Joint ESENIAS and DIAS Scientific Conference and

8th ESENIAS Workshop

Management and sharing of IAS data to support knowledge-based

decision making at regional level

26 – 28 September 2018

Bucharest, Romania


Please fill in


First Name:

Family Name:

Institution and Department:



Title of abstract/s:

Scientific topic/s:

Please choose from the list below and write the number of the scientific topic/s

  1. Invasive alien species traits and trends – invasive alien species introductions and spread, biological and ecological characteristics; characteristics of recipient environment; invasive alien species and climate change
  2. Vectors and pathways for invasive alien species introductions– analysis, prioritisation, action plans
  3. The DanubeRiver as invasive alien species corridor – priority species for the Danube Region, impact on threatened species, specificity of biological invasions in Lower, Middle and UpperDanubeRiver sections
  4. Invasive alien species impact – impact on biodiversity and ecosystem services, socioeconomic impact and impact on human health; pests and pathogens
  5. Invasive alien species prevention and management–early detection and rapid eradication,surveillance systems; risk assessment and horizon scanning; control measures; restoration of damaged ecosystems; education, citizen science, strategies, policy and legislation;
  6. Management and sharing of IAS data – IAS networks and information systems, databases, data planning and management.

Form of presentation:

Please choose and tick that way: (x)

( )Oral presentation

( )Poster presentation

Scientific paper

Please inform us if you intend to submit a manuscript, please tick that way: (x)

( )I plan to submit a manuscript to the Transylvanian Review of Systematical and Ecological Research

( )I plan to submit a manuscript to the Acta Oecologica Carpatica

( ) I plan to submit a manuscript to the Acta Horti Botanici Bucurestiensis


( ) Academica Hotel of the University of Bucharest. We recommend early booking because the number of rooms is limited. Prices: in single room 100 lei / person / night; in double room 80 lei / person / night; in triple room 60 lei / person / night. There is no breakfast included. Please, indicate the type of room you want and the name of person(s) you share with.

( ) Siqua Hotel. Prices: in single room 190 lei / person / night.

( ) Others (participants should make their own booking).

Please send your filled Registration form to the following address:

By: 20 August2018.