74th ASOSU Senate

Eighth Meeting – Spring 2015

Tuesday, May19th, 2015

JPLC Journey Room

  1. Call to Order/Roll-Call/Quorum

Meeting begins at 7:06

Sen. Porter Excused

Sen. Tran Excused

Sen. Madin Excused

  1. Swearing in of Senators
  1. Singing of the Alma Mater

Motion to forgo

Second – Sen.

  1. Approval of Meeting Minutes

Move to approve – Sen. Seachrist

Second – Sen. Miller

  1. Standing Committee Reports
  1. Student Government
  2. Nothing
  3. Student Outreach
  4. Sen. Miller
  5. Mobile town hall
  6. Talked about important issues
  7. How student government can help for the better of the school
  8. Oversight & Ethics
  9. Nothing
  1. Special Committee Reports
  1. Student Bill of Rights
  2. Nothing
  3. Sen. Cottrill
  4. Patching things up
  5. Putting the duty on the next congress
  1. Delegate Reports
  2. MarceyBamba & Michele Ribeiro
  3. Opportunity to put an application in for a 1 week deadline
  4. Discuss proposal
  5. Growing the space
  6. Trying to accommodate people that need support
  7. Mental health promotion
  8. Serve many students
  9. Many students apply to work and volunteer every year
  10. Like to support students to get the experience that they want
  11. Generate a mental health program
  12. Active minds
  13. Amazing student group
  14. Tons of students help with graphic design
  15. Need more space
  16. Can reach more student in the SEC
  17. Meet their needs before things escalate
  18. Sen. Miller
  19. Administration allocated money
  20. Caps is huge part of learning
  21. MarceyBamba
  22. Construction bid was much higher then what was allocated
  23. Groups rooms are moving up and have less then expected
  24. Got approval for another counselor
  25. Not having enough room for student workers
  26. Opportunity for there to be space in the hub of the student center
  27. Sen. Miller
  28. How can ASOSU help facilitate the process
  29. MarceyBamba
  30. Advocate for everyone
  31. Michele Ribeiro
  32. Had a very clear vision
  33. Wrote the proposal and did not take long to figure out what was needed to be said
  34. Frame work to encourage others
  35. Will add more numbers throughout the end of the year
  36. President Williamson
  37. A senator would be more then willing to write a resolution
  38. Lyndi Rae Petty
  39. Successfully planned sexual assault awareness month
  40. Collaborating with active minds
  41. Showing happy
  42. Movie about mental health
  43. Yoga in the Quad
  44. May 27th – 11am – 3pm
  45. SEC plaza
  46. Clean up of cigarette butts
  47. Picked up 6 thousand last time
  48. Next Thursday
  49. Sen. Miller
  50. Do people have to be skilled in yoga
  51. Brett Morgan
  52. Week 3 was the DC lobby trip
  53. Drew was unable to go
  54. Had to figure out some solution
  55. Worked with USSA
  56. Able to get a sponsorship
  57. Teaches about sexual assault
  58. Consensual relationships
  59. Very impactful
  60. Forwarded the bill to rep. Blumenauer and Schrader
  61. Have not been able to follow up just yet
  62. Springfield road show
  63. OSA baseball card day at the capitol
  64. Students had a demonstration
  65. Working in transition document
  66. Budget has not been finalized yet
  67. Cassie Huber
  68. Setting up the New Crag
  69. City advisory committee
  70. Working on formatting tasks that need to be accomplished
  71. Transition with more community ambassador positions
  72. Opportunity for people to gain more experience
  73. Trying to get student involved
  74. Taking students to city meetings
  75. Transit advisory board
  76. Event at 1pm in the second floor conference
  77. Sen. Miller
  78. Have you seen a heightened increased in community relations
  79. Have seen an increase of representative
  80. Good neighbor day
  81. Sen. Al-Abdrabuh
  82. Do not agree with the decision
  83. Upset that there is a step back
  84. Needs to be a greater initiative
  85. Sen. Seachrist
  86. Not in the ASOSU constitution
  87. Needs to be decided by all of the students
  88. Accessibility affairs task Force Director- JohnathanGotcher
  89. Organized an autocate
  90. Working with writing a good transition document
  91. Trying to figure out someone to house the project
  92. Week without stairs
  93. Accessibility tours
  94. Campaign this Friday with polar pops
  95. Sen. Cottrill
  96. Who do you think should head this
  97. Johnathan
  98. More of a center web facilities
  1. Old Business
  1. JB 06.25
  2. Sen. Cottrill – Was this sent to committee
  3. Sen. Sechrist – Space
  4. Speaker Pro-Temp – Pulled and sent to the judicial council
  5. Verbally consented to the 1%
  6. President – This will be put in the statues
  7. Judicial council is ruling
  8. Sen. Cottrill – Is this specifically for write in candidates
  9. President – The JC ruling is specifically for the bill
  10. Sen. Seachrict – People that are considered for appointment must have 1% of the votes
  11. President- Pro-temp- Filed candidates will be looked at by a mini committee
  12. Write in candidates would have been those filled seats
  13. Sen. Cottrill – Shouldn’t it force everyone to get 1% of the vote
  14. President – Accept an application
  15. They would determine the eligibility
  16. Allows to shorten everything way down for someone that did get 5 votes
  17. It would be more legitimate
  1. New Business
  1. JB 06.26
  2. Speaker Pro- Temp
  3. Pulled the bill
  4. JR 06.04
  5. Forgo first readings so that it can be voted on
  6. Sen. Al-Abdrabbuh
  7. Solar vehicle team will be resolved
  8. Has been a member for more then 3 years
  9. Great value and great investment
  10. Need more transparency
  11. There should be a reason for the forgoing of sponsorship
  12. Word that reflects 1000 signatures from the community
  13. Sen. Sechrist
  14. Couple of edits
  15. University unit
  16. Be it hereby further resolved
  17. Sen. Cotrill
  18. How much does this cost
  19. Considerable expense
  20. Gallery – Solar vehicle team
  21. Total car expenses is about 10 thousand dollars
  22. Expenses should not be used against them
  23. Time spent is a lot
  24. One of 15teams in the entire world to be invited to go
  25. Sen. Cotrill
  26. What is the purpose
  27. Gallery
  28. Vision is to educate students
  29. Learned worthwhile experience
  30. President Williamson
  31. Resolution makes me feel good
  32. This can affect something that effects you all
  33. Signed the petition
  34. Nothing but supportive
  35. Incredibly impressive
  36. Fit perfectly with OSU’s core values
  37. Have an incredible opportunity to put them into action
  38. This shows your dedication
  39. Don’t see any reason why this should not be funded
  40. Sen. Miller
  41. Call to question
  42. Second Sen. Lohman
  1. President’s Announcements

- Great feeling about the Solar Vehicle team

- Reached fundraising minimum

  1. Senator Comments

Sen. Miller – Went to Salmon bake

-Encourage everyone to go

-Very exciting

Sen. Al-Abdrabuh

-Love seeing the team grow

-Shout out to John for his help

Sen. Miller

-Town hall was great

Speaker Pro Temp

- Wednesday is the inauguration

  1. Gallery Comments

Rep. Kauffman – Would love to be a sponsor for a bill

  1. Adjournment
  1. Meeting adorned8:08pm
  2. Motion to adjorn Sen. Lohman
  3. Second Sen. Miller