7th Grade Accelerated Math

Course Overview

Welcome to 7th Grade Accelerated Math! This year, we will employ discovery and active learning to master the concepts outlined in the 7th Grade Accelerated standards for TN. By the end of the year, it is my goal that you will have a firm understanding of the concepts and skills needed in order to be successful for your next math course.

Required Text

Ready TNCore Mathematics 7 and 8 by Curriculum Associates

Course Materials

3-Ring Binder

Composition Notebook


Colored Pens

Notebook paper and 1 pack of Graph Paper

Inch Ruler


Glue Sticks

2 dry erase markers

Index Cards

Classroom Expectations

Follow all CMS rules.

Be respectful to the teacher and classmates and of school and personal property.

Be prepared with all materials and assignments.

Be on time—in your seat and ready to start class when the bell rings.

Plan to be successful in class this year!

Course Schedule bold topics are 8th grade topics

Quarter 1 / Quarter 3
Lesson 1: Adding Integers / Lesson 11: Represent Proportional Relationships
Lesson 2: Subtracting Integers / Lesson 12: Understand Slope-Intercept Equation
Lesson 3: Adding and Subtracting Integers / Lesson 13: Solve Linear Equations
Lesson 4: Multiplying and Dividing Integers / Lesson 14: Solutions of Linear Equations
Lesson 5: Terminating and Repeating Decimals / Lesson 18: Problem Solving with Angles
Lesson 6: Multiplying and Dividing Rational Numbers / Lesson 19: Conditions for Drawing Triangles
Lesson 7: Adding and Subtracting Rational Numbers / Lesson 20: Area of Composed Figures
Lesson 8: Solving Problems with Rational Numbers / Lesson 21: Area and Circumference of Circles
Lesson 22: Scale Drawings
Quarter 2 / Lesson 23: Volume of Solids
Lesson 9: Rations with Complex Fractions / Lesson 26: Volume of Cylinders, Cones, and Spheres
Lesson 10: Understanding Proportional Relationships / Lesson 24: Surface Area of Solids
Lesson 11: Equations w/ Proportional Relationships / Lesson 25: Plane Sections of Prisms and Pyramids
Lesson 12: Solving Problems with Prop. Relationships / Lesson 26: Random Samples
Lesson 13: Proportional Relationships / Lesson 27: Making Statistical Inferences
Lesson 14: Equivalent Linear Expressions / Lesson 28: Mean and Mean Absolute Deviation
Lesson 15: Writing Linear Expressions / Lesson 29: Measures of Center and Variability
Lesson 16: Solving Problems with Equations
Lesson 17: Solving Problems with Inequalities / Quarter 4
Lesson 1: Properties of Integer Exponents / Lesson 30: Probability Concepts
Lesson 2: Square Roots and Cube Roots / Lesson 31: Experimental Probability
Lesson 3: Rational and Irrational Numbers / Lesson 32: Probability Models
Lesson 4: Scientific Notation / Lesson 33: Probability of Compound Events
Lesson 5: Operations with Scientific Notation / Lesson 18: Properties of Transformations
Lesson 19: Transformations and Congruence
Lesson 20: Transformations and Similarity

Homework/Classwork Policy5-20 Points each

Homework will be given almost daily. These assignments are to ensure understanding and mastery of skills and are usually discussed in the next class meeting. Homework/Classwork will include textbook assignments, handouts, and reading assignments. Completed assignments are expected on time, either the next class meeting or the given due date. Late work will receive a grade no more than 80% of the earned score for correctness and completion. All late work must be submitted no later than two days following a chapter test. Homework will be assigned a score 0-5 based on both completion and correctness using the guidelines below.

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Completion / Correctness / Score
Complete / 0-3 missed / 5
Complete / 4+ missed / 4
Complete / None correct / 3
Completion / Correctness / Score
At least half / NA / 3
¼ - ½ / NA / 2
Less than ¼ / NA / 1
None / NA / 0
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Quizzes--10-30 points eachQuizzes will be given throughout each chapter. Quizzes will include short writing assignments to explain a process or solution and small sets of problems from a specific topic.

Tests--100 points eachStudents should expect three or four tests each grading period.

Projects--50-100 points eachProject assignments are made 7-14 days prior to due date. Projects will be accepted on the due date given.

Make-up WorkAssignments will be posted on the website. Students should check the website for any missed assignments, as well as the “While You Were Out” folder in the classroom for missed handouts. All make-up work is eligible for full credit up to 5 days upon return from an absence.


Students may attend Tiger Time with Mrs. Taylor during 5th Period on any given day. That schedule changes, but it is posted outside of her door for student reference. In addition, students may also work out a time with me to come for extra help either before or after school, as well as during 5th period study hall. Please let me know if you need to schedule a time to come see me. I will do my best to accommodate your child’s schedule.

Please read and discuss these policies with your child. When you have done so, please sign below and return the bottom portion to me within the first week of school. Thank you all for your support, and I look forward to a great year with each of you!


Student Signature ______

Parent/Guardian Signature ______

Parent Email ______

Home Phone ______

Cell Phone ______

Work Phone ______

*Please star preferred method of contact. Also, if there is anything else about your child that you feel it would be beneficial for me to know, please feel free to write any notes on the back.

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