7330CA 7TH Grade Accelerated Math Syllabus and Expectations with Mr. Erb
Email: Phone: 240-566-9280 Webpage: http://education.fcps.org/ums/DavidErb
Our class code for Google Classroom is ______
This is the first year of a two-year, two course sequence during which students will receive mathematical instruction in Common Core Grade 7, Common Core Grade 8, and Common Core Algebra 1.
Mathematics topics include:
· Number Systems – Rational Operations & Number Sense (Term 1, Units 1& 2)
· Expressions and Equations (Terms 1, 2, & 4, Units 3, 5, 6 ,& 7)
· Ratios and Proportional Relationships (Term 2, Unit 4)
· Statistics & Probability (Term 3, Units 8 & 9)
· Geometry (Term 4, Units 10,11, & 12)
Homework I encourage parents to regularly check their students’ grades on the home access center. The following list of codes is provided to help parents better understand the online grading program.
· An “E” is issued to excuse work. (This neither hurts nor helps a student’s grade.)
· A “Z” is used by teachers to let parents know that an assignment has never been turned in. (The “Z” counts as a zero in the student’s grade in order to give an accurate reflection of what the grade will be if the assignment is never turned in.)
· An actual “0” in a grade book signifies that a student earned a zero on the assignment while a blank shows that a grade has not yet been entered.
Homework will generally be worth 5 points per assignment if complete with work shown. Class-work and warm-ups will be graded similarly although the point value will vary with the assignment. Late assignments will incur a 10 % penalty for each day late not to exceed 50% of the earned grade.
Assignments will be posted daily on the classroom assignment board as well as on my webpage assignment calendar using http://education.fcps.org/ums/DavidErb
Google classroom will be used regularly for class and homework assignments.
Quizzes Plan on several per chapter. I regularly give a quiz following a homework assignment’s review to ensure that you are carefully doing your homework and checking it with me in class. Occasionally it will be an open notebook quiz so be sure to keep up with your notes and assignments. Quiz grades generally range between 20 and 50 points.
Tests A test will be given in every unit. Per math department policy, no retests will be given this year. However, students may be given the opportunity to participate in a re-teaching session to demonstrate further mastery of math concepts. A graded activity will accompany this re-teaching and will be recorded as a formative assignment. Students who have already demonstrated mastery, as determined by the teacher, will be given an alternate extension activity. Any student who earns a D or F on a test or quiz will be expected to get it signed by a parent/guardian and turned in
Notebooks You will be responsible for a notebook using a 3 ring binder this year. It will consist of your work including notes, class-work, and homework placed in date/category order.
Extra Credit Bonus/extra credit points will be available at times this year. They will be added occasionally to quizzes and tests and to some assignments. Do not plan to use extra credit work to replace or make up for the required work. Do not wait until interim report time or the end of the marking period to become concerned about your grade as I will unlikely be able to help you at this late point. Plan and prepare ahead of time for these events.
Grade Weights
· Warm-ups/Class-work 30%
· Homework 10%
· Quizzes& Tests (Summative) 60%
Be on Time and on task. Students should be in their seat working on the warm-up and ready to start class when the bell rings. This also means you will have several sharpened pencils (no pens), your textbook, your planner, and your math notebook with completed homework assignment.
Students are expected to remain on task throughout the class and to complete all assignments.
Show Respect for Others. Respect other students by allowing them to complete their assignments without disruption. Respect the teacher by watching, listening, and following directions.
Absences.This year notes will frequently be made available on my web site along with the daily assignments so that you can keep up even when not here. The online textbook is always available with high speed internet via my web page. (Be sure to get the user name and password.) When returning from an absence and the missing assignment includes a worksheet on placed on Google Classroom, look in the file folder for your class. In case you missed a quiz or test, be sure to make arrangements to take the quiz or test within one week of your return. Be aware that I will not be able to tutor you during class for missed material.
Tutoring. Tutoring will be available during the ELT (Extended Learning Time) following period 2.
Discipline Steps. Urbana Middle School follows the PBIS (Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports) program, which is a school-wide approach to discipline. Our goal is to change behaviors that are disruptive to the learning environment. In accordance with the PBIS program, students will be rewarded with “wings” for positive behavior and there will be consequences for failure to follow behavior guidelines and expectations. For the 2016-2017 school year consequences are accumulated PER STUDENT and not within each classroom. Therefore, you may hear from different teachers regarding your child’s progression through the steps. The progression is as follows:
First offense: Verbal Warning and restatement of expectation
Second Offense: First classroom reflection and parent contact
Third Offense: Second classroom reflection and parent contact
Fourth Offense: Lunch detention and parent contact
Fifth Offense: After school detention and parent contact
Sixth Offense: Administrative conference and parent contact
We have read and understand the information contained in the syllabus via Google Classroom and/or Mr. Erb’s webpage. We will provide the necessary materials, behaviors, and support for a successful school year.
With respect to internet access for homework assignments, my child has:
_____ Internet access _____No internet access
Please sign below indicating that you have read and understand the above syllabus and expectations. It is to be returned to Mr. Erb on August 26th and will be treated as a homework assignment.
Student Printed Name ______Class Period ______
Student Signature ______
Parent/Guardian Printed Name ______Relationship to Student______
Parent/Guardian Signature ______