A.P. World History
Background Information on A.P. World History:
The A.P. World History (APWH) course covers the time period between the Paleolithic Age (2.5 million BCE) and the present. Besides covering an extensive period of time, APWH also covers ALL of world history, thus every continent and every civilization will be studied. In order to accomplish the APWH curriculum, independent student work during the summer is a necessity. Summer work will focus on the first unit of study, which is the Paleolithic Age thru the ancient civilizations. The first summer assignment will consist of reading and taking notes from the course text book. The second summer assignment will consist of reading and answering questions on a primary source. By completing these assignments over the summer, we will be able to begin the second unit in the APWH curriculum within the first two weeks of school.
Summer Assignment #1
Traditions & Encounters by Bentley & Ziegler
Each student will be given an APWH text book to take home and use over the summer. Each student needs to read the assigned chapters and take notes. ON THE SECOND CLASS MEETING, STUDENTS WILL BE GIVEN A MULTIPLE CHOICE TEST ON THESE CHAPTERS.
Chapters to read & take notes on:
- Chapter 1: Before History
- Chapter 2: Early Societies in Southwest Asia & the Indo-European
- Chapter 3: Early African Societies & the Bantu Migrations
- Chapter 4: Early Society in South Asia
- Chapter 5: Early Societies in East Asia
- Chapter 6: Early Societies in the Americas and Oceania
Helpful Hints:
- Write down anything with the words: except, never, always, first, last, most, least
- Write down people and why they are significant
- Write down the cause and effect of people, events or the introduction of items (disease or products)
- Write down statistics & remember to note who had the most and who had the least
- Write down similarities and differences between civilizations and people
Summer Assignment #2
Agricola & Germania by Tacitus
- Type all answers
- First & Last Name, AP World History, Date, and Assignment #2 in upper left hand corner
- Times New Roman Font, Size 12, Double Spaced
- WEIGHT: This assignment will count as a test grade and applied to the Essay portion of the grade scale.
Introduction: Read and take notes on:
- Germany and Rome in History (30)
- The Early Roman Empire (34)
- The Constitution of the Empire (42)
- The Provinces of the Empire (45)
Agricola: Answer the following questions.
- How did Agricola’s wife aid him in his career? (55)
- What does the quote, “He passed the interval between his quaestorship and his tribunate of the people, and also his year of office as tribune, in quiet retirement; for he understood the age of Nero, in which inactivity was tantamount to wisdom” (56) suggest about Nero as an emperor?
- According to chapter 8, how did Agricola advance in the military? (58)
- What does the quote, “To mention incorruptibility and strict honesty in a man of his caliber would be to insult his virtues” (59) suggest about Rome’s politicians and government officials?
- How does Tacitus insult the Britons? (61-2)
- How does Rome use the relationships between the British tribes to their advantage? (62)
- How do the Britons feel about the Romans? (65-6)
- What was Boudicca’s impact on Roman authority? Short and long-term. (66-7)
- What does the quote, “[Agricola] therefore gave private encouragement and official assistance to the building of temples, public squares, and good houses” (72) suggest about Rome and people they conquered? What does Tacitus believe?
- According to Calgacus’s speech, what do the Britons think about the Romans? Give specific examples. What do the Britons now see themselves as? What do the Britons blame for their losses so far? Why do the Britons believe holds conquered people to Rome? (80-83)
- According to Agricola’s speech, what advantage do the Britons have over the Romans? (85)
- What does the quote, “On the British side, each man now behaved according to his character” suggest about Tacitus’s feelings towards the Britons? (88)
- What were the social effects of the lost battle? (89-90)
- Explain the tenacious relationship between Agricola and Domitian. Quote from the text as evidence. Note: there should be more than one answer and quote. (91-6)
Germania: Answer the following questions. For questions 19-25, use chapters 1 thru 27 and answers should be at least 1 page in length.
- Describe the government of the Germans.
- Describe the economy of the Germans.
- Describe the religious beliefs of the Germans. (101-3)
- Describe the society of the Germans (ie. class differences, role of women).
- Describe the intellect of the Germans (ie. education, literature).
- Describe the art/entertainment of the Germans.
- Describe the technology of the Germans.
- Based upon chapters 4 thru 6, what do the Germans value? (104-107)
- Based upon chapters 28 thru 46, how are the various Germanic tribes similar yet different?
Independent Research: Use the following web site to take notes on the emperors listed below. Do not focus on their childhood, but instead their reigns as emperors. Your notes may be in bulleted format. Remember to include important information such as their achievements as emperors and their flaws as emperors.
De Imperatoribus Romanis
- Julius Caesar (d. 46-44 BCE)
- Augustus (31 BCE-14 CE)
- Tiberius (14-37 CE)
- Caligula (37-41 CE)
- Claudius (41-54 CE)
- Nero (54-68 CE)
- Galba (68-69 CE)
- Otho (69 CE)
- Vitellius (69 CE)
- Vespasian (69-79 CE)
- Titus (79-81 CE)
- Domitian (81-96 CE)
- Nerva (96-98 CE)
- Trajan (98-117 CE)
- Hadrian (117-138 CE)
- Antoninus Pius (138-161 CE)
- Marcus Aurelius (161-180 CE)