7th Annual Seattle School Artist Residency

“Becoming Whole”

from the evening of April 23, to the morning of April 29, 2015

| at 2501 Elliott Ave |

For seven days each academic school year, 10-15 artists from The Seattle School have 24-hour access to the first two floors of the building to create, explore, dialog, and collaborate with one another in their artistic endeavors. The rhythm of each day is up to the artists to structure for themselves. Every evening, artists come together around the table for dinner and fellowship with one another and the evening's host, providing a rich time for conversation and rest during the creative process. Following the residency, artists display their work in the 2nd floor gallery and have the opportunity to share their process with the community through a gallery show during Summer Term

The Artist Residency is open to students, spouses/partners, and alumni of The Seattle School.

The meals for the Artist Residency are provided by members of The Seattle School community.


Please complete the following application for the 2015 Artist Residency. Please note that the intent of the residency is to provide a space for artists to create in community. Thus, while artists are encouraged to be in the building as much as possible during the week-long residency, attendance at dinner each evening is required for participation.

Application is due: March 20, 2015

Artist Info


Degree Program:

Year in Program/Year graduated:

Primary medium(s):

Special needs:

Though The Seattle School is unable to provide childcare, we’d like to assist in finding & funding childcare for those who have children.

  • Are you in need of childcare? yes / no
  • If so, how may we assist you?

All meals will be provided by the The Seattle School Community.

  • Do you have any dietary restrictions?

Do you have any Logistical / practical concerns (potential schedule conflicts, etc...):


Artist Bio | Please answer the following questions in a paragraph or less:

How did you come to know yourself as an artist?

How does this week fit into your ongoing artistic/creative endeavors?

What do you anticipate being the greatest challenge of creating art in community?

What blessing do you seek in this week of creative space?

All applications are due by March 20, 2015

Please send to Dean of Student & Alumni/Field Abbot Paul Steinke at .