 2, 2015 - NON-REFUNDABLE
· 2nd Payment - $100 due by December 4, 2015
· 3rd Payment - $100 due by February 26, 2016
Please be aware that these deadlines must be met and plan accordingly. Your child’s spot cannot be reserved if payment schedules are not met.
Behavior Contract: All students will be expected to meet the following requirements in order to participate on any overnight trips at Jefferson Middle School.
1. Students will not attend trip if they have received 5 or more office referrals. (Discipline referrals from elective teachers will also count towards this total.)
2. Students will not attend trip if they have received 2 or more out of school suspensions, 3 or more in school suspensions, any combination of 3 or more in or out of school suspensions, or if they have been assigned to ALC.
3. Students will not attend trip if they are in danger of failing more than one core class for the year.
4. Any outstanding fees that students owe the school will be tacked onto the cost of their trip.
Please complete the form below, detach, and return it to school by September 30, 2014. Please keep the top half as information for your use.
Return this form with the deposit to your child’s science teacher by October 2, 2015.
YES - My child WILL participate in the 7th grade trip ______
NO – My child will NOT participate in the 7th grade trip ______
I understand the requirements that must be met for my child to attend the 7th grade trip.
Parent Signature ______