Math Study Skills
2015-2016 Syllabus
My name is Kara Richardson and I am very excited to be teaching your child’s math class! This is my nineteenth year of teaching. I received my Bachelor’sDegree from RoanokeCollege in Salem, VAin Health and Physical Education and I received my Master’s Degree magna cum laude from Appalachian State University in Cross-categorical Special Education. I am certified in middle school (6-8) language arts and math. I have completed Level II training with Division TEACCH from the University of North Carolina. I am also a National Board Certified Teacher.
Required Materials
You will need the following materials for math class. Please bring these to school as soon as possible:
-Lots of #2 pencils and erasers
-One 2-pocket folder
-One pack of loose leaf paper
Donations of the following items are needed and are greatly appreciated!
-Candy for incentive rewards
-Hand Santizer
-A box of tissues
Classroom Expectations
Be respectful and responsible.
Discipline Procedure
-Silent lunch/Conference with teacher.
-Parent contact by phone/note
-Office referral
If the offence is repetitive or severe any step may be skipped.
All assignments are to be turned in on time. After two days the assignment will be counted as a zero (0). Full credit can be received until that time.
When absent time to make up the work is the same time that the student is absent. (If your child is absent 2 days then he/she will have 2 days to complete the missed work.)
Course Information
Number Worlds is built on standards, concentrating on specific standards to effectively accelerate mathematical understanding. Daily lesson activities emphasize using communication, logic, reasoning, modeling, tools, precision, structure, and patterns to solve problems. By allowing students to focus on mastering key standards, Number Worlds effectively connects concepts to close achievement gaps for students.
All assignments/homework are to be turned in on time. Assignments/homework that are turned in late will receive 10 points off each day it is late.
To see what your child’s homework assignment is you may check:
-my webpage
-your child’s agenda. It is the student’s responsibility to copy daily homework assignments in to their agenda.
All assignments/homework will be included in the class grade.
Power School
Parent(s)/Guardian(s) may check your child’s grades at any time on Power School. If you need help accessing Power School you may contact Mr. Steve Blair in the office. If you wish to receive a hard copy of your child’s progress reports all you need to do is let me know in writing.
Grading Scale
A: 100-90
B: 89-80
C: 79-70
D: 69-60
F: 59 and below
Contact Information
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.
Phone 336-774-4630
Write me a note separately or in your child’s agenda.
My student and I have read and understand all information and policies outlined in above syllabus.
Student Signature and Date______
Parent Signature and Date______