


705 Cloud Cap Avenue, Pagosa Springs, CO 81147, Tel 970 731 4446,


University of Texas (196163) Kellogg Fellow in the Administration of Higher Education. Ph.D. with major in Educational Administration and concentration in Sociology.

Michigan State University (195758) M.A. with major in Guidance and Counseling.

Castleton State College (195054) B.S. with major in Education.


Professor Emeritus, Higher Education, New York University, New York, NY (2011-)

Professor Emeritus, Educational Leadership and Policy Studies – Arizona State University (1999-)

Professor of Higher Education (1999-2011). Chair, Department of Administration, Leadership and Technology(2003 - 2008) - New York University

Director, Alliance for International Higher Education Policy Studies – New York University (1999 - 2007)

Professor Division of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies, Arizona State University (1977 1999)

Associate Director - National Center for Postsecondary Governance and Finance, Research Center at Arizona State University (1985 1990)

Professor and Chair Department of Higher and Adult Education, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona (197783)

Founding President Northampton County Area Community College, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania (196777)

Dean of Instruction Forest Park Community College, Junior College District, St. LouisSt. Louis County, Missouri (196467)

Dean of Student Personnel Services Meramec Community College, Junior College District, St. LouisSt. Louis County, Missouri (196364)

Instructor of Social Studies and Counselor Vermont College, Montpelier, Vermont (195861)

Research Assistant Michigan State University (1958)

Commissioned Officer, U.S. Marine Corps Reserve, (Active Duty 1954-1957)


Member of National Advisory Board for the State Policy Review Project of the National Center for Public Policy and Higher Education. December (2009-2010)

Leader, U.S. Team of Consultants, National Roundtable Seminar Series on Higher Education for the Ministerio do Ensino Superior Ciencia e Tecnologia, Republica de Mozambique, Maputo, Beira and Pembe Mosambiqueand U.S. Site Visits. (2001)

Senior Consultant, State Policy Leadership Advisory Panel, National Center for Public Policy and Higher Education (1999-2001)

Policy Advisor, Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education, Western Policy Exchange Project (1996-1999)

Visiting Scholar, New York University (while on sabbatical from Arizona State) (1997-98)

Senior Researcher, The California Higher Education Policy Center, Comparative Study of State Structures for the Governance of Higher Education, (1994 -1997).

Member or Chair for more than 25 Institutional Accreditation Committees for the Middle States Association, North Central Association, Western Association, and U.S. Office of Education. Served on visiting teams for wide range of institutions including community colleges, comprehensive colleges, research universities and such federally controlled institutions as West point and the Naval Academy, (1970-1999).

Research Consultant, Community Agency for Social Enquiry, Johannesburg, SA, Comparative Study of Academic Development at South African Tertiary Institutions, (1992-1993)

Consulting Editor, Journal of Higher Education, Ohio State University (1974 - 2011)

Visiting Scholar, University of CaliforniaLos Angeles, (1984)



University Lecturer in Higher Education, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania (19671977)

Adjunct Research Professor of Higher Education, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania (19731977)


Honorary Alumni Award, Northampton County Community College, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania (2011)

Outstanding Alumni Award, Castleton State College, Castleton, Vermont (2010)

Building Named “Richardson Hall” at Northampton County Community College (Bethlehem, PA) in recognition of service as founding president (2002)

Researcher of the Year Awards, College of Education, Arizona State University (1988, 1993);

Research Publication of the Year, Fostering Minority Access and Achievement in Higher Education, Council of Universities and Colleges, American Association of Community and Junior Colleges, (1988).

Distinguished Service Award, Council of Universities and Colleges, American Association of Community and Junior Colleges, (1984).

Outstanding Research Publication Award, Council of Universities and Colleges, American Association of Community and Junior Colleges, (1983).

Distinguished Service Award, Council of North Central Community Junior Colleges, (1983).

Distinguished Graduate Award, College of Education, University of Texas at Austin, (1982).

Honorary Doctor of Letters (Litt.D), conferred by Lafayette College, Easton, PA. for state and national leadership in establishing community colleges, (1972).



Richardson, R.C. , and Martinez, M. (2009) Policy and Performance in American Higher Education: An Examination of Cases across State Systems, Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press.

______, Bracco, K., Callan, P., and Finney, J. (1999) Designing State Higher Education Systems For a New Century. Phoenix, AZ: American Council on Education/Oryx Press.

______and E. F. Skinner (1991) Achieving Quality and Diversity: Universities in a Multicultural Society. American Council on Education/Macmillan, New York.

______and L.W. Bender (1987) Fostering Minority Access and Achievement in Higher Education: The Role of Urban Community Colleges and Universities. Jossey-Bass Publishers, Inc., San Francisco, California.

______, E. C. Fisk and M.A. Okun (1983) Literacy in the Open Access College. JosseyBass Publishers, Inc., San Francisco, California, Chapter 4 reprinted in Perspectives on Literacy. E.R. Kintgen, B.M. Kroll, and M. Rose, Editors. Southern Illinois University Press, 1988, pp. 254-260.

______, C.E. Blocker and L.W. Bender (1972) Governance for the TwoYear College. PrenticeHall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, N.J.

______and C.E. Blocker (1968). Student's Guide to the Two Year College. Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, N.J.

Blocker, C.E., R.H. Plummer and R.C. Richardson Jr. (1965) The Two Year College: A Social Synthesis. PrenticeHall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, N.J.


Richardson, R.C. Jr. , Rollin Kent, and Donald Fisher, Higher Education Policies, and Performance in Canada, Mexico and the U.S., New York University: Alliance for International Higher Education Policy Studies, March 2007.

______. A Conceptual Framework for Comparative Studies of Higher Education Policy, New York University: Alliance for International Higher Education Policy Studies, September 2004.

Richardson, R.C. Jr. and Rollin Kent. Government Policies and Higher Education Performance in the U.S. and Mexico: Report of a Comparative Study, New York University: Alliance for International Higher Education policy Studies, August 2002.

______. and Mario C. Martinez. New Jersey and New Mexico, Explaining Differences in the Performance of Higher Education Systems, New York University, Alliance for International Higher Education Policy Studies, September 2002.

Richardson, R.C. Jr. Systemic Change in Higher Education, Boulder, CO: Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education, June, 1999

______. with others, Higher Education Governance: Balancing Institutional and Market Influences. San Jose, CA: The National Center for Public Policy and Higher Education, November, 1998)

______. (principal author) with others State Structures For the Governance of Higher Education: A Comparative Study. San Jose, CA: The California Higher Education Policy Center, Spring, 1997.

______. State Structures For the Governance of Higher Education: Illinois Case Study Summary. San Jose, CA: The California Higher Education Policy Center, Spring, 1997.

______. State Structures For the Governance of Higher Education: California Case Study Summary. San Jose, CA: The California Higher Education Policy Center, Spring, 1997.

Richardson, R.C. Jr. Creating Effective Learning Environments: State Policy and College Learning. Denver, CO: Education Commission of the States, March, 1993.

______, Improving State and Campus Environments for Quality and Diversity: A Self-Assessment, with Matthews and Finney. Denver, Colorado: Education Commission of the States, 1992.



______, Promoting Fair College Outcomes: Learning from the Experiences of the Past Decade. Education Commission of the States, Denver, Colorado: January 1991, p. 41.

______, Responding to Student Diversity: A Community College Perspective. Education Commission of the States, Denver, Colorado: June 1990.

______, The State Role in Promoting Equity. Education Commission of the States, Denver, Colorado: June 1990.

______, Institutional Climate and Minority Achievement. Education Commission of the States, Denver, Colorado: October 1989.

______, Serving More Diverse Students: A Contextual View, Education Commission of the States, Denver, Colorado: June 1989.

Bender, L.W. and R. C. Richardson Jr. Urban Community College Students: An Autobiographic Profile. Center for State and Regional Leadership, College of Education, Florida State University, 1987.

Richardson, R.C. Jr. and L.W. Bender, Students in Urban Settings: Achieving the Baccalaureate Degree. Association for the Study of Higher Education/ERIC Higher Education Report 6. Washington, D.C.: 1985.

______, K. Martens and E. Fisk, Functional Literacy in the College Setting. American Association for Higher Education-ERIC/Higher Education Research Report No. 3, 1981.

______, and L.L. Leslie. The Impossible Dream? Financing Community College's Evolving Mission. American Association of Community and Junior Colleges/Council of Universities and Colleges/ERIC Clearinghouse for Junior Colleges, Horizon Issue Monograph Series, 1980.

Mortimer, Kenneth P. and R.C. Richardson Jr. Governance in Institutions with Faculty Unions: Six Case Studies. Center for the Study of Higher Education, The Pennsylvania State University, 1977.

Richardson, R.C. Jr. Interim Campus Starting New Community Junior Colleges. American Association of Junior College, Washington, D.C., 1968, p. 38.


Richardson, R.C. Jr. The Alliance for Higher Education Policy Studies: Final Report to the Ford Foundation, March 1, 2007.

______. Creating Effective Learning Environments: Report of a Study Funded by the Ford Foundation. Tempe, AZ.: Arizona State University, 1992, p.75



______, Promoting Fair College Outcomes: Learning from the Experiences of Thirteen States. A report to the Office of Educational Research and Improvement, U. S. Department of Education, 1991, p. 53.

______and E.F. Skinner, Organizational Influences on Minority Baccalaureate Achievement. A report to the Office of Educational Research and Improvement, U. S. Department of Education, 1988, p. 51.

______and L.W. Bender, Helping Minorities Achieve Degrees: The Urban Connection. A Report to the Ford Foundation, 1986, p. 192

______, L. Kimball, S. Wolf and G. Kleemann, Missions and Priorities of Arizona Universities: A Research Report. Arizona State University, 1984, p. 82.

______, with others, Literacy in the Community College. Report of a National Institute of Education funded Research Project, 1982, p. 450.

______, D.S. Doucette and R.R. Armenta, Missions of Arizona Community Colleges: A Research Description. Arizona State University, 1982, p. 90.

______and L. Attinasi, Persistence of Undergraduate Students at Arizona State University: A Research Report on the Class Entering in Fall, 1976, Arizona State University, 1982, p. 12.

______and D.S Doucette, Persistence, Performance and Degree Achievement of Arizona Community College Transfers in Arizona's Public Universities. Arizona State University, 1980, p. 105.

______and R.L. Schultz, PostSecondary Education Needs in Coconino County, Arizona State University, December, 1977, p. 57.


Richardson, R.C. Jr., Teboho Moja, and Uri Cohen (2011), Defining and Developing Excellence in Three National Settings: Israel, South Africa and the U.S., a book chapter in Questioning Excellence in Higher Education: Policies, Experiences and Challenges in National and Comparative Perspective, Michele Roston and Massimiliano Vaira, editors, Sense Publishers: Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 2011.

Richardson, R.C. Jr. and A. Hurley, (2005) From Low-Income and Minority Access to Middle-Income Affordability: A Case Study of the U.S. Federal Role in Providing Access to Higher Education, book chapter in Implementation Policies, Alberto Amaral, editor, CIPES (Center for Research on Higher Education Policies) Fundação das Universidades Portuguesas.

Richardson, R.C. Jr. and T. Smalling (2005) Accountability and Governance, book chapter in The Many Faces of Accountability: Holding Higher Education Responsible For Performance, Joseph Burke, editor, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass

Richardson, R.C. Jr. and Gerardo E. de los Santos, Statewide Governance Structures and Two-Year Colleges, in Community Colleges: Policy in the Future Context, edited by Barbara Townsend and Susan Twombley, Westport, Connecticut: Ablex Publishing, 2001, pp. 39-55.

Richardson, R.C. Jr., The Role of State and Institutional Practices, in Access Denied: Race, Ethnicity and the Scientific Enterprise. George Campbell Jr., Ronni Denes, and Catherine Morrison Editors, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000, pp 207-212.

Callan, P., K.R. Bracco and R. C. Richardson Jr. State Policy for a Time of Adaptive Change, in Seeking Excellence through Independence, Terrence MacTaggert Editor, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1998

Richardson, R.C. Jr. and M.A. White, Toward More Systemic Retention Strategies, in Policies and Practices: A Focus on Higher Education Retention. Washington, DC: American Association of State Colleges and Universities, 1997, pp 25-33.

______. Effectiveness in Undergraduate Education: An Analysis of State Quality Indicators, in Charting Higher Education Accountability: A Sourcebook on State-Level Quality Indicators. S.S. Ruppert, Editor. Education Commission of the States, Denver, CO, June 1994, pp 131-146.

______. Also in Charting Higher Education Accountability: A Sourcebook on State-Level Quality Indicators. S.S. Ruppert, Editor. three case studies:



"Illinois," pp. 40-51

"The State University of New York," pp 65-72

"Texas," pp 94-103

______, and M. Wolverton, Leadership Strategies, in Managing Community Colleges: A Handbook for Effective Practice. A. M. Cohen and F.B. Brawer, Editors. Jossey-Bass Publishers, San Francisco, CA, 1994, pp 40-59.

______, and D.B. Elliott, Improving Opportunities for Underprepared Students, in Teaching and Learning in the Community College. T. O'Banion, Editor. American Association of Community Colleges, Community College Press, Washington, DC, 1994, pp 97-114.

______, and D.M. Pavel, Better Measures of Equity in Minority Participation and Enrollment, in A Challenge of Change. American Association of State Colleges and Universities, Washington, DC, 1992, pp. 145-169.

______, and A. G. de los Santos, Jr. Ten Principles for Good Institutional Practice in Removing Race/Ethnicity as a Factor in College Completion, in A Crucial Agenda: Making Colleges and Universities Work Better for Minority Students. M. Odell and J.J. Mock, Editors. Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education, Boulder, Colorado, 1989, pp. 71-78.

______, The Presence of Access and the Pursuit of Achievement, in Colleges of Choice: The Enabling Impact of the Community College. J.S Eaton, Editor. Collier MacMillan Publishers, New York, 1988, pp. 1-25.

______and D.J. Vangsnes, Equity and Affirmative Action, in Key Resources on Higher Education Governance, Management and Leadership. M.W. Peterson and L.A. Mets, Editors. Jossey-Bass, San Francisco, 1987, pp. 366-389.

______and W.R. Rhodes, Effective Strategic Planning: Balancing Demands for Quality and Fiscal Realities, in Renewing the American Community College. W.L. Deegan, D.Tillery and Associates, JosseyBass Publishers, Inc., San Francisco, CA, 1985. pp. 284302.

______, Access, in Colleges at the Crossroads: Proceedings of a Legislative Workshop. C. Lenth, Editor, Western Interstate Compact for Higher Education, Boulder, Colorado, December, 1985, pp. 711.



______, Responsible Leadership: Tipping the Balance Toward Institutional Achievement, in Community College Leadership for the '80s. J.E. Roueche and G.A. Baker, Editors. The American Association of Community and Junior College, Washington, D.C., 1984, pp. 5162.

______and W.R. Rhodes, Governance as the Process of Building Commitment, in The Community College: Alternative Perspectives. G. Vaughan, Editor. JosseyBass Publishers, San Francisco,1984.

______, S. Wolf and L. Kimball, Public Attitudes Toward Postsecondary Education in Arizona, Background Report for the Town Hall on Postsecondary Education in Arizona Postsecondary Education in the Eighties. Arizona Academy Research Committee, Phoenix, Arizona, April, 1983, pp. 95125. Slightly revised version published in the Research Report for the 42nd Town Hall. 1983, pp. 81106.

______, Financing Community Colleges in an Era of Scarce Resources, in Responses to Fiscal Stress in Higher Education. R.A.Wilson, Editor. Center for the Study of Higher Education, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, June, 1982, pp. 147155.

______, Tenure Promotion and Career Development, in Campus Employment Relations. T.N. Tice, Editor. The Institute of Continuing Legal Education, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1976, pp. 211222.

______, The Needed Institutional Response, Educational Opportunity for All: An Agenda for National Action. R. Yarrington, Editor. American Association of Community and Junior Colleges, Washington, D.C., 1973, pp. 5165.

______, The Student's Role in the Affairs of the College, in Junior College Student Personnel Work: Practice and Potential. T. O'Banion and A. Thurston, Editors. PrenticeHall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1972, pp. 51-67.

______, A Reaction to the Carnegie Commission Recommendations, in The Expanded Campus, Current Issues in Higher Education. D.W. Vermilye, Editor. JosseyBass, Inc., San Francisco, 1972, pp. 2227

______, The Community College; Myth and Reality, in The Prospects for Higher Education. N. Hobbs, Editor. Southern Newspaper Publishers Association Foundation, Atlanta, Georgia, 1971, pp. 6781.

______, Departmental Leadership in the TwoYear College, in Current Issues in Higher Education, G.K. Smith, Editor. Association of Higher Education, Washington, D.C., March, 1967.




Shakespeare, C. and R.C. Richardson Jr. Policies and System Performance: Final Project Meeting Report.January, 2007.

Richardson, R.C. Jr. A Comparative View of Higher Education Issues: Reflections on an International Dialogue. New York, NY: New York University, 1997.

______From Access to Achievement: Strategies for Urban Institutions. Report of a National Invitational Conference, National Center for Postsecondary Governance and Finance, College Park, Maryland, 1988.

______, Emphasis: Occupational Education in the TwoYear College. American Association of Junior Colleges, Washington, D.C., 1966.



Parker, T. , and Richardson, R.C. Jr. Ending Remediation at CUNY: Implications for Access and Excellence (Fall 2006) Journal of Educational Research and Policy Studies, Vol. 5, No. 2

Martinez, Mario and Richard C. Richardson, “A View of the Market through Studies of Policy and Governance,” American Behavioral Scientist, Vol 46, No 6, January 2003, pp. 1-20.

Richardson, R.C. Jr. ‘La Educacion superior en los Estados Unidos: una decada de fomento,” Revista De La Educacion Superior, V. XXIX, Abril-Junio de 2000, pp 81-93.

Bracco, K.R., R.C. Richardson Jr., P.M. Callan, and J.E. Finney, Policy Environments and System Design: Understanding State Structures, The Review of Higher Education, Volume 23, No. 1, Fall, 1999, pp. 23-44.

Richardson, R. C. Jr., F.M. Orkin, and G.C. Pavlich, Overcoming the Effects of Apartheid in South African Universities, The Review of Higher Education, Volume 19, No. 3, Spring, 1996, pp. 247-266.

Pavlich, G.C., F.M. Orkin & R.C. Richardson, Educational Development in Post-Apartheid Universities: Framework for Policy Analysts, South African Journal of Higher Education, Vol 9, No 1, 1995, pp. 65-72.

______and M. Wolverton, "Quality and the Public Interest." Journal for Higher Education Management. Winter/Spring 1994, 9(2), pp 83-94.

______and M. Wolverton, "Quality and the Public Interest." Journal of Tertiary Education Administration. May 1994, 16(1), pp. 81-93. (By cooperative agreement, the article in this and the preceeding reference was published simultaneously in Australia and the U.S.)

______"Faculty in the Transfer and Articulation Process: Silent Partners or Missing Link?" Community College Review. Summer 1993, 21(1), PP 41-47.

______and E. F. Skinner, "Adapting to Diversity: Organizational Influences on Student Achievement," Journal of Higher Education, September/October 1990, 61(5), pp. 485-511.

______and A.G. de los Santos, "From Access to Achievement: Fulfilling the Promise," Guest editor's introduction, Review of Higher Education, Summer 1988, 11(4), pp. 323-328.

Skinner, E.F. and R.C. Richardson Jr. "Making It in a Majority University: The Minority Graduate's Perspective," Change, May/June 1988, 20(3), pp. 34-42.

Richardson, R.C. Jr, "Improving Effectiveness Through Strategic Planning," Community College Review, Spring 1988, 15(4), pp. 28-34.

______, H. Simmons and A. G. de los Santos, Jr., "Graduating Minority Students: Lessons from Ten Success Stories," Change, May/June 1987, pp. 20-27.



Kleemann, G. and R.C. Richardson Jr., "Student Characteristics and Perceptions of University Effectiveness," Review of Higher Education, 9(1), Fall 1985, pp. 5-20.

Richardson, R.C., "Setting an Agenda for Research on the Community College," Community College Review, 13(2), Fall 1985, pp. 4-9.



______, "The Decline of Critical Literacy," Change, 17(3), May/June 1985, pp. 43-50.

Doucette, D., R.C. Richardson and R.F. Fenske, "Defining Institutional Mission: Application of a Research Model," The Journal of Higher Education, 56(2), March/April 1985, pp. 189-205.

Richardson, R.C. Jr. and D. E. Gardner, "Designing a Cost Effective Planning Process," Planning for Higher Education, 13(2), Winter 1985, pp. 10-13.

______, "Open Access and Institutional Policy: Time for Reexamination," Community College Review, 10(4), Spring 1983, pp. 47-51.

______and D. Gardner, "Avoiding Extremes on the Planning Continuum," The Journal of Higher Education, 54(2), March/April 1983, pp. 180-192.